district 11 9-10 interleague

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district 11 9-10 interleague

Post by Peanut »

I am looking for teams to interleague this year in 9-10 yr old girls division in softball. Any teams interested let me know. You must be in little league district 11. I'm trying to have a 9-10 interleague division like the 11-12 year olds do. WE will travel to different sites. Please call me at 740-533-1688 or 740-646-9800 asap.

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

There is a District 11 meeting this Sunday at Wheelersburg. I would think there may be some talk about it then. I know that Ironton is interested in playing 11-12 year olds separate from the 9-10 year olds this season. I think that Coal Grove feels the same way.

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Post by ItownHosscat »

Good move on Ironton's part.

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Post by ManitouDan »

We played in a league that had 9-12 combined and I"d vote "no" if I had to make choice between the two ---keep them seperate if possable --to big a talent/size/experience mismatch. MD

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Post by osumufan »

South Point should do this for the boys and girls teams. But I don't see anyone from SP with the guts to do it. I think it is mostly the issue with the traveling and not getting the concession money if the games are not held at SP. For the betterment of the kids and their skills it really NEEDS to happen. I think the girls could have enough to do it without having to interleague. The boys though would have to travel for sure. We should have minor league for 7-8. little league 9-10 and 11-12. This would help tremendously in all stars. I have seen kids in 9-10 try to pitch in allstars when they only had game experience of 6 innings the whole season.

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Post by buckeye221 »

I agree!!!

I think there are a lot of people in South Point that would be in support of splitting up the 9-10 and the 11-12 girls. But you're right...someone has to step up and do it. Look how long it took to get a girls minor league...but hey I am not complaining, I am glad that they FINALLY got it :-) lol It has helped those young girls out so much, its amazing to watch.

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9-10 softball

Post by Peanut »

I've talked to people from south point and those involved in girls softball are so for this. People think that Glenn Seagraves won't allow it, or that is what I hear. All I know is that this would be a local board decision not a district decision. You have a board at South Point, go to their meeting and have them put it to a vote. We put it to a vote where I'm from and not one member was against it. Little League should be about development and fundamentals, not whether you make enough money at the concession stand. Do what's best for the girls. The older girls would get more playing time and definately the younger girls. You would still have games at your league and make money off the concession stand. Teams will never compete with Wheelersburg and others who have their leagues divided because these girls pitch and play everyday. Speak up, that is why you have a board. Do what is best for your child and those around her. They deserve to pitch from 35 feet and use the 11 inch softball. All we need is four teams to make this happen. I know Rock Hill and Ironton and the talk is that Coal Grove and Symmes Valley want to be involved. The district meeting will help this week. If you care, plan to attend the district meeting and your local meeting. Time is running out, so get involved.

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

The District 11 meeting is Sunday at the Wheelersburg Elementary/Middle School beginning at 2:00.

I would disagree with one statement made by gapper. It is a league issue but it's also a district issue. If all these teams played together, the district would be involved and schedule the games. That takes much of it out of the hands of each individual league and under control of the district. I'm not saying that makes things better or worse, I'm just throwing it out there.

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Post by Orkan »

I joined this forum just to respond to this post. If you have the numbers in the age groups, inter-league is a non issue. True, the district does the scheduling, but still, the make up of the local leagues is still the deceision of the local board. I can't believe Glenn would be against this proposal, as he is famous for trying to get as many kids playing as is possible. He advocates putting as many on the all-star teams as is allowed by rules.

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Post by Peanut »

I meant that the district would not disallow it. Yes, if there was enough teams to go ahead with this then the district would oversee the scheduling and all, just like the little league girls system that interleague. I just meant that the approval to have a 9-10 team would come from the local board. I was not downing Mr. Seagraves or anything like that, it was the reason a couple people gave me as to why they couldn't do this. Some people there have advocated for this but got nowhere with it. I was just suggesting that people go to their board meetings and ask for the league. Make their leagues give them a reason why! This will be a subject at the district meeting and I hope people who have a girl in the age group of 9-10 who really want to see their daughter play and get better to get involved.

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Post by Tartanblue »

the 4 year age gap really doesn't help any of the kids get better. I mean putting 9 year old up to bat against a 12 year helps neither kid get better if anything it could make some players not even want to play softball or baseball any more.

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Orkan is correct. If your individual league has the numbers, I'd suggest staying on your own and separating your 9-10 boys and girls from the 11-12 boys and girls. The problem is that I don't think many leagues can form 4 team within ones on league. If you can, more power to you. I know Ironton can't so I hope we can find partners to split our girls up and play 9-10's and 11-12's separate. Ironton had 4 teams last year and that was 9-12 year olds. I'd guess we'd have enough for 2 of each if we divided them up.

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9-10 interleague

Post by Peanut »

That is what interleague is about. Most leagues do not have enough to form their own teams. I think Rock Hill could possibly have 2 teams, it is according to who wants to stay in the minors and who wants to travel. As long as we have at least four teams, we could make a 9-10 league among the district. If Ironton had 2 and Rock Hill had 2, we could for our own 9-10 league. I'm hoping for 5-6 teams and I really think it could happen. The only problem is if you only have 2 little league girls teams then they would have to interleague also. There is already a little league girls interleague set up and it would be no problem for them. The 9-10 league would be starting from scratch, but I know it can work.

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Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Ironton is aware that if we separate the 9-10's from the 11-12's, we'll have to interleague at both of those levels.

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Post by Peanut »

Again, I just think, even if you have to interleague 11-12, that you will make that group better by playing better competition. Most interleague teams are more 11-12 than 9-10. It's just a good fit all the way around. You are making all age groups get better.

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Post by ItownHosscat »

I'm all for interleague.And I agree it makes for better competition.
Thats my vote BWH!!

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Post by Peanut »

Well, I hope more people vote the same.

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Post by Orkan »

Depending on how may girls are in the program, you may only have to interleague with one other local league. If South Point and Ironton each have enough for two 9-10 and 11-12 teams, that leaves each team with 3 other teams to play against. It's just a matter of committing and doing it. The most difficult part is finding good coaching for that many teams.

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Post by Peanut »

Little league girls have a interleague set up, so the girls would just join that league. I know they have symmes valley, rock hill (2 teams last year) and I think Chesapeake. Ironton and South Point could do that. I really think South Point, based on the numbers people told me they had, would still have enough for 4 teams in their little league even if they had 2 9-10 teams. I was wondering about Coal Grove. Does anyone know their numbers? I thought maybe they could come up with a 9 yr old team. I don't know about Symmes Valley, Chesapeake or maybe even Fairland. I would like to keep it in Lawrence County, but we would travel anywhere.

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Post by Fastpitch Coach »

ItownHosscat wrote:Good move on Ironton's part.

I agree, it would be nice to see all of the areas teams play during reagular season. The 9 & 10 and 11 & 12 Girls should be seperated
to allow them to develope better.

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