Where are the quality umpires?

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dawg catcher
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Where are the quality umpires?

Post by dawg catcher »

Anyone who has seen me coach knows that I can be a little fired up at times, but that is just my personality. I am very passionate about the game of softball and take great pride in being as professional and knowledgeable about the game as possible. I am not alone in this, as several coaches that I know and associate with attend clinics, watch videos and do everything possible to improve themselves and thus give their team every opportunity possible to be successful. I DO NOT FIND THIS SAME TRAIT IN MANY UMPIRES! I am not talking about the bang, bang safe or out calls... for that matter I am not talking about balls and strikes calls (although I would like a little consistency in this area). What I am talking about is umpires who refuse to work to get into position to make the call, or umpires who are so unprofessional that they engage fans in arguments, or umpires who have such a big ego that they refuse to even allow coaches to ask a rules question, not question a discretionary call, but a RULES question (like many of them would know the answer anyway). Umpires are getting paid $50-$65 for a 1 hour 30 minute game to ENSURE THE RULES OF THE GAME ARE PROPERLY ENFORCED AND TO ENSURE THE GAME IS PROPERLY AND FAIRLY PLAYED! How can they enforce rules they do not even know! The quality of play and the professionalism of players and coaches alike, far exceed the abilities and professionalism of these umpires. I am not talking about all umpires, but those I am talking about know who you are so if the shoe fits wear it. Either study, learn, and apply the rules of the game and be willing to keep updated on the rules you are task with enforcing, know the position you are supposed to be in, be willing to work to get into position, and work to become a master at your craft or PLEASE HANG UP THE UNIFORM AND STOP UMPIRING!

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by ManitouDan »

Bud maybe its a Chillicothe thing ??? Here's a cut/paste from our last trip up there in 2014 :

From the rule book . Rule 6 Section 2 article 6 -- when the ball slips from the pitchers hand in the forward or backward motion it's a PITCH .
EFFECT -- a ball is awarded to the batter and ball is live and runners
may advance .

So to the BOTH the home plate blue and the field ump who both didn't know the rules of game -- shame on you .

Shocking that after the Chillicothe pitcher had a ball slip out of her hand during her windmill and the ball went backwards that the home plate blue refused to reward a ball to the batter . And the field ump refused to help out the guy that blew the call -- so the home blue makes up his own rule on the fly " ball must go forward to be considered a pitch.
That's not exactly an obscure rule . Nor different from association to association . C'mon blue just know the rules.

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by Gopher »

I agree Bud

They also need to learn the difference between a drag bunt and a slap hit. Just because the feet are moving doesn't make it a slap hit, or it would be called a slap run. Last night I watched a batter attempt a drag bunt unsuccessfully 4 times with 2 strikes on her (all going foul) and the ump claimed that they were not bunts even though she did not break her wrists in a hitting motion. Didn't affect the outcome, but still should know the rules.

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by RoadMan »

Sounds like an issue to be brought up with a league assigner if there is one, or the AD. I agree with the working to get into position. Everyone makes mistakes/bad calls, but to not be in proper position when making the call is simply being lazy. Most coaches I know may complain a little about what they perceive as a missed call, but to miss the call because they didn't get their backside from behind the plate or away from the line these same coaches will come unglued.

I have watched Bud coach, and he is very passionate to say the least, however, his points are very valid.

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by OICU812 »

Unfortunately, it's like this in every sport.

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by Xtoxxviii »

ManitouDan wrote:Bud maybe its a Chillicothe thing ??? Here's a cut/paste from our last trip up there in 2014 :

From the rule book . Rule 6 Section 2 article 6 -- when the ball slips from the pitchers hand in the forward or backward motion it's a PITCH .
EFFECT -- a ball is awarded to the batter and ball is live and runners
may advance .

Shocking that after the Chillicothe pitcher had a ball slip out of her hand during her windmill .........
I agree
We had One of the regular Blues @ Chillicothe call a
BAULK during a softball game
a couple of years back.
Makes you cringe for Softball Players but even more
for the baseball players.......

1 Grant per game is not enough to get somebody like the X or MNT Dan to dawn the Blue.

1 Benjamin
2 Grants
5 Jacksons
10 Hamiltons
20 Lincolns
50 Jeffersons
100 Washingtons

Is what it would take to upgrade your call center...........

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I have a saying about the pay for coaching, officiating and being an AD, " I dont do it for the money, but I wouldnt do it without the money!" lol

X if you think $50 isnt worth it, why? Most work 2 to 2 and a half hours, so thats quite a bit per hour. So I can only guess its because you dont want to take grief for any calls from fans, players or coaches. If that is the case, the next time you are at a game and hear fans yelling at the umps, tell them to please respect the game! lol Maybe if all fans clammed up, better officials might stick around!

