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Portsmouth Post 23 Roster

Posted: Sun May 26, 2013 9:12 pm
by 5Trojan
The following players have been selected to be part of the 2013 James Dickey Post 23 Roster. Divisions between Jr and Sr have not been made at this time according to Coach Brannon, but the following players should report to practice at 5:00 Tuesday at Valley High School.

By school, the roster is:

Sean Lawless

Eric Cook

Chris Hoffer
Kenny Hoffer
Matt Penix
Philip Cassidy

Notre Dame
Hayden Baker

Brady Johnson

Tanner Poage

Portsmouth West
Wesley Book
Brady Knittel
Daulton Kenyon
Austin Howard
Luke Morgan
Trevor Welch

Derek Book

Michael Green
Kyle Davis
Alex Shears
Derek Moore
Kyle Jenkins
Tyler Jenkins
Garrett Carmichael
Dylan Mullins
Zach Brown
Ben Arnold
Dylan Miller
Jacob Roe
Austin Mullins

Re: Portsmouth Post 23 Roster

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 8:02 am
by LetsGoPSU
Go Blue...Hope Tanner has a great experience Congrats to all