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Joined: Wed May 09, 2007 11:32 am


Post by DiamondWatcher »


That was a very good description on your earlier comment of how travel ball benefits high school programs when young kids strive to find the highest levels to compete in. As a travel ball parent yourself, you understand that even though these girls wear different high school uniforms, there is a special bond and mutual respect for one another on the playing field.

Even though travel ball can be very expensive, I wouldn't trade those experiences for the world. How many people get to spend the entire summer on road trips with their family and have quality time together? You know where your kids are at all times. Not to mention the life changing experiences they get the opportunity to have and the lifelong friends made all over the country. "Real" travel ball is a very small community.

I was very impressed with how your daughter handled herself in front of some of the top brass schools that are out there. I've know her since she was 10 years old as well and she has developed into a fine softball player. With a great work ethic, maturity and exceptional dedication since the day I met her. Once a Wild Thang...always a Wild Thang. The final chapter in the Wild Thang book has not been written yet... :122249 More information to follow at a future date...

Good luck to Lou at Morehead State. She will represent them with class.

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