Basketball players

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Basketball players

Post by rickoshay »

How many baseball players on your team still in the mix for a tourney run in Basketball?

Fort Frye still has three still playing with the big round ball, and I hope it lasts until deep into March.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by bengalfan76 »

Piketon has 6/7 playing basketball

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Re: Basketball players

Post by Farr »

Could be 6 or so for Warren. I told Blaine i hope i dont see em till april.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by pantherdad »

Peake only has 3 players still playing on the varsity tourney team. All three will probably be baseball starters. Probably says something about the state of Peake baseball that only 3 varsity basketball players are on the baseball team. 3 more jv players are on the baseball team...but of the 6 basketball/baseball players, 4 are freshmen.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by rickoshay »

Football year round conditioning is the main culprit in the loss of good athletes from baseball.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by eagles73Taylor »

Its unfortunate that programs cant work together to become successful at all sports. if your football coach is keeping players from participating in other sports, thats a AD and Principals job to get it worked out. I dont know a coach worth his weight in salt that doesnt support lifting, no matter what the sport. Schools around here are too small and the participation rate to low to have coaches keeping athletes tied down to 1 sport.

I know at Piketon we only get about 30% participation, so maybe a pool of 50 or 60 boys to go around to play.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by CoachB. »

eagles73 is spot on with this post! Schools in SE Ohio simply don't have the numbers to be competitive if kids are not participating in multiple sports. Unfortunately many coaches "encourage" kids to play only the sport they coach. Baseball folks used to blame soccer and now you hear lacrosse is hurting baseball numbers....maybe in the big cities. rickoshay probably right to a degree but it's seems to me that down here in God's country it's the basketball coaches and their summer workouts that seem to hurt baseball more than anything else these days.

As a baseball guy, I'm ecstatic to see my kids out on the basketball court, football field or soccer field running and staying in shape for baseball! Guess a lot of coaches want "insert sport here" Players whereas I want athletes and I think you get athletes instead of "**** players" if they are playing multiple sports.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by Frank Reagan »

I remember back in the day, Ironton's Coach Lutz insisted on his players playing either baseball or going out for track. He didn't want his players laying on their butts all off-season.

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Re: Basketball players

Post by SOCMAN05 »

At Valley 5 of 7 starting rotation and probably 8/9 as a team total .

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