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Online Seeding/Voting - Southeast District

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:10 pm
by 90buckeye
Southeast District Volleyball Coaches,

Please follow-up with your athletic director if you have not received tournament online seeding/voting information. Step 1 of the online seeding/voting process (record and team information) begins this Sunday, September 28 at 12:01 AM and ends on Wednesday, October 1 at 11:59 PM. Step 2 (voting) begins on Thursday, October 2 at 12:01 AM and ends at 11:59 PM on Friday, October 3. The results of the online seeding/voting will be utilized to place your teams on the tournament brackets so your participation in the process is very important. Contact your tournament manager (contact information located at if you have questions about the tournament. If you have questions about how to use the online system (creating an account, submitting information, casting votes, etc.), please contact me (Terry Young) at [email protected] or 740-517-0195 (text or voice).

Good luck!

Re: Online Seeding/Voting - Southeast District

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:56 pm
by boo33vb
Glad to see the SE district getting on board with this system. We were a part of it at Chillicothe when we were D! in the Central District 2009 thru 2012 and it works. Coaches who do their homework will see this is a productive, fair, fast way to seed and should place nearly all teams where they belong. This pretty much eliminates bias, jealousy and those who dont do the homework stand out like a beacon when all is said and done. Good job SE District for adopting this system.

Re: Online Seeding/Voting - Southeast District

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:39 am
by warrior90
In d2 for example, are they ranking 1 to 17 or are the north and south still separate and you only rank your section?

Re: Online Seeding/Voting - Southeast District

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2014 8:42 am
by RonVonHagen
RonVonHagen wrote:The Southeast District is behind the times. It should just be one bracket, coaches prevote their seeds and come to the meeting to pick the line they want on the bracket. A la the Central District. From a coach's perspective (except Buyer from WCH) the one side of the bracket is ridiculous but from the fan's point of view they get to watch some awesome match ups early in the tourney. Leggo Southeast District... It's 2013 not 1999 (prince reference haha).
That was written September 22, 2013....

I'm guessing it will still be a North/South bracket instead one super bracket but hey, it's a start!

I am.... Von Nostradamus Hagen