Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
I am not bashing Coach Ewing, but I will say that I have been very impressed with Coach Hawley, the JV coach. I wonder if he would be interested in taking the program over some day.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
GREAT IDEA steel! While were at it, lets elect Herman Cain president!Steel Reserve wrote:I am not bashing Coach Ewing, but I will say that I have been very impressed with Coach Hawley, the JV coach. I wonder if he would be interested in taking the program over some day.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
d dog wrote:yoduh u talk to much trash
Please re-read your first two posts on this thread, come to the realization that you're a hypocrite who brings young aspiring athletes into conversations that they don't belong in, and then go get a life. U don't belong here.
I state facts about an age old, inbred "buddy system" that desperately needs change to better serve the kids involved.
A system that turns away talent and rejects any infusion into the local gene pool to the point of being the laughing stock of the TVC.
A system that allows non-educators and the business elite to buy their way into coaching positions and remain there for decades.
A system that repeats the same psychotic cycles and sees nothing wrong with it, all in the name of good intentions.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
That is the best and most accurate post I have ever read on here concerning what underlies the problems at Meigs. I especially like the part about " good intentions." The fact is that the fan base at Meigs is satisfied with the status quo because the right names occupy the positions of power. It has been the problem for forty years and it is not going to change.
That is the best and most accurate post I have ever read on here concerning what underlies the problems at Meigs. I especially like the part about " good intentions." The fact is that the fan base at Meigs is satisfied with the status quo because the right names occupy the positions of power. It has been the problem for forty years and it is not going to change.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
Tnx.Fast Eddie wrote:YoDuh,
That is the best and most accurate post I have ever read on here concerning what underlies the problems at Meigs. I especially like the part about " good intentions." The fact is that the fan base at Meigs is satisfied with the status quo because the right names occupy the positions of power. It has been the problem for forty years and it is not going to change.
Let's agree to disagree that the fan base is satisfied.
They are the majority who feel powerless to speak out for fear of retribution against their kin by the ruling minority family names, which let's face it, happens.
They are the parents who are met with rampant insecurities, lies, diversions, closed practices and threats of permanent removal from school facilities when questioning the good 'ole system in proper forums.
Sadly, I agree that it may never change as it's roots and pockets run deep, though in my opinion it is just as wrong to complacently allow it to continue without challenge.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
We may need to agree to disagree on this one issue. I truly believe that certain sports at Meigs are so dysfunctional that the thought of winning and/or competing is not a concern for most fans and may take many years to reverse. No coach outside the district would even consider coming there because of the decades long political culture they would have to overcome. The athletes care about winning, the parents of the athletes maybe, but other than them very few care. If enough people cared it would have changed. Just so I am clear I am not saying it is all the coaches fault. Parents should shoulder some of the blame as well. What some athletes are learning at home is not condusive to success in athletics.
We may need to agree to disagree on this one issue. I truly believe that certain sports at Meigs are so dysfunctional that the thought of winning and/or competing is not a concern for most fans and may take many years to reverse. No coach outside the district would even consider coming there because of the decades long political culture they would have to overcome. The athletes care about winning, the parents of the athletes maybe, but other than them very few care. If enough people cared it would have changed. Just so I am clear I am not saying it is all the coaches fault. Parents should shoulder some of the blame as well. What some athletes are learning at home is not condusive to success in athletics.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
Agreed, we disagree, and a breath of fresh air it is that we can with healthy, respectful debate. Tnx again.
However, judging by the some of the PM's I'm receiving concerning this post, there may be a shift in this lack of concern you speak of.
At this point, I would urge ya'll to post these feelings outside the private message realm.
If your worried it will affect your kin, create a new account and protect them with anonymity as you post.
The youth are our most precious resource, and to deprive them of anything that would better prepare them for the "real" world out there is beyond selfish on the part of the adult community.
It's not about winning every game in every sport.
It's about giving as many kids as possible the opportunity, instruction and encouragement to realize potential both as individuals and as team members, with the real successes coming when we reel in the strays and/or reach kids we previously thought could not be reached.
It's about thinking outside "the way I was taught" box, going to coaching/teaching clinics, staging intramural leagues, open gyms, supervised community weight rooms, homework tables.
It's about the adults giving it up, not for their own egos or community status, but for the greater good of the system, ie. the youth.
These kids are not stupid, in fact they are anything but, so why do we continue to treat them that way.
They can see the work the other schools are putting in, the schemes they incorporate and the successes they realize through their efforts and mentor-ships.
