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I guess Chuck was right about Southern Baseball...
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 8:34 am
by PerfectionInPurple
...It takes more kids to win at Baseball than any other sport in schools except football. There are lots of kids playing and WINNING at Southern. Their recent tourney success just further validates what the old guy from Racine had to say earlier, Southern is indeed a Baseball school. Vote in my poll. It will beinteresting to see what the purple faithful think!
Re: I guess Chuck was right about Southern Baseball...
Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 1:30 pm
by Charlie hustle
Southern has had a great year. We are district champs in baseball and basketball. We sent are tvc champion cross country runner to the regionals. Our 4x200 track team is going to the regionals. We had a golfer who was one of the top finishers in the sectional. So yes we are proud of how well our kids did in all sports this year. Nobody cares about your poll.
Re: I guess Chuck was right about Southern Baseball...
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 10:36 am
by KC Java
Charlie Hustle wrote:Southern has had a great year. We are district champs in baseball and basketball. We sent are tvc champion cross country runner to the regionals. Our 4x200 track team is going to the regionals. We had a golfer who was one of the top finishers in the sectional. So yes we are proud of how well our kids did in all sports this year. Nobody cares about your poll.
Nobody at Eastern cares about your teams either. GO EAGLES!
Re: I guess Chuck was right about Southern Baseball...
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 11:11 am
by Go Get It
Sounds like a little bit of jealousy. You should be cheering on Southern & the TVC.
Re: I guess Chuck was right about Southern Baseball...
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 2:21 pm
by Purple&Yellow Pride
We dont want any scroungy arses from Eastern cheering for us in anything. Where is Chucky T? Havent seem him on here in awhile. Always thought he was very honest in his posts about the state of things in Racine.