Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Eagle12 »

It is all my intentions to have a JH program this year! I am also hoping to have enough kids out to also have a JV team.

I am planning on having a meeting regarding the JH program on December 17th at the High School Platform Room at 6:00 p.m. So if you could help spread the word, I would greatly appreciate it.

Sorry this has went on the back burner!!!!!

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Bozo »

What was Eastern's record last year?

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by deweese3 »

9-12 something like that i know we had 9 wins

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by OneBunter »


What does it matter what Easterns record was last year? This team was young and had a new head coach. If you are trying to judge how they will be this year by their record last year, you may have a shock.

I look for this team to surprise some people, for these kids are working hard and they have learned from their mistakes last year.

If Coach Martin is the man I have read about he will have this team ready, but one thing we all have to remember is he can get the kids ready, but it is up to the kids to excute. I know that if they are not Coach Martin, will put others in until he finds the right combination for a winning program!

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Bozo »

Chill out dude. I just wondered.

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by ABB »

Multiple user names?

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Eagle12 »

Correction to the Eastern Junior High Baseball Team meeting. It will be held on December 18, 2008 at the High School in the Platform Room or one of the Classrooms. The meeting will start promptly at 6 p.m.

Letters were sent out today, December 9th to the parents of the kids who signed up at school. If there is any 7th or 8th grade boy interested in playing have your parents come to the meeting stated above.

Help spread the word, for I feel getting this program up and going will only strengthen our baseball program for the future.

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by eagle_9 »

Eastern went 9-11 not including their Sectional Game I believe. Only 1 player from the team Graduated last year and that was Josh Brown which he was one of their outfeilders. Out of the Players returning from last year he has these seniors- Bryan Osborne (P, SS, 3RD), Devin Swiggett(P, SS 3RD), Cody Stump(C, 1ST), Tyler Southworth(OF, 1ST), and Brett Burner(3RD,C). The juniors that are coming back to play are Nate Deweese(P, OF), and Anthony Edler(OF, 2ND), and he has 3 sophomores coming back to play which are Justin Lee(OF), Robert Harris(OF), and Eric Wade(2ND). Many of these players are dedicated to Baseball when the season is in. But what about in the offseason? Right now he tries to get them up and Motivated to Work out during the week after school which if I'm not mistaken it is not Mandatory. I don't think half the players from the team are even showing up to these events. They don't even go out and help him on the field whenever he is out there right after school on some days. Some of these players are already talking as if they have a Sure spot on the team. Well if some of the people that say they are coming out for the team do come out, then they better switch their mindsets because their will be some Position changes. So if they truly want to lock up their position then they need to get out their and work at it and throw right now in the offseason. Also I have heard he is working to get a larger pitcher rotation in such as throwing in Justin Lee, Cody Stump, and Tyler Southworth.

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by deweese3 »

ewade, tyler tackett, tyler southworth, and myself have been going but thats it. Bryan, thornsberry,helton,wheeler, and edler cant come cause of basketball.. but all the rest should be there. there not only hurting themselves by not showing up but there hurting the team.

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by OneBunter »

I guess my question to the ones that have been showing up, are you seeing any improvement?

Do you feel that Coach Martin is doing and saying the right things? I wonder, if he can't get those ones who should be coming, but are not? Why do think these other boys are not showing up?

Is Coach Martin doing the things he said he would be doing?

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by deweese3 »

yes. he is doing everything he can 2 improve us

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by OneBunter »

Then why are not the other players showing up? What is Coach Martin going to have to do to get them there?

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by s&w 7 »

Lets just hope the coach shows a little more class this year...they cost southern a #1 seed last year becasue they were mad when a southern player advanced home on a passed ball to ensure the mercy rule and didnt give them the #1 seed vote at the draw...i mean come on it ended the game early and southern let eastern score 7 in one inning so they wanted the game over as sson as possible...souther could have beat them by atleast 15 if they wanted to...But as you all see they dont play southern this year becasue they know they would get beat again!