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by Xtoxxviii »

eagles73 wrote:I have a saying about the pay for coaching, officiating and being an AD, " I dont do it for the money, but I wouldnt do it without the money!" lol

X if you think $50 isnt worth it, why? Most work 2 to 2 and a half hours, so thats quite a bit per hour. So I can only guess its because you dont want to take grief for any calls from fans, players or coaches. If that is the case, the next time you are at a game and hear fans yelling at the umps, tell them to please respect the game! lol Maybe if all fans clammed up, better officials might stick around!
Eagles My wing man is Clod Hopper, he is around 5'9" and about 158lbs on days he is not dehydrated.
I need a bigger wingman before I approach any rabid SVC sporting fans.
Some of those Ol' grain fed boys from the village and township are big enough to put a pop-knot on ya if they don't like the way you say "please".
Now take a man of your stature as my wing-man and we could shut some people up.

$50 per game let's expense this out shall we:

Per game
-$15 for transportation
* gas
(@ $3. Per gallon it don't take long to get the better half of a Jackson in your tank)
* insurance
* vehicle maintenance

-$5.00 for equipment/requirements
* grill guard
* license
* Rule Book (seems to be optional)
* chest protector
* certified patches ASA, NSAA, OHSAA
* Ball bag (not to be confused with the bawl baggs watching the game)
* pitch counter
* mandated uniform, hats and cleats

-$3.00 in applicable taxes (that's at the low end of the scale it maybe closer to $6 or $7 for most, gotta love that wealth redistribution mind set).

So going off my guesstimate here is how it breaks down:
$50 for two hours worked
-$23.00 in expenses and taxes
$27.00 per two hour take home
Divide that by 2 (2 hours worked for you mouth breathers trying to follow along)
$13.50 per hour take home pay
Not worth it
Unless you are there for more than just the $$$$$

If any body has more accurate expenses please share them for most of this was a guesstimate on my part.

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by mhs95_06 »

How about the time for the transportation? The per hour rate should be $27 divided by the whole time from leaving the house to getting back home.

Riding the Bench
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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by coachperWHS »

My first response would be the quality umpires are the ones that are in the stands and have all the answers but have not donned the blue colors or equipment in their entire lives. They have never had to make a decision that mattered in a game.

I started umpiring very soon after fast-pitch softball was introduced in southeastern Ohio in the 1970s. I have been part of the game ever since as an umpire or a coach.

I appreciate the craft of umpires...I especially appreciate the fact that the umpires are required to make up to 300 decisions during the course of the game (of course I am specifically talking about the home plate umpire in this case) and of course is going to make mistakes with that many decisions to consider.

As a coach I generally just wanted to know what the umpire saw when there was a call in which I disagreed with him or her. I would also try to help the umpire if I felt there was a problem with interpretation of a rule or a mechanics problem
such as which umpire should make the call for a runner leaving a base too early on a fly out.

I remember when I was calling baseball several years ago in a game with Gallia Academy and Fairland I called a balk on the pitcher from Fairland because he did not come to a complete stop before he threw to first base. Coach Snyder from Fairland called time-out and came to me very composed and gathered and asked what I saw. I explained what I saw and he pleasantly said I should check the rule out and he was sure I would find that I had erred. That night I got home and read my rule book and found that I had erred. I called Coach Snyder and told him that I had indeed made a mistake and apologized and also told him that I was glad that it did not matter in the outcome of the game.

That is why I believe that the fans, coaches, and umpires can all co-exist and truly enjoy our great game. We need to understand that umpires, players, coaches, and fans do make mistakes and they are not purposeful. If a person in the stands feels so compelled that sports officiating is so bad, they can always contact their local chapter of umpires and join the craft. Umpires, you guys just understand that learning the rules is a lifetime adventure...keep studying and get in proper position as much as possible for a two-man crew. Coaches, make sure you know the rules, too and try to deal with the umpires in a civil manner.

And Bud....keep up the good work at Chillicothe. you always have been a worthy opponent in the other dugout. I have enjoyed your competitiveness.

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by ManitouDan »

I don't see the need to insult everyone with the condescension in your first sentence . Whether one has umped or not doesn't matter when Blue doesn't know the rules .

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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by Ironman92 »

He's coached and umpired long enough to know the best coaches and umps are in the stands.

dawg catcher
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Re: Where are the quality umpires?

Post by dawg catcher »

I, by no means, am insinuating that an umpire has an easy task, but I do think many times they make it more difficult by not being in position. The umpires that I am speaking of, and we all know there are several out there, that make umpiring extremely difficult on themselves by NOT KNOWING THE POSITION TO BE IN, NOT WORKING TO GET INTO POSITION, AND NOT MAKING THE RIGHT CALL BECAUSE THEY DO NOT KNOW THE RULES WELL ENOUGH TO KNOW THE CALL TO MAKE. Again, I know I may be out of line sometimes, but I work hard as a coach preparing my team, studying the rules of the game, and doing everything I can to be a better coach. All I ask for is umpires to do the same... I don't think this is to much to ask!

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