SOC1 Race is Close
Re: SOC1 Race is Close
No matter who is to blame, I feel a disappointment for this happening. As a former coach at Clay, I can say from my experience that the A.D. made sure all i's were dotted and all t's were crossed before I was allowed to do anything. I won't cast blame, or point a finger, but I think it best we all wait for the administration to comment on what REALLY happened before we say something we might regret. If they already have spoken, I apologize for my ignorance. If not, or if they choose not to comment, I still won't cast blame because I think these people all really want the best for the students.
Re: SOC1 Race is Close
Agreed, Pantherfan. Instead of celebrating their hard-work and achievements, the student-athletes are now embarrassed and humiliated because the school leaders, athletic director, and coaches did not work together and did not pay attention to each other. These guys are supposed to cooperate and communicate with one another so stupid paperwork errors do not happen at the beginning of the season and the kids do not have to lose it all at the end. The student in question may have known he was in the wrong, but he is a kid, and everyone else involved is an adult, charged with and hired the responsibility to follow the rules and do the right thing. The adults let the students down. This is a life lesson for sure. I hope that Clay's leadership is transparent as they figure out how to move forward and guarantee this will never happen again.
Re: SOC1 Race is Close
Agree to some degree, but the players probably knew he was ineligible. Did they tell their parents? Ask the coaches? It may not be their responsibility to do so, but they probably knew. Was it just a coincidence the player did not play in any conference games until senior night, and then against newcomer St. Joseph? Was that because other conference coaches may be more apt to find out? Not accusing, just asking.
Re: SOC1 Race is Close
I think the only reason he saw any time on the field that night was because a nice gesture was trying to be made for a special occasion and for no other reason than that.
Re: SOC1 Race is Close
OHSAA needs to be involved. Coach needs to be fired. Willful cheating. AD can’t claim they didn’t know. That’s a big part of their job. Makes not difference what the parents think. And they kids simply rely on the coach. What a cluster.highflyer wrote: Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:14 am Agree to some degree, but the players probably knew he was ineligible. Did they tell their parents? Ask the coaches? It may not be their responsibility to do so, but they probably knew. Was it just a coincidence the player did not play in any conference games until senior night, and then against newcomer St. Joseph? Was that because other conference coaches may be more apt to find out? Not accusing, just asking.