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hats off to the PDT

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:50 am
by ManitouDan
COMPLETE BUTCHER JOB on the SOC all conference softball team. 1st of all why would this list be placed on Pg 2 when you have a color picture and 1/2 page on the criminal known as Plexico Burriss ???? Why WHY WHY give that hoodlum some pub when you could give some ink to the local HS kids ?

2nd -- the list you did is a so totally wrong and full of errors it's laughable (or enough to make you cry) the list contains names from seniors that played LAST YEAR ! The HEADER even states 2010 ALL conference.

An apology to the kids left off and a front page story should follow to make it right ---

SOC 1 POY Miranda Pauley and Jordan Jenkins
The list from of players from ND should read :
1st Team
Jen Arnzen and Katie Kayser
2nd Team
LeeAnn Morgan and Katie O'neil. those girls deserved to be mentioned for their great seasons.

lastly to the PDT -- just quit with AP press releases about stories that most sports junkies don't give two cents about -- or at least push them back to page 2 and put the local sports stuff (or which there is tons to publish) on Pg 1 . Burriss leaves prison is worth a 1/2 page ---- get better or go out of business MD

Re: hats off to the PDT

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:50 pm
by Pine Rider
And how many articles does it take to report that Tressel resigned? The day after the story broke the first page was nothing but Jim Tressel articles. There were plenty of things that could have been reported locally. How long did it take to report that Notre Dame girls won thier final game of the season and captured the SOC 2 title. (Not that I am going to jump and click my heals) but it deserves coverage sooner than a week past. It seems the easy thing to do is load a bunch of AP stuff in and report the local news when they get a phone call. I'm sure they'll get an earful.