Peebles @ Fairfield

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by Ironman92 »

Well, you lost me!

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by hoopin »

Ironman92 wrote:Well, you lost me!

Sorry! Just wondering if he came to his younger sister's game at Peebles the next day and if he felt like he was the centerpiece of conversation among the Peebles faithful. I could see where that might make for an awkward situation.

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by Ironman92 »


I imagine he moved on from the loss and was just enjoying the play of his very talented sister and her amazing team.

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by justproveit7 »

Folks, you are entitled to whatever opinion you like/have but unless you were on the bench or in the locker room with the coach, you don't know what he said to his players nor do you know what he condones and what he doesn't.

Most importantly, I really don't think his little sisters have ANYTHING to do with the Varsity Boys games. Its best to leave them out of the conversations, don't you think???? Besides, his little sister that goes to Peebles didn't even attend the Varisty game the night before. BOTH of her brothers where at her game to support her.

That said, the Indians deserve a CONGRATS. They all played well.

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by shljunkie »

I agree, that's family and has nothing to do with his coaching abilities. I think the young man is probably a very good kid who has a great desire to coach and a great love for his homeschool, all very admirable. however....there's more to being a varsity coach than that and learning to handle your emotions and competitiveness are at the top of the list.
just didn't need to be on the bench or in the locker room....when his players continued to take cheap shots in the way of kicks to players who were down and elbows away from play throughout the game and his response is to jump up and down and yell at the officials all night?? That is condoning dirty, lack of class play. When you are the head man, you are in control and he was definately not in control. I've seen him more than once refuse to shake hands with other head coaches and mouth coaches as he's going off the floor. Again...I hope that this young man gets it together because he's got a ways to go.

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by jimmy chipwood »

In regards to Fairfield playing dirty and taking cheap shots - If it is as bad as people say than a tape of the game should be sent to Jerry Lewis or whoever is head of SHL now for review. I would also send one to the state as well so that the officials could be disciplined possibly. The videotape would give a true reflection of the game. Just my opinion.

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The Man on the Microphone
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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by The Man on the Microphone »

Highlights of the game will be reflected in next week's Triangle Choke. Scott Dryden is looking for witnesses and interviews.

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by rooster »

The game was taped, just my opinion, but I don't look for those three officials to get call backs.

Noone is attacking Coach Carson personally. His sisters have nothing to do with it other than to show that he has a connection to Peebles. He was there to do a job Friday night and he failed miserably in his ability to maintain a sense of control of the boys.

It was like a parent in a store with a child throwing a temper tantrum, kicking and hitting other customers and doing nothing about it except jumping up and down and yelling at the stockboy. It was quite a spectacle.

The Peebles players showed a lot of class despite the bloody chins and mouths and being kicked in the head. In fact, call it kismet I would say it fired them up and made them want the win even more, they played true team ball, stuck together to stand up to a bully and took home the victory.

Good luck this week Indians

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Re: Peebles @ Fairfield

Post by hoopin »

Didn't mean to bring his sisters into this conversation at all other than to question if he attended their tourney game the next day at Peebles, you know, one of the schools mentioned in this thread title. I was just saying that as hot as it got at the game and as hot as some of the Peebles faithful are on here talking about that game, I'm surprised nobody approached Coach Carson regarding the previous night's game. That's all.

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