fix athens program

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fix athens program

Post by xcoach »

What are athens parents and players gonna do about their coach? It's time for them to speak up! The AD and principal need to hear about the problems. I hear rumblings in the grocery stores, at the farmers market, and at vb matches, but have any complaints made it to those in charge??

Guy in the Stands
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Re: fix athens program

Post by Guy in the Stands »

Ok, Spartys, I'm posting but not directing anything towards you so don't get hostile when you see my name-


I've heard a lot of grousing too and have been the source of some it. But I wonder how much disastifiaction there is. It is hard to get any true sense. I'm not sure if this site is representative as I suspect about 10 or so folks use it, 9 of them from Sparty world. It will be interesting to see if there are hits.

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Re: fix athens program

Post by mainetime »

so what's the real problem with Athens?
Player Attitudes?

Because I know some of the girls from Athens who love the coach, and wouldn't want to play for anyone else.

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Re: fix athens program

Post by xcoach »

From what I can tell and have heard, the coach doesn't develop skills well, plays favorites, holds grudges, and has a foul mouth and temper.

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Re: fix athens program

Post by SErunner »

xcoach wrote:From what I can tell and have heard, the coach doesn't develop skills well, plays favorites, holds grudges, and has a foul mouth and temper.

I hope there isn't any truth to that statement, but I would like to see the athens program get turned around. And it isn't just V-ball. Athens hasn't been sucessful for a while. I don't count the athens XC titles because that
wouldn't have happened if they stayed in the SEOAL.

Is Athens the biggest school in the TVC?

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