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Softball Rule changes

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:35 am
by Swampfox
Couple of rule changes I dont understand. Players not forced to slide, this can create more collisions especially at the plate. Major league baseball has looked at this and made changes. 2nd Softball has a safety base originally the orange base was for runners and white base is for fielders. This has save some collisions over the years. Not the rule states that the fielder can use either base without getting penalty. Why put in a safety factor and then eliminate its intend. It appears major sports are leaning more and more towards safety. Purists may field that this is watering down the product. The powers to be are looking at it players that are of extreme value. But what is more valuable than ours kids safety.

Re: Softball Rule changes

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:55 pm
by fortdawg
I'm with you on the orange bag Mr. Fox----seems to defeat the purpose.

Re: Softball Rule changes

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:18 pm
by SouthernohioSB
To answer your questions. If the double first base is used; there is no set bag that the runner or fielder have to use. It depends on the throw. If a throw takes the fielder to the orange base then the runner uses the white one and vice versa. It is not mandatory in Ohio to use the double first base.

As far as the slide rule. Players do not have to slide but must avoid contact. A runner can't just run over a fielder. If it is malicious in nature the runner will be ejected from the game.

Re: Softball Rule changes

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:46 pm
by fhs33
As the prior guys just posted and though im not sure what age group you are talking about I believe the rule universal is that the "Runner Must Avoid Contact Or Slide" . The definition of "Avoid Contact" is up to the umpires discretion.

Re: Softball Rule changes

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2014 9:41 am
by Swampfox
i know its not the rule, but I still feel orange base should be for runners only. There are some instances where the 1st baseman goes to orange base and doesnt have to. Also a first baseman making a last second choice to use the orange, now the the baserunner who should be running in foul territory to adjust and come inside which could cause a collision or now this puts the runner between the ball and the fielder. If they are going give the fielder the option to use either base then there is no reason for the safety base. With one base the runner knows where she has to go, with two she may have to decide at the last second. EIther use the rule of orange base for its intended purpose or may do away with the orange base. I have seen several instances where the correct usuage of the base has saved several injuries.