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Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 4:04 pm
by warriorfan79
Warren will begin the season with second year Head Coach Jeff Bayless and a pretty young team after losing several seniors to graduation. With the leadership of Sr. Zack Heath and Jr. Tyler Proctor, this team looks very promising. They should contend for the league championship and more! A few very good sophomores will be stepping up to fill some important rolls on this team. Should be another good year for these fine young men. Only 93 days till pitchers and catchers report!!! :aaaaa59

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:14 am
by Warrior97
I also think this young team can be successful for the next few years if they all can buy into the new coach. Not sure all the boys have done that yet.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:14 pm
by Cap'n Scoop
Warren has the potential to be a very good but young team IF they get all the sophomores out that played as freshman last year. If the kids buy into Jeff Bayles' philosophy they will be fine.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:05 am
by dennisdrinksbud
Warren has a very talented sophmore class baseball-wise. Players like Landon Kern and Austin Henthorn should come out.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 6:30 pm
by warriorfan79
If I Know Landon, He is counting the day's till baseball season gets here. He's already been to a Catchers camp at Kent State and is looking forward to another one in a couple of weeks. But, He, Austin, and lets not forget Jace Knost, all have a basketball season ahead before they get to baseball. Other notable returning players include Scott Pettit, who played Legion ball at Beverly. He led the legion team in HRs. Dakota Douglas should turn some heads this year also. Ian Zoller,
Bradley Proctor, Mitch Tabler and Kyle Walker will be other players to watch.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 3:28 pm
by Warriorfan08
Full support to coach Bayless and his staff. Hopefully they get this thing back on track and back to the same level coach Bradford achieved.

Go Warren in 2010!

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 6:11 am
by Cap'n Scoop
After being told (through an email) that the job was his, Coach Bayles received another EMAIL from the Athletic Director stating that he won't be recommended for hiring. All I can say is WOW! Why would anyone want to coach at Warren...what a mess. I know that last years Senior leaders loved Coach Bayles.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:36 am
by Warrior97
Let me guess, I bet a few parents were "unhappy"? I have gotten to know coach bayles over the last 3 or 4 years through other engagements and I can say Warren High School just lost a good one because of egos or whatever the reason! I am embarressed and I am sure the Jackets across the river will be laughing clear through the holidays. Good luck to coach Bayles and I hope our admin. begins to take baseball a little more serious!

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 8:42 pm
by warriorfan79
I heard about the coaching change Friday night at the basketball game. We can all get on here and speculate what we think happened. I guess thats what this forum is for, to an extent. But We need to remember, It's supposed to be about the Kids! I support Coach Bayles and thought he did a fine job last year, considering the circumstances. He had some large shoes to fill with the untimely (and unnescesary-IMO) departure of Coach Bradford. If the administration informed Coach Bayles by E-Mail, as Cap'n Scoop says, that shows what kind of "Men" we have representing us as a school district. The word CHICKEN**** comes to mind. I too, am embarassed. Best of luck to Coach Bayles in the future.

That being said, I wish to congratulate Coach Mark Farr, whom I understand, got the nod as head coach. I also support Mark and thought he did a fine job as assistant coach last year. Now-- We can all live in the past and say this should have been done this way or that, Or we can all get behind our new coach and support him and our boys. As I said in an earlier post, " This team looks very promising". I still believe that and wish Mark and the rest of the coaching staff the best.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 6:31 pm
by Cap'n Scoop
I have seen the emails from the AD to Coach Bayles. Nothing like telling a guy he has a job and to get his staff in order then stabbing him in the back a week later. Glad I no longer have a dog in this fight.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:09 pm
by Johnny Quest
Is it official who the new head coach will be ? If not, then who is in charge of conditioning and weight lifting programs ? League titles, in any sport, are won during the off season. Let's GO BLUE ! ! Time to return to glory !

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 10:22 pm
by Warriorfan08
Mark Farr is a good coach and he will work the kids hard. I trust he will do a good job.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:55 am
by Warrior97
Mark Farr?????? Wow! Last thing I heard he wasn't asked to come back. There has to be a better answer...........Please!

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:09 am
by Johnny Quest
Baseball season can't get here soon enough. Good Luck to our new coach and all players involved. GO BLUE !!!

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 4:47 pm
by warriorfan79
19 days and counting!!! Is the team putting on a clinic this spring as a fundraiser?

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2010 5:12 pm
by Farr
We will have a raffle for a Flat Screen this spring and will hopefully run a kids clinic sometime at the end of Feb or beginning of March. We will have a more definitive date in a week or so. We will also bring back the Alumni Softball Game that was a big hit under Coach Bradford. The BIG news this year for the Warren Baseball Program is that we are trying to organize a plan to have a new infield installed right after our season ends. We have a small grant and with the help of a local College, Sod Company and many of our talented parents (hopefully) we should be able to minimize the cost of the install. Our kids are chomping at the bit and the season can not get here soon enough.

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 3:27 pm
by WHSwarrior
Coach Farr will be officially hired at the Tuesday night board meeting. Best of luck!

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 3:52 pm
by warriorfan79
haven't heard anything for a while. How is conditioning going and how are the numbers looking. Any up and coming Freshmen to watch?

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:04 pm
by Warriorfan08
Just a few more days until scrimmages. I heard they will be having a field day sometime in the next week. Bad news for warren, Jesse Adams will likely miss the season after he had emergency surgery to repair a torn retina. Go blue!

Re: Warren Warriors 09-10

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:46 pm
by Farr
Looks like Jesse Adams will be out most of the season. Very happy to report that his surgery went well. There is a spot on the team for Jesse whenever he is feeling better. We will be having a field day on the 21st of March. Would be happy to have anyone out who feels like helping (cuts down on the coaches manual We have already had many willing parents out helping to get the field in game condition. They cut the back lip out around home plate that will (hopefully) cut down on the amount of water that lays around the plate. I am happy to have such ambitious and reliable parents. Warren will scrimmage @Fort Frye on the 20th and @Waterford on the 24th. Junior Varsity yet to be determined.