Just putting this out there for the local coaches who may be interested. We could possibly do something like this on a more local level. Could play the last 2 scheduled home and away games, this would allow each team to get a proper Sr night, and many other things.... I'm sure we could figure it out with whatever limitations/rules Dewine and the state have in place. But here's the info I wanted to pass along
Ok so after a few hours here are some thoughts for a High School Programs and to possibly suit up at some time!
- week of July 27th, this is the furthest we can go out before the no contact dates for August!
- I am floored by the support, offers and ideas from everyone
- depending on teams location - find remote fields (2 fields) and keep it to a close proximity of teams
- each team plays 2 games in one day - so each team would only commit to one day usage out of their allotted 10 contact days
- cost would just be umps and balls and field rentals. But I believe playing more local most fields would not charge (also I have had many contacting me about donations of umps time or balls)
- again this is for school programs and especially the seniors
Obviously we can adapt this concept to fit many social restrictions that may still be in place at that time, trust me they will be there
I feel we can all work together to offer this opportunity to the 2020 class to play a game or 2 with their High School Team.
Please share with with any and all high school teams you know.
I am compiling a team list and will continue to do so, feel free to text or call me at 614-778-3386 or PM me if interested and your team will be added to the list! Nothing is final we may have 20 teams involved per location or 2 teams.
Thank you,
Marc Fiorilli
HS softball week
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- Posts: 1599
- Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:08 am
- Location: Banks of the Hocking
Re: HS softball week
I find if these high schools are associated with the OHSSA , would they be sanctioned games and who takes liability if any results happen after these games. good Luck thou, but social distancing, wearing masks, in possible 80-90 degree heat, looking out for players, fans if any or who will be enforcing guidelines by Gov. Mike DEWine. As of right now only 10 people in a group, maybe by July it might be more, maybe so again I hope things proceed for the better but things can go south in a heartbeat also. Trying to rush things in a pandemic is not a good idea but we’re looking out almost three months. Everyone be safe and lookout for all people around you. Light at end of tunnel is still out there. Let’s get there all in one piece.