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SEOAL(only) Friday, Apr. 15)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:00 pm
by jottings
2011 SEOAL Baseball Standings
(League Only)
Team W L R OR
Gallipolis 5 0 61 22
Warren 4 0 39 8
Marietta 3 2 39 20
Chillicothe 2 3 26 44
Portsmouth 2 3 26 29
Jackson 1 3 28 31
Logan 0 6 17 82
Totals 17 17 236 236
March 30 results:
Warren Local at Gallipolis, ppnd, reset May 4
Jackson at Marietta, ppnd
Chillicothe at Logan, ppnd, reset April 14
April 1 results:
Gallipolis 10 Logan 1
Warren Local 11 Portsmouth 1
Marietta 11 Chillicothe 1
April 4 results:
All games rained out
April 6 results:
Gallipolis 9 Portsmouth 5
Warren Local 8 Jackson 5
Marietta 9 Logan 0
April 7 makeup results:
Gallipolis 11 Marietta 5
Portsmouth 11 Logan 3
April 8 results:
Jackson 19 Logan 2
Warren Local 17 Chillicothe 0
Portsmouth at Marietta, ppnd
April 11 results:
Gallipolis at Chillicothe, ppnd
Portsmouth at Jackson, ppnd
Logan at Warren Local, ppnd
April 13 results:
Gallipolis 14 Jackson 4 (5 innings)
Portsmouth 5 Chillicothe 3
Marietta at Warren Local, ppnd, reset April 26
April 14 results:
Marietta 7 Jackson 0 (mu)
Chillicothe 14 Logan 4 (mu)
April 15 results:
Gallipolis 17 Logan 7 (5)
Warren Local 3 Portsmouth 2
Chillicothe 8 Marietta 7
April 18 games:
Gallipolis at Warren Local
Chillicothe at Logan
Marietta at Jackson
April 20 games:
Marietta at Gallipolis
Jackson at Chillicothe
Portsmouth at Logan
April 22 games:
Logan at Jackson
Marietta at Portsmouth
Chillicothe at Warren Local
April 25 games:
Portsmouth at Gallipolis
Logan at Marietta
Jackson at Warren Local
April 26 game:
Marietta at Warren Local, (mu)
April 27 games:
Chillicothe at Gallipolis
Warren Local at Logan
Jackson at Portsmouth
May 2 games:
Gallipolis at Jackson
Portsmouth at Chillicothe
Warren Local at Marietta
May 4 game:
Warren Local at Gallipolis, (mu)

Re: SEOAL(only) Friday, Apr. 15)

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:40 pm
by Mr. Irrelevent
I was told Chilli Marietta game is a suspended game - Marietta will have to return to Chilli to finish it.

Re: SEOAL(only) Friday, Apr. 15)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 11:25 am
by jottings
Didn't know that last night. Will leave standings alone until they finish the game.

Re: SEOAL(only) Friday, Apr. 15)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 9:43 pm
by Trojan Man13
Portsmouth is 3-3 Not 2-3

Re: SEOAL(only) Friday, Apr. 15)

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 2:23 pm
by jottings
Trojanman13--In league play, I have Portsmouth losing 11-1 to Warren Local; beating Logan, 11-3; beating Chillicothe, 5-3; losing to Gallipolis, 9-5; losing to Warren again 3-2. Postponements were Logan at Portsmouth on April 4, but made up on April 7 with PHS winning 11-3; Portsmouth at Marietta April 8; Portsmouth at Jackson, April 11. What game (or makeup game) is missing?

Re: SEOAL(only) Friday, Apr. 15)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 10:01 am
by LetsGoPSU
Your not missing anything in league, we have a win over Lewis County in a non league game