Is high school baseball different?Maybe

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Ed Ott
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Is high school baseball different?Maybe

Post by Ed Ott »

Maybe just me but seems like a crazy year. I don’t know how to put it but the handful of games I’ve watched there have been some crazy crazy head scratching things done by the coaches (strategically) that just seems indefensible. And the last couple weeks more bizarre stories of coaches, umpires etc. is this all normal, an outlier crazy year or has something changed in and about high school baseball?

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Re: Is high school baseball different?Maybe

Post by danicalifornia »

Ed Ott wrote: Fri May 04, 2018 3:54 pm Maybe just me but seems like a crazy year. I don’t know how to put it but the handful of games I’ve watched there have been some crazy crazy head scratching things done by the coaches (strategically) that just seems indefensible. And the last couple weeks more bizarre stories of coaches, umpires etc. is this all normal, an outlier crazy year or has something changed in and about high school baseball?
Examples? Maybe not naming schools or coaches if you don't feel comfortable with it.

I haven't seen anything crazier than normal this year, but that's also been in a fairly small amount of different teams.

Ed Ott
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Re: Is high school baseball different?Maybe

Post by Ed Ott »

Didn’t want to mention teams or single out anyone. I’ve not watched enough games of any one team to comment greatly on them.

I’ve seen some desperate called pickoff attempts at insane times by some of the top team. I’ve watched a called bunt down by 4 with two strikes and two outs with runner on 1st and 2nd. A suicide squeeze with bases loaded 2 outs and 3 hole hitter batting.

Umpires and coaches going at it, umpire grabbing a coach’s crotch? Assistant coach getting too physical with an opposing player. Pitch counts not being administered. Teams winning by 25 runs. That’s just from the games I’ve watched and some things I’ve read on here.

Abe Froman
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Re: Is high school baseball different?Maybe

Post by Abe Froman »

Only have attended one scrimmage and 2-3 games this year but nothing too out of the ordinary.

You never know the situation or what the coach sees lol, I remember calling a pick-off play to first in a tie ball game with bases loaded, 2 outs, on a 3-2 count with a RH pitcher, I knew the kid at first was an aggressive, fast runner and would be off to the races, prior to me calling the pick-off there was a 3-2 count and batter fouled it off and that kid was off at the hint of movement by the pitcher didn't even really check to make sure he was going home with the ball, so I snuck up the 1st baseman and made the call. Pitcher jump-turned and threw it almost perfectly into the right field corner lol and all 3 runs scored (yeah, that aggressive fast runner scored from first). Needless to say all the Dad's thought I was an idiot, but if we make the throw we had him dead nuts coming back. So I am sure I would have fit in your above analysis on that day lol. Did the same thing 4-years later (this time up 4 lol) and it worked and I was a hero on that day.

Haven't noticed much weird behavior by coaches or staff, but down here we have a solid, mature group pretty much across the board. But I have read some of the accounts you refer to, including an arrest apparently this year lol, and wonder if that is a result of new umpires and/or coaches and them just not knowing how to (or wanting to) de-escalate a situation. If you think about if every team is playing 25 games and if there are 70-80 teams in SEOP land then 1500-2000 games I suppose there is bound to be a few crazy stories lol.

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