Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

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Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by vchoops »

Last night, the Paint Valley Board of Education voted 3-2 to not bring Shayne Combs back as baseball coach. Coach Combs has spent the last several years coaching at Paint Valley, and the last 4 as the head coach. Over those 4 years they won over 50 games, including 5 tournament games, and two sectional championships. Shayne also coached 10 Academic All Ohio players. Even though PV is one of the smallest school in one of the best baseball leagues in southern Ohio, Coach Combs consistently put a competitive team on the field. His teams competed with class and sportsmanship because he held them to that standard.

This past season was definitely a rebuilding year after graduating several starters from last season, but I know Shayne was optimistic about the future because of the young talent coming up through the program. Unfortunately, he will not be given the opportunity to try to reap the benefits of the program he has been a part of re-building over the last few seasons. I spoke to Shayne today, and he has really been moved by the outpouring of support that has been shown to him last night and today. He has had several emails and phone calls and he really appreciates the encouragement that everyone has shown.

Shayne has always been loyal to Paint Valley. He’s been a teacher and coach there for more than 10 years. Everyone that knows Shayne knows that he is way too professional and classy to say anything negative about Paint Valley in public, and everyone that knows me knows that I am not, so I would like to comment.

As far as I know, the board has offered no reason to non renew Shayne. What reason could they offer? It can’t be about wins and losses, because if that was the case, then just about every coach in the district would be non renewed. It seems like only a couple of teams have had success there the last few years, and those are the programs that have had the most stability in their coaching staffs. It certainly cannot be his on or off field behavior. Shayne has always represented Paint Valley with the utmost class. He’s put in countless hours to help the kids at PV. He has shown nothing but loyalty to PV, and in return they non renew him.

This should really not be that big of surprise. PV is quickly earning the reputation of not supporting their coaches. They got rid of an excellent basketball coach in Eric Snyder a couple of years ago, and now they’ve lost another excellent coach. I feel bad for the kids at PV because they deserve better. Unfortunately, the BOE has made it quite clear that they could care less about what is best for the kids, rather they care only about their personal agendas. That’s the bad thing about being a high school coach. You can work your butt off, do the right things, treat your kids right, represent your school the right way, and you can still be let go for absolutely no reason. All it takes is one unethical board member and a couple of puppets and a coach can be removed without cause.

Fortunately not all schools are as disloyal as PV. It’s refreshing to see the schools that stand behind their coaches, and it’s enjoyable to coach in that sort of environment. I hope that eventually Coach Combs lands on his feet and has the opportunity to coach in a better situation. For the kids sake at PV, I hope someone stands up to those trying to use their position of power to meet their own needs rather than the best interests of everyone. Until this happens, PV will never get back to the success that they experienced 15-20 years ago when they were a very successful athletic department.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by hawkeyepierce »

This is absolutely tragic! The school board member who has the junior high baseball player that did not receive favor should be ashamed. Hopefully, the very good people of the Paint Valley School District will remember this during his reelection and vote accordingly.

Personally, I know Shayne and he is one of the greatest individuals I know. Any other man to say otherwise is a man of no character, no credibility, or of no intelligence; it is impossible NOT to like Shayne Combs. Secondly, Coach Combs if you read this, know this, you are always welcome to coach in Vinton County, in fact the baseball job will be open and it is my prayer that you or the Good Lord could help you find your way to McArthur next February.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Dundas »

I would also like to see Coach Combs back in VC.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Eagle12 »

It is ludicrous that they did not renew Coach Combs. I have enjoyed getting to know Coach Combs through playing Paint Valley as well as talking to him at Baseball meetings.
He has done a magnificent job in my eyes. As was posted earlier you could not ask for a better man to be around your kids!!!
Coach I feel for you and if I decide not to stay or do stay I would be honored to be Coaching with you somewhere!!!

Coach Martin

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Ryan Lemley »

I am in shock over this. I have nothing but respect for coach Combs. He is a great guy on and off the field. I am not sure what the board is thinking.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by tigernation »

Unreal - who would want to coach there???

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by tigernation »

Furthermore, this business on non-renewing non-revenue coaches makes you scratch your head. I can understand non-renewing a football or basketball coach (because those sports pay the bills) - but a baseball coach???? Especially one that works at it and cares about his kids?????

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Ty Webb »

Wow, it's really hard to believe the Paint Valley School District would do such a foolish thing. Do they have another qualified teacher/coach waiting in the wings? Someone who could get some more wins, or provide better instruction to the kids in that district with the amount of integrity Coach Combs has done....probably not. Apparently, the Paint Valley School Board members are more concerned with what their own kids have/will do versus representing what is in the best interest of the district.

