SOC 2020

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by softball24_7 »

Burg will be at the top for the next few years as long as pitchers stay healthy. If Spence stays healthy she should see POY. Brit, Boo, or Rylie I could agree with. However, I'll throw Cait Brisker (O.H) into the mix. She's probably the best SS in the league, rocket for an arm, great game mind, and guessing she'll come into this yr sitting on close to 30 HR.
As far as league play, I look for Burg to be uncontested in soc2, after that it's too hard to tell. Minford, O.H, SW, NW could win against each other on any given day. Just depends on which team shows up ready to play. Not sure what Waverly will do this yr??

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by rxburgfan »

With the shelter in place directive issued I doubt that fares well for Spring sports or even retuning to school. Just so you know I’m usually wrong and hope I am.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by ManitouDan2 »

I hope they throw together some type of season , even if they play for 2 weeks then have a tourney . Give the girls something. Maybe even play it without anyone present . no parents , no one .

Prime Time
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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

I don’t know why Gov DeWine don’t come out now and say school is cancelled rest of year. Can he really think after being shut until at least May 1 it will be safe to return all kids to classroom for 3-4 weeks and risk a outbreak spreading this virus to kids, parents, relatives. I see no good outcome. In any of this. I predict summer and even fall sports will be affected until after first of year and hopefully vaccine will be close by Jan or maybe something earlier.. can you see in August or even October putting hundreds of people in stadiums and spreading it like wildfire. That means college and pros also

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

So will the leagues thru State just award all teams a trophy and each player a medal. everyone will be undefeated and everyone is a winner.

JV Team
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Re: SOC 2020

Post by longball »

Well if that's the case, we will be locked down forever because its not going away. You should educate yourself a bit on how a virus works and the reason for restrictions right now.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

Well,I Say that’s the case. Reality is reality and ball of any kind should on the bottom list over peoples lives and the risk that’s out there. So if we pack the high school stadiums, college stadiums and pro stadiums and play games over the health of entire nations well being that’s Blantant disregard for human life.lets get our priority’s straight Look at Olympics cancelling till next year in summer, they are taking a pro active protection for athletes. So if I educate my self that will make virus go away, afraid not, it will go away on it’s on terms not humans.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

Humans can come up with ways to control it vaccines as such but we’re talking months and maybe a year or more.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by longball »

So any return to normalcy would be a blatant disregard for human life? It's not just packing stadiums... what about malls, airports, guess our kids will never go back to school together? How many peoples careers are at these pro and college stadiums? How many people own bars and restaurants to feed their families? I know this argument will never be won with some. I agree with Trumps statement... The fix can't do more damage than the cure. See you guys in the bread lines.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

If that’s what it takes to control this. , I’ll see you in line then. So if all these people return to work right now, they become infected then spread it to family, co workers, grandparents and on and on. It has to be controlled now and how ever long it takes. Look at New York nightlyand body bags . And there’s more to come and it’s not going to over next month or two months , this is going to take time and months.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by longball »

The goal of the lockdown is to prevent that hospital surge. Once we hit the peak and it starts to drop, things will start going back to normal. Unless people with your mindset are running the county, then yes we will all be in the bread lines but there won't be any bread.. How is that better?

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

Go ahead and play your ball games, good luck. With mindsets like this this will go on for months, start the schools up,, everyone go back to work next month. See how that goes then. I’d would rather be in line and no bread at least I’m breathing and not in hospital on a ventilator because we have to get ball games in and work and doing what we want, instead of doing what’s best for everyone.

JV Team
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Re: SOC 2020

Post by longball »

That's the thing, it's not best for "everyone". Right now, yes as we prevent the hospital surge... long term... no. Think about children starving and not getting proper health care.. for example.

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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

Well we will see , I say things will be very limited contact for months or more. We will see the public be very shy about getting around people for months. Then your group says let’s get back to normal... there will be no more normal for quite a long time. So we will see who is right in there thinking, I say my line of thinking will be the new norm instead of your thinking of let’s all go back the way it was, there’s no more things like it used to be and time will tell .good luck with your line of thinking

Prime Time
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Re: SOC 2020

Post by Prime Time »

Stay at Home. Do your part! As long as it takes! Ohio Proud! Remember We Are In This Together!

JV Team
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Re: SOC 2020

Post by longball »

I'm sure you would have a different tune if you were one of the people who wasn't sure how they were going to put food on the table for their families next meal...

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