We set them up for failure when we as adults don't do our homework, remain complacent in our comforts zones and let these young adults enter the world without the feeling that "WE" did everything within our abilities to be prepared, win or lose and that quitting is not an option.
And while I'm on this rant, let me be clear that this is not just about sports at Meigs.
How long has the school been on academic probation?
When does that vicious cycle end?
Apologies, off topic I know, just sayin'.
Oh, and I know coaches from outside the area who would consider it not only a privilege and an honor to take on a position at Meigs, they love a good challenge and see the athletic potential.
For that to happen the current system of posting vacancies, BOE minutes, as well as varsity referrals would have to end and proper interviewing procedures that the rest of the state incorporate be instilled.
Steppin' down from the soap box now
However, judging by the some of the PM's I'm receiving concerning this post, there may be a shift in this lack of concern you speak of.
At this point, I would urge ya'll to post these feelings outside the private message realm.
If your worried it will affect your kin, create a new account and protect them with anonymity as you post.
The youth are our most precious resource, and to deprive them of anything that would better prepare them for the "real" world out there is beyond selfish on the part of the adult community.
It's not about winning every game in every sport.
It's about giving as many kids as possible the opportunity, instruction and encouragement to realize potential both as individuals and as team members, with the real successes coming when we reel in the strays and/or reach kids we previously thought could not be reached.
It's about thinking outside "the way I was taught" box, going to coaching/teaching clinics, staging intramural leagues, open gyms, supervised community weight rooms, homework tables.
It's about the adults giving it up, not for their own egos or community status, but for the greater good of the system, ie. the youth.
These kids are not stupid, in fact they are anything but, so why do we continue to treat them that way.
They can see the work the other schools are putting in, the schemes they incorporate and the successes they realize through their efforts and mentor-ships.
We set them up for failure when we as adults don't do our homework, remain complacent in our comforts zones and let these young adults enter the world without the feeling that "WE" did everything within our abilities to be prepared, win or lose and that quitting is not an option.
And while I'm on this rant, let me be clear that this is not just about sports at Meigs.
How long has the school been on academic probation?
When does that vicious cycle end?
Apologies, off topic I know, just sayin'.
Oh, and I know coaches from outside the area who would consider it not only a privilege and an honor to take on a position at Meigs, they love a good challenge and see the athletic potential.
For that to happen the current system of posting vacancies, BOE minutes, as well as varsity referrals would have to end and proper interviewing procedures that the rest of the state incorporate be instilled.
Steppin' down from the soap box now

- JV Team
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- Waterboy
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- Joined: Mon Feb 22, 2010 3:20 pm
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
Meigs is a discrace and has been for years. And its sad that they are so pathetic because they have had some great talent every year including this year. I have no idea why that coach is still there hes the hole problem. Probly the dumbest person i have ever seen coach a basketball game. there is no reason that this meigs team should be winless at this point. when you watch meigs they look lifeless like they are barely out there. and to me that all goes back to coaching. hes a joke and needs to be fired.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
Board Meeting tonight 7 p.m.
Be there or Be Wack.
Need to address the idiotic problem of 6th grade teams being banned from practicing at the high school and middle school facilities.
The primary school floor is dusty, dangerous and not conducive to proper practice and the whole frakkin' community knows it.
What is it with AD's and Principals in this district, mommy didn't show you love as children?
Why u gotta hate?
Don't be hatin' the playa's.
Show tha' love ya'll, show the love.
It's your duty.
Be there or Be Wack.
Need to address the idiotic problem of 6th grade teams being banned from practicing at the high school and middle school facilities.
The primary school floor is dusty, dangerous and not conducive to proper practice and the whole frakkin' community knows it.
What is it with AD's and Principals in this district, mommy didn't show you love as children?
Why u gotta hate?
Don't be hatin' the playa's.
Show tha' love ya'll, show the love.
It's your duty.
Re: Meigs Marauders 2011-2012
Lets not forget that they aren't only banning practices, they are taking money away from the Middle School every weekend, because they no longer want to host biddy league games there. They say it's taking money away from the Elementary...What does it matter which school gets the money from hosting...THEY ARE ALL MEIGS!!YoDuh wrote:Board Meeting tonight 7 p.m.
Be there or Be Wack.
Need to address the idiotic problem of 6th grade teams being banned from practicing at the high school and middle school facilities.
The primary school floor is dusty, dangerous and not conducive to proper practice and the whole frakkin' community knows it.
What is it with AD's and Principals in this district, mommy didn't show you love as children?
Why u gotta hate?
Don't be hatin' the playa's.
Show tha' love ya'll, show the love.
It's your duty.