I've only had the privilege to meet Coach Combs a couple times, but Shayne is an absolute class guy. And I'm certain Coach Combs wants nothing but the best for the kids in the PV district.

Small town politics, and agendas.........sad that they screwed this one up in Bainbridge. Good luck to the kids, and you too're a winner.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by volley1220 »

Paint Valley is a joke. Tony Strausbaugh, Bobby Anderson and Bob Compher were the 3 that voted no. I hope the people in the PV school district remember this come election time and get rid of them. They are absolutely clueless. I'd love to know how many games the board members have ever attended. PV once again has fired a coach because a board member has a personal agenda.

Shayne has done an outstanding job and deserves better. He is a class act and a great coach.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Im All In »

Paint Valley is a joke. Tony Strausbaugh, Bobby Anderson and Bob Compher were the 3 that voted no.

You're absolutely right volley. Not only do they get rid of a great coach and great person in Combs, but then they get in the paper and absolutely lie and make up bogus reasons as to why they got rid of him. They want to say it was due to numbers??? Paint Valley had a JV team every other year Combs was there except this year. They hardly ever had a JV team before he was there. By the way, they could've had a JV team this year, but the BOE ran off the guy slated to coach the JV's.

At least Tony Strausbaugh could be man enough to speak honestly, and say that the reasons he did this was because he didn't like the Jr. High baseball coach, and he had a personal vendetta vs Combs. He has a son coming up thru the program and knows Combs is too honorable to be pushed around by a board member that wants his son to get special treatment. Unfortunately he was able to talk a couple of the more spineless board members into joining him.

The board at PV has taken a once proud school and turned it into the laughing stock of the county. They have ran off volunteer and paid coaches who made PV better. When the supt and ad make recommendations and the board votes it down out of nowhere, that makes the school look really bad. This should have been discussed behind closed doors before a decision was made.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Xtoxxviii »

I echo the above testaments of Mr. Combs.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by WWH »

What else is new. Shayne, your better off. You can't win with people like that. Good luck, in whatever you choose to do. You were always a winner and always will be.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by miggyt »

If you wanna read arrogance on a school board, check this out:

The people who made the decision won't even talk about how they voted or why they voted that way. Only the voters in the PV district can stop this type of stuff. Makes me wonder what else their hiding over there.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Jake Roberts »

School boards should all be done away with. It makes absolutely no sense that school boards even exist. Unless a community completely supports a school with no financial assistance from the state I don't understand why the community should get to make all the decisions for that school.

hawkeyepierce wrote: Secondly, Coach Combs if you read this, know this, you are always welcome to coach in Vinton County, in fact the baseball job will be open and it is my prayer that you or the Good Lord could help you find your way to McArthur next February.

Heard a coach has already been found for that job...that is if you are willing to do it. That's word on the street anyway.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by the hit king »

good luck in the future shane. you and your staff have done a great job with the kids and you guys are nothing but class !!!!! shane, it might just be a blessing in disguise.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by Coach Coreno »

Coach Combs is a good man. When I coached against him in hoops his teams were WELL PREPARED and VERY DISCIPLINED. He always had a great relationship with his kids on and off the floor. He is respected in the coaching profession.........and Shayne remember you would rather be respected by people in your profession than a few power hungry people looking out for their own agenda! Trust me I know! You will be better off..........Good Luck

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by hawkeyepierce »

I just thought of this quote and maybe the school board members could learn from it.

“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Abraham Lincoln

Coach Comb's character remains unscathed, unlike those who are in a position of authority.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by d young »

Sadly it is happening alot. Blame can be placed several places. Parents who are unreasonable and unrealistic who contact weak administrators and clueless board members. A job well done and loyalty mean nothing. I don't know Coach Combs well but all you have to do is talk to people who do and it is very clear the loser was Paint Valley and those kids.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by svcbaseballfan »

I heard this evening that PV is having an emergency board meeting on monday concerning Coach Combs. Hopefully all past, previous, and future players can show up if they are allowed and give their support to Coach Combs. I don't know if I would go back though even if it was offered. Coach Combs, if you read this, you are way to classy of a guy to put up with the shenanigans of PV.

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Re: Paint Valley non renews Coach Shayne Combs

Post by bengalfan76 »

Shayne cares too much about the kids of PV to not go back.... That is what makes this so stupid. He is the perfect man for that job.....

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