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8/21 Logan@Jackson

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 7:58 am
by play-on
Logan leads in 1st half off a header by Ryan Cassidy. Jackson's Ethan Tawny ties the match with a blast to the corner of the net. With 12 minutes remaining, Logan's Michael Meadows bends the ball around a wall during a free kick, sending the ball to the left upper corner of the net for an apparent go ahead goal. Kick was indirect; goal waved off. Score ends 1-1.
Should make for an interesting rematch on 9/23 when Jackson plays on Logan's new turf field.

Re: 8/21 Logan@Jackson

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 12:58 pm
by JHSoccer
Good game, it was pretty intense. Oh and btw its Tawney with an E just so you know haha. Good summary