Senators_soccer wrote:thenoose wrote:I think that New Boston will come out on top of this one.Yes, from what I've heard West has been said to be improving, but I think New Boston will win this game due to them be a more physical team.
A more physical team then west?? That has to be sarcasm... And I see us taking it if we keep playing like we have lately..We've really got a lot of momentum built up after losing all season and coming together now...
Are you really being serious right now??When Minford played West, all West didn't play physical, they played cheap.The thing is that Minford didn't sit there and complain about it either, they just played their game and STEAMROLLED over west.Momentum does play a role in the tourney, but everyone starts out with a 0-0 record.Yours will shortly end at 0-1!!

....have a nice day!!