WV Juniors Club Tryout

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WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by roundhouse »

WV Juniors Tryouts will be Nov. 30 from 1:00 til 4:00 pm at Marietta College's Dyson Boudo Recreation Center. There will be 4 courts for tryouts with the hope of 6 teams. Two 14's, two 16's, and two 18's. This all depends on how many tryout obviously. Not sure who all the coaches are but I do know the head coach is Dan Anderson who is the assistant at Warren. If you have any questions you should call him at 304-615-4586. There is a tryout fee of $5 and the cost if you make a team the cost should be around $400. This includes several things you can ask Dan about if your interested. Just another club in the area I hadn't seen anyone talk about. It's kind of forgotten about I think because it's based just across the river in WV. Alot of girls from Warren and Marietta have played for this club so ask around.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by fighting_falcon »

tried this club a few years ago. Avoid it, our experience was awful. Coach came late to practice, layers skipping practice, entered in lousy tourneys.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by roundhouse »

I had heard that too, but Dan has only been involved for one year and from what I hear it was much better last year. They did have trouble with one of the coaches but Dan picked up the slack. He has stated to me that he will not just ask anyone to be a coach and I know that he tries to find quality coaches. Plus he can't coach the Warren girls so it seems to me he would want to find good coaches for those girls. Who was the coach if you don't mind my asking. Maybe not a name but where she was from. I don't want to get personal about a coach.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by k k ann »

WV Juniors is a very good way for volleyball girls to keep in the game during off season. My kids played two years. Ok not everything was perfect so one went to Aleta the following year. She was the ONLY girl from her school picked in her age group, had 5 players playing the same position out of 8. Because this team was just an extra team the focus was on the team that had Coach Js players. We had the worst schedule and you could tell that there was absolutely no thought to any part of the team. The entire group of parents were so disgusted that no one tried out the next year.
WV Jrs. will have 3 tournements in Parkersburg!! Teams from all over.
2 in Huntington, and then Columbus, gee how thoughtfull of them to not spread it out like Aleta. We had one weekend in a town 4 hours away. We had to play it with our five liberos!!! They just don't set and hit like a setter or a hitter if you know what I mean.
Do what you want. I am glad that there is a local team that has Dan Anderson and people like him.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by fighting_falcon »

All I can tell you is my experience.

From what I have seen volleyball in WV is not as good as vball in SEO, and outside of Alexander the rest of the schools are pretty far behind the rest of the state. If you don't believe me get out and just go to some tryouts in Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo, Cleveland.

I understand Dan was not in charge (no one was) when my daughter played so I hope he turns it around, unitl then ......

k k ann
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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by k k ann »

[quote="fighting_falcon"]All I can tell you is my experience.

From what I have seen volleyball in WV is not as good as vball in SEO, and outside of Alexander the rest of the schools are pretty far behind the rest of the state. If you don't believe me get out and just go to some tryouts in Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Toledo, Cleveland.

I understand Dan was not in charge (no one was) when my daughter played so I hope he turns it around, unitl then ......[/quote

"WV Juniors is a very good way for volleyball girls to keep in the game during off season." Are there more competitive teams out there? ya betcha. They almost always include lots of time, money, miles and no other sports. For a local program with very few games away, it's a good value and and a great opportunity for the girls to play without driving 2 to 3 hours to practice 2 times a week.

The competion is greater in and around larger Ohio cities. That is why they are trying to get more teams from Ohio, PA and WV.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by fighting_falcon »

Play away. Good Luck. I'm sure we will see the benefits down the road.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by devilsadvocate »

Why would you hold tryouts on Thanksgiving weekend when many people travel and are out of town? I'm going to guess you won't find a club in Ohio using this date for that reason.

Somebody tell us WHO will be the coachs this year before I decide this will be the club for my daughter. In the past, it was a joke with coaches not showing up for practice or even for games. Play closer tournaments, pay less money but all that means nothing if you don't have quality coaches. Those 3 Parkersburg tournaments in April your talking about will only be for ages 16, 17 and 18 year olds and the competition last year was not good at all. Nothing for the younger kids so they will have to travel.

Agree completely with fighting falcon, best to avoid this club unless you can assure the parents there kids will have good instruction by quality coaches. PLease list the coaches on this forum so parents can make an informed decision.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by k k ann »

Do you get to pick your coach at the other teams, Match Point and ALETA? Do you know who is coaching in Waterford, SEO Attack? I don't so enlighten me.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by devilsadvocate »

This isn't about matchpoint, aleta or seo attack. I haven't had a bad experience with those clubs. Since you seem so knowledgable on the subject, just answer the question. I only want to do whats best for my daughter.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by roundhouse »

Not sure why all of the crap started flying I was just informing everyone of another area club that was having a tryout. Unfortunately, I gave the wrong info. Marietta college double booked the Rec Center so the tryouts had to be pushed back until 3:30. With registration from 2:30 'til 3:30. Just so everyone knows there are horror stories about every club. It's unfortunate that anyone has to have a bad experience but it happens and it happens everywhere, every year.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by devilsadvocate »

Can anyone post who the expected coachs are for this club? If no one knows would a call to Mr. Anderson get me the answers?

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by Attack »


i have the same questions you do. also, is this team a sure thing? was planning on going to waterford, but they have cancelled the season due to no facilities. can anyone answer any of these questions?

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by devilsadvocate »

Here are how some others feel about club tryouts (from another website).

"Personally I would not want to commit to a team where you do not know who your coach would be. It is the single biggest factor in how much you will learn for the year. We always post all of our coaches by age group before tryouts and we tell them who the coach of the team will be before they have to decide."

"For those of you looking at clubs...do your leg-work. Ask around about the club and their coaches, and get details. Don't just settle for someone saying it's a great club."

This is why those of us thinking about sending our daughters to WV Juniors tryouts want to know who's coaching.

Who can help?

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by Attack »


well what are some other clubs that still have try outs? we missed the first few, and were counting on going to waterford. this is the only one i can find that is left. i may just take my daughter to someone for 1-on-1 clinic type sessions. if you know anyone who conducts those, and is a quality coach, post that on here please. my daughter wants to work hard to get better, but i dont want her to be wasting her time. thanks in advance.

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by tigerland »

Attack: E- mail the WV Juniors director with your questions and make up your own mind. Her name is Michelle Wherry she is a very nice person. email address: [email protected] <[email protected]>

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by sports_nut »

Where can people find out who made the teams?

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Re: WV Juniors Club Tryout

Post by roundhouse »

They contacted us via email. I know though that some of the kids didn't check that or didn't have email. Michelle said the reason they had to use the email was they couldn't get the site to work properly to get the teams posted. She also stated that she was trying to call all of the kids who didn't have email. Just passing it on. You should be able to contact her to find out. I'm sure she would want to know who did and didn't get the email.

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