Clay Panther Baseball

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Clay Panther Baseball

Post by CoachC »

We are trying to raise funds to purchase wooden bats for our opening weekend wooden bat tournament at Ironton. We have a table set up inside the gymnasium for home basketball games for raffle, or donations. Please come support the basketball teams and help us come up with the necessary funds as we are already taxing the boosters for worn uniform replacement. If you can't get out, call the school office for information on how to contribute. Thank you, Coach Compton

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by PinchRunner1 »

Contact Dean Schuler at Valley. I tried to send you a PM but I don't think it sent, for some reason. We bought a bunch of wood bats from Silver Creek Bat Company in Akron last year to sell and we still have a bunch left. They're very good bats, some of the best bats I've ever used. We were selling them for $50/each before, but he may cut you a deal. His home number is in the book. Tell him Kris told you to call. Hopefully we can help you out.

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by bengalfan76 »

I have used the bats both with my HS and my College summer team and they are infact very quality bats.

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by CoachC »

Thank you so much gentlemen! We are nearly ready to begin conditioning when our gym becomes available, some of the boys are doing their own workouts. Our boosters are making super human efforts to supply us everything needed to succeed. The boys are excited about this season, so it seems all is coming together for what I hope is a VERY successful season at Clay!

Jake Lane
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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by Jake Lane »

Glad to hear Compton is staying with baseball. He is a great influence on the kids, was a breath of fresh air for this team last year. I look for the Panthers to be competitive for a nice stretch to come. Go Panthers!

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by CoachC »

At this time we are planning on having enough players to schedule for Junior Varsity. If your school would like to work us into your schedule, please post your school, contact person and possible dates. I will have our AD reply ASAP. Thank you, Coach Roger Compton

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by pfloyd »

… is Dick McCleese involved with Clay sports ???


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Re: Clay Panther Baseball


Wonderful words, but i know the jr.high baseball team has to buy their own bases, field liner & other equipt. just play games on their home field because the varsity coach says hes not allowed to let them use "his ".. Know the jr.high is not school funded but they are clay kids & will be hs players very soon! Maybe the coach should follow the lead of the softball coach!!! He does everything possible for his jr.high team, but then, he's not so egotistical to think that it's all about him!! And doesnt apply for every coaching position that comes along so he can feed his own ego!! I mean who does that?? Who coaches so many sports at hs/jr high level?? Someone at clay needs wakeup quickly before its too late! Dig a little! Although i will say it's about time someone finally recognized the "SuperHuman" efforts the boosters are making to ensure success!! That is very refreshing!!!!!

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by CoachC »

pfloyd, I'm sorry to say, but Mr. McCleese is no longer there. But I have occasionally talked to him about things having to do with sports at Clay. I have a ton of respect for him. Koolkoach, I am truly NOT allowed to give out equipment, but have done so. ie, kept scoreboard, brought med kit and made sure lines painted for soccer, field and bases will be accessible for regular season, not now because I still need to replace receptacles in ground that they get stuck in. I will always leave the field drug and ready for regular season and all future practices, I just ask the same in return. Can honestly say I never considered myself egotistical, but for your information, both soccer and baseball was pretty much given to the only person who would take them. I was asked to do both! Their was/is always a little liner left in the storage building, plenty enough to do the small amount needed done. I do love coaching, but please get to know me, or anyone you may have a beef with before you fire away at them. I'm really not a bad guy! lol

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Re: Clay Panther Baseball

Post by Regulator »

Another prime example of entitlement!!! Society thinks everyone should do equal amount for everyone!! Hogwash!!
if a coach elects to keep his equipment (school's equipment) out of others hands then so be it!! Get over it!!

Although , I think if KOOLKOACH would approach this coach and ask questions instead of complain on a forum this wouldn't even become a problem. Also, all supplementals are posted every year. throw your name in the hat and see how that fairs!!

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