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Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:39 am
by xochi
I am extremely curious as to why nobody has posted as to what happened the other day at the senior league practice. A coach (not for this team but for lots of other teams at RH) got ticked off.....threw a bat.......the bat goes through the dugout hitting a player in the head.......resulting in 14 stitches. Why isn't anybody talking about this publicly? I feel like this is too serious not to come out.

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:44 am
by bengalfan76
Sorry if I offended anyone. Now that the truth comes out, accidents happen.

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:56 am
by xochi
Well, I should have posted that there is circumstances around whether it was an accident (he was just swinging the bat and it slipped) or that he was ticked off and threw the bat out of rage. It depends on who you ask. I personally believe they should talk to the kids to find out what happened.

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:26 am
by BlindWhiteHat
I had heard something about this also but hadn't heard any specifics yet. I'm surprised to find out it was a senior league player that was hurt but the coach was not a senior league coach. Why was someone other than the senior league coach conducting practice?

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:42 am
by swbaseballfan
hope the kid is alright

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:52 pm
by #1_fan
lol im good. and this was all a accident.

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 1:52 am
by BlindWhiteHat
I'm sure it was an accident. The player who was hit pitched 5 innings tonight. He is a true gamer.

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:07 pm
by Peanut
My son was in the dugout and he assured me it was a accident. It was a "freak" thing that happened but one that we all can learn from. That is why it was not posted on here, because everyone there (except the ones who do not like the coach because of playing time) will tell you that it was an accident. The coach was suspended and trust me, there is nothing the district or local league could do worse than what he has done to himself. I have never seen one man so emotionally "tore-up" in my life. Lesson learned go on.

Re: Flying bats at RH field

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:38 pm
by Pepsiman
Thank you gapper for clearing this up.I am glad the player is ok.