Scores 5/4

Riding the Bench
Posts: 50
Joined: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:39 pm

Re: Scores 5/4

Post by bash »

Northwest has been for the past 10 yrs. been ateam that takes about 7-9 games before they start to catch up with the rest of the pack but seems to be short from the way they start(their kids play no summer ball).Congrats to the mohawks and goodluck the rest of the way.You were once the most dominate team in the area and if you players would take the game(tradition) more serious you would be so surprized at what more you can accomplish.You have a coach that will work his azz off for you guys so keep believing in him and the program and turn your listening ears off when mommy and daddy start the garbage that usually happens at northwest.I saw a few games and I was impressed with the way the mohawks approach the games.Not alot of big time players(no disrespect to anyone) but a great fundamentally sound group.keep working hard guys.

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