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Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 4:25 pm
by BlueDuck
Kind of handy having all the records on one thread.

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:27 pm
by Championship
Ironton 5-1
Gallia Academy 5-1
Fairland 5-2
Chesapeake 3-4
Portsmouth 3-4
South Point 3-4
Rock Hill 2-5
Coal Grove 1-6

I believe these are correct. With a suspended game between Ironton and Gallia that's tied in the 8th inning.

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 7:46 pm
by Orange and Brown
You can go to get the updated TVC Ohio and Hocking standings.

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 9:29 pm
by petesweaty

Zane Trace 7-1, 12-4
Adena 7-1, 10-3
Unioto 6-2, 9-5
Paint Valley 3-4, 12-4
Southeastern 3-5, 8-7
Westfall 3-5, 4-11
Huntington 1-7, 6-8
Piketon 1-6, 4-9

after Wednesday games

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 3:40 pm
by a_c_m
Wheelersburg 17-5, 13-0
Waverly 15-7, 9-3
Minford 13-4, 9-4
South Webster 13-11, 7-6
Valley 10-7, 7-6
West 9-12, 3-9
Oak Hill 9-13,2-11
Northwest 3-11, 1-10

Any corrections, please post! Thanks

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2016 8:46 am
by Mad-Dogg
a_c_m wrote:Wheelersburg 9-2, 7-0
Minford 9-2, 5-2
West 8-2, 3-2
Valley 7-4, 5-3
Waverly 7-4, 3-3
South Webster 6-6, 2-4
Northwest 3-7, 1-6
Oak Hill 3-6, 0-5

Any corrections, please post! Thanks
i remember before the season started i seen some comments doubting the burg. the only two losses are the first two games of the season to bigger schools. we don't rebuild we reload :lol: :lol:

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2016 9:48 pm
by petesweaty
Scioto Valley Conference
including Saturday games 4/23

Zane Trace 8-1, 14-5
Adena 8-1, 12-3
Unioto 6-3, 9-6
Paint Valley 3-4, 12-4
Southeastern 4-5, 10-7
Westfall 3-6, 5-13
Piketon 1-6, 5-10
Huntington 1-8, 8-9

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:27 pm
by 93Bulldog

Meigs (16-3),(8-1)
Alexander (11-5),(6-1)
Wellston (11-5),(6-2)
Athens (8-11),(4-4)
River Valley (7-8),(2-5)
Vinton County (2-17),(2-6)
Nelsonville-York (4-11),(0-9)

April 24th

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:28 pm
by 93Bulldog

Wahama (12-5),(11-1)
Waterford (12-6),(11-3)
Trimble (12-4),(8-3)
Eastern (10-7),(8-3)
Southern (7-10),(6-5)
Belpre (4-12),(4-7)
Miller (4-9),(4-9)
Federal Hocking (1-13)(1-11)
South Gallia (0-12),(0-11)

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2016 12:40 pm
by minford17
Minford 11-2, and 8-2

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 8:35 pm
by petesweaty
Scioto Valley Conference
after Friday 4/29 games

Zane Trace 11-1, 17-5
Adena 10-2, 14-5
Unioto 9-3, 12-7
Paint Valley 6-6, 15-6
Southeastern 5-7, 11-9
Westfall 4-8, 6-15
Piketon 2-10, 6-14
Huntington 1-11, 8-12

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 8:31 am
by Championship
As of 4-26 OVC Standings

Gallia Academy 9-2
Ironton 8-3
Fairland 7-3
South Point 6-5
Chesapeake 5-6
Portsmouth 5-6
Rock Hill 3-8
Coal Grove 2-8

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:35 pm
by petesweaty
Scioto Valley Conference after Monday 5/2

Zane Trace 12-1, 19-5
Adena 10-3, 14-6
Unioto 9-4, 12-8
Paint Valley 7-6, 16-6
Southeastern 6-7, 12-9
Westfall 4-8, 7-15
Piketon 2-10, 6-14
Huntington 1-12, 8-13


Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 7:42 pm
by a_c_m
Wheelersburg 18-6, 14-0
Minford 15-4, 10-4
Waverly 15-8, 9-4
Valley 15-8, 7-6
South Webster 13-11, 7-6
West 9-12, 3-9
Oak Hill 9-13, 2-11
Northwest 3-12, 1-11

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Wed May 04, 2016 9:03 pm
by petesweaty
Scioto Valley Conference

Zane Trace 12-2, 19-6
Adena 10-4, 14-7
Unioto 10-4, 14-9
Paint Valley 8-6, 18-6
Southeastern 7-7, 13-9
Westfall 5-9, 9-17
Piketon 3-11, 7-15
Huntington 1-13, 8-14

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Thu May 05, 2016 12:07 pm

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 12:54 pm
by BlueDuck
I thought the SVC standings were wrong because I had forgotten all about the Piketon/Adena matchup being played last night. Huge win for Piketon over Adena heading into the tournament!

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sat May 07, 2016 8:26 pm
by petesweaty
Scioto Valley Conference

Zane Trace 12-2, 21-7
Unioto 10-4, 15-10
Adena 10-4, 17-7
Paint Valley 8-6, 18-7
Southeastern 7-7, 16-9
Westfall 5-9, 11-17
Piketon 3-11, 9-16
Huntington 1-13, 10-15

Re: Conference Standings Entering Week of 4/18/16

Posted: Sat May 21, 2016 11:33 am
by petesweaty

Zane Trace 12-2, 21-8
Adena 10-4, 19-8
Unioto 10-4, 15-10
Paint Valley 8-6, 18-7
Southeastern 7-7, 17-10
Westfall 5-9, 11-18
Piketon 3-11, 9-16
Huntington 1-13, 10-16