strat-o-matic baseball anyone?

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Frank Reagan
Posts: 678
Joined: Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:07 pm

strat-o-matic baseball anyone?

Post by Frank Reagan » has a free game of strat baseball using the 1986 season. relive the old days of strat fun.

go to
go to fantasy
select strat
make a team
select live draft league
select the BBL'ERS For Fun!!!!! league under the private leagues and then use the password below.


You've been challenged to play Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online, the best baseball simulation game on the internet, for FREE! Start your free team and join Mike's 1986 season league now! Just thought to add a little strat fun to our lives. Looking for 8 more bblers to join.

Your friend's League Information:
League: BBL'ERS For Fun!!!!!
Password: BBL1986
Player Set: 1986 season
For absolutely no charge:
- Draft a team of 25 players
- Compete in a 12-team league with other Strat-O-Matic Baseball fans
- Play a 162-game regular season
- Set your lineups, pitchers, strategies
- Enjoy recap stories and boxscores for every game
- View league stats, leaderboards, standings, etc.
- 2-round Postseason
To start your free season, simply follow this link: ... _good.html

Play Strat-O-Matic Baseball Online for FREE!

Posts: 4716
Joined: Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:50 pm

Re: strat-o-matic baseball anyone?

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Never did play strat-o-matic, but did play APBA in a league for about 10 years.

In fact I'm just about to finish up a season of games playing with 6 different teams. I'm about 21 games away from ending the regular season and then the playoffs.

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