Peake at Rock Hill

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Peake at Rock Hill

Post by peake450 »

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by peake450 »

Any thoughts on this important OVC battle tonite. Looks like it will be another cold one.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by HILL_Lady »

I would love to see Rock Hill win this one, but in all honesty I believe Peake has the talent to take this one. I just hope everyone can stay warm and injury free. For the visitors, if you get too cold take a trip to the "heated" bathrooms. Nothing fancy, but a quick way to warm up fast. I won't be there tonight, so please let me know how the game goes. Good luck Hill.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by peake450 »

I've heard the new facility is real nice, looking forward to a good injury free game also. We only have 11 kids anyway. Good luck.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by osumufan »

Only 11 players total? That does not look good for the future of Peake softball. I know in the past few All Star seasons Peake didn't even field a team I just assumed it was because of ASA.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by peake450 »

Panthers open up the whooping sticks today, after an early scare they score 15 runs, 14 earned with 13 hits. Ally with 9 strikeouts. Final 15-5, a five inng mercy. Rock Hill has a good club, panthers were just able to string hits together today. They are hitting well.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by sftblfrk »

New facility is very nice Rock Hill, Good game ladies special kuodos to #30 CF Ms.H Gannon. :-D 8) Way to go again Ally. Nice WIN Peake!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by HILL_Lady »

Congrats to the Peake on a job well done!

Congrats to Rock Hill's Jazel DeAutremont for hitting the first homerun out of the new softball complex. Well done young lady!

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by peake450 »

Hey osumufan, just to clarify we start 3 juniors, 4 soph's and 2 freshmen with 2 freshmen on the bench. The little league program is finally starting to shape up with 3 teams under the stacked senior league team for the first time ever. Girls are starting to take notice.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by sftblfrk »

Not too mention you have to look at size. Chesapeake is small compared to everyone around. The numbers are growing but will never be a S.Pt or Fairland as far as number of teams. And even S.Pt has had to have players from chesapeake to field a Sr. League all star team.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by buckeye221 »

One year South Point did borrow a couple Chesapeake girls for the all-star team. That was because many girls that are not that dedicated to softball will not play all-stars for personal reasons or the ones that are more dedicated do not want to bother with all-stars because they would rather not miss any ASA tournaments. In senior league all-stars has almost vanished it seems. South Point is one of the only few teams around here that always have all-star teams in the junior and senior leagues...but yeah one year they used a couple of Chesapeake girls.

I know last year SP had 4 minor league girls teams, 6 little league girls teams, and 3 senior league teams...that is a ton of girls playing. Different years it varies...sometimes they will gain a team or lose a couple of teams, but that happens. Size is not an excuse to say why you don't have enough girls playing in your leagues...look how small Symmes Valley is and I think they had 2 senior league girls teams last year...or at least they started out with 2.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by wemufans »

sftblfrk wrote:Not too mention you have to look at size. Chesapeake is small compared to everyone around. The numbers are growing but will never be a S.Pt or Fairland as far as number of teams. And even S.Pt has had to have players from chesapeake to field a Sr. League all star team.

Fairland has been down in the Little League teams as well. Most years in all stars they have had a team but it wasn't very competitive. I think ASA has some things to do with it. The numbers just aren't there for a lot of leagues for various reasons. AAU basketball and ASA or two big reasons but it also has to do with kids just not wanting to get out in the heat and be outside. Simply, kids today are spoiled and lazy!

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by sftblfrk »

Well this is a first for Chesapeake with a minor league team and there is only 1, 1 9-10 team and 1 11-12 and then our 1 Sr. league team. Numbers haven't really changed alot in Chesapeake maybe by 20 kids in the last 3 years. You're right ASA, AAU, heck just vacations have something to do with it but facts are facts. In the past 3 yrs in Chesapeake numbers count and when you can't or don't have enough girls of one age group playing to make a team of all stars theres not alot that can be done about that unless we want to change the district boundries (LOL). This is a first ever that Chesapeake has divided the 9-12 group and just barely had enough to do the 9-10's. Should be interesting all the way around for the next few years.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by DragonFan »

Fairland's numbers are down as well. when the 9 and 10 year olds have to sit the bench behind the 12 and 11 year olds and only play 3 innings in the outfield, a lot of the better younger girls have forgone Little League this season to play ASA 10U so they can get experience and play. They need to divide the age groups up to encourage the younger girls to play.

They also won't have competitive all star teams this year because the girls that can actually pitch fast pitch are playing ASA and one is out with surgery.

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Re: Peake at Rock Hill

Post by sftblfrk »

Fairland had the chance to do like everyone else is doing this year but didn't want to (don't know why, if it was not enough in an age group or just not wanting to). I think this will be good for girls and way less intimidating for some of the younger ones.

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