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by deweese3 »

it was the other way around.. we were beating u guys like 9 to 3 and when are closer came in he struggled and are fielding went down from there. then when u got the lead by a lot your coach was still having u guys steal. and i think it was the other way around you guys didnt pick us up this year. maybe cause your coach was mad at ours or because we only lost 1 player from last year?

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by s&w 7 »

It is probably a combination of both...i mean u guys didnt vote for us as the #1 seed eventho we beat u both times and that is a long trip for each team...I do wish u guys luck this year and maybe we will meet in the tournament sometime!

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Eagle_2 »

From what I heard about the Voting. Your coach from Southern walked into the building as if it was a NFL draft and put a Southern Tornadoe batting helmet down in front of him. So you do not need to even talk about class until your coach gets some.

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Eagle_2 »

If I hear things around the school correctly the people who show up are not showing up just because they are lazy and a few have more important things. I believe Justin Lee is not doing anything. At least not sports oriented. So I do not see the problem with him showing up. Bret Burner lives in Chillicothe so that is Understandable. Also I believe I heard that one of our Eagle baseball players is going to or has Joined the Armed Services. That is Stump if I'm not mistaken so I can see why he would have more important thing's to do. I am sure he has to be working with his Recruiter. And I have heard that Swiggett is not doing anything and could show up instead of being lazy. So I would hope that settles that.

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Eagle12 »

It is only 61 days until the official start date for Pitchers and Catchers. We have to start preparing our minds and bodies now, so we can be ready to go at 110% on that day.

We must repeat these words from now until the end of the 2009 season!


I'm sure I have left out a few key words, but if we will define these words with our efforts on and off the field, then we will have a very successful year. All the words listed above fall under this phrase FUNDAMENTALLY SOUND!!

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Remember_The_Name »

deweese3 wrote:it was the other way around.. we were beating u guys like 9 to 3 and when are closer came in he struggled and are fielding went down from there. then when u got the lead by a lot your coach was still having u guys steal. and i think it was the other way around you guys didnt pick us up this year. maybe cause your coach was mad at ours or because we only lost 1 player from last year?

That game at southern was one of the longest games ive played in... and why would any coach want to pull on the reins and control their run output when the game is still in reach... any team can come back from 9 runs... i dont blame him for wanting to put the game out of reach... no coach, no good coach, would keep the game within reach to keep the other teams players, fans, and coaches happy and satisfied... Beaver easterns team was very good IMO, why keep it in reach??? Coach Lemley is a classy coach, he knows when to call off the dogs and take it easy... In fact there was a couple of times last season when he ripped kids for stealing a base or advancing on a pass ball when we were already up a good amount...

And at Beaver Eastern... The game was a battle til the end... I cant remember if that game ended in a mercy run rule, in southerns favor, even though i think it did, in a game like that why would you tell your kids to stop stealing bases... ??? Its not called lack of class, its called doing what it takes to win and keep the other team from coming back...

As for the helmet thing at the district draw... lol i never heard about that, but if its true... so what... a coach takes a helmet to the tourney seeding... wow... someone arrest him and take his helmet... lol Trust me, i know coach lemley very well and hes not scared to play anyone... so no need to mouth him about being scared... geesh lol ...

But anyways best of luck to Beaver Eastern this season...

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Re: Eastern Pike Eagles Baseball 2009 Season

Post by Fonzie »

RTN makes some very good points. And as for the moron that said that Coach Lemley has no class, you better take a long hard look at the definition of class. In case you are to lazy I will do it for you.

class-elegance in dress or behavior; "she has a lot of class"

and this I found on what classy is......

Being classy is not about being stuck up; it is about having style and taking care to be polite to others and to reflect a genuine interest in them. It is also about being confident in yourself.

So before judging someone maybe you need to sit back and look at the facts....

And by the way, if I had been coaching I would have beat you by 20 if I could!

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