Congratulation !!!!!!!!!!!!! Jordan, for receiving two of the area top awards for volleyball. It couldn't happen to nicer young lady, and your very deserving of them.
Good luck to you and the Valley Indian's in tournament play.
Jordan Arbaugh
- Freshman Team
- Posts: 104
- Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:27 pm
Re: Jordan Arbaugh
since there is not a PDT on mondays who knows ? but a good guess would be POY for SOC Div II for 2009 and dist all stars repeat. congrats to all the girls on a very successful season and 4 players SOC 1st Team J.A ,M.S, L.D, and L.W. and 2 players 2nd team. S.E & K.S. 

- candystore
- Varsity
- Posts: 537
- Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 12:42 pm
Re: Jordan Arbaugh
you tell me your secret and i will tell you mine LOL. just good guesses or wishfull thinking, they won SOC this year and going off of what the football and basketball picks look like year to year it usually favors the winner of league thats all. and 3 of them made it last year and they had better year this year. other 3 deserve it because it is a team effort.
Re: Jordan Arbaugh
Congrats to Jordan, well deserved. But these awards are not supposed to be out until most of the team are out of tournaments.
- Waterboy
- Posts: 29
- Joined: Tue Dec 09, 2008 8:45 am
Re: Jordan Arbaugh
Cograts Jordan on Soc player POY and Dist POY. I also heard her coach won Soc coach of the year and Dist coach of the year!!! Congrats to the whole team and good luck in the tourney.
- getitoverthenet
- Waterboy
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:16 am
Re: Jordan Arbaugh
everyone that let the cat out of the bag say your sorry. this is a big secret shhhhh!