SILENT SEPTEMBER For Youth Soccer ??

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SILENT SEPTEMBER For Youth Soccer ??

Post by Omega »

New rules for youth soccer in South Carolina. Fan behavior down here tends to be rowdy and even violent/vulgar down to the four year old tee ball level. Do SEOPers think this is a good idea?:

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — Some South Carolina soccer fields are likely to be quieter this September.

Local media report the South Carolina Youth Soccer Association is implementing rules designed to keep parents and spectators from yelling at players, referees and coaches.

The association says the "Silent September" rules will be in effect for all league games.

The association says inappropriate heckling and poor behavior by fans prompted the rules. There can be no cheering or jeering by parents and visitors at the games.

The rules allow referees to ask coaches to ask parents to be quiet if there is yelling. A second violation requires coaches to ask fans to be quiet. A third violation will result in the violator being removed. If either the coach or fan refuses, the game will be stopped. ... story.html

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Re: SILENT SEPTEMBER For Youth Soccer ??

Post by 4thgoal »

I think it is sad that it would come to this kind of decision. Obviously, their situation has gotten out of control to require drastic action like this. It would take a lot of the fun and enjoyment out of the game for the kids. There is nothing better than to be able to yell "Great Job!" to a child playing a game and see them look over and smile at you.

SP soccer
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Re: SILENT SEPTEMBER For Youth Soccer ??

Post by SP soccer »

I just imagin being a 7 year old kid with the ball at my feet and instead of learning what i should do next, all i hear is "get him, kick it, and shoot it" by 100 aggressive adults that i either respect or fear. That is called chaos and is why youth sports are not the same as they used to be.

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Re: SILENT SEPTEMBER For Youth Soccer ??

Post by rxburgfan »

Parent behavior is nightmarish at times. I'd hate to have to police this rule.

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