Western Indians Coach

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by WC-MACY »

Jason did not play college ball

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by Pavilion »

WC - I don't know how to pm either. I'll try to teach myself.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by beaverlover »

WIFAN-22 wrote:Harrop is not his dad people, we are all sitting at home right now because of his coaching style. My Grandma could have won with as much talent, and experience as we had these past two years. I really feel sorry for these young men, who two years ago had a great coach (Phil Howard), and the last two have worked more on sideline press breakers than on getting better. I am glad to see him go. I hope that coach Kite is the next coach. He will get results from his players. I don't dislike coach Harrop but, his coaching ability is just not there.

THANK YOU!!! Very good post! Howard built what was there the last couple years...Harrop just got left alot of talent...Remember how well Tubby Smith did with Pitino's team?

I would like to see how many wins Harrop could get the next couple years...He would actually have to coach....Not just depend on Shanks,Smithson,and Penwell making the decisions for him as these 3 had so much game and tourney experience,they pretty much coached themselves...Heck,his hot stat girl could have won 15 games with his talent.I have nothing against the guy but he was not a good head coach.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by scarletpimpernel »

Pavilion - I would never make an intentional comment to take any thing away from Shanks or Smithson. They were outstanding players with a lot of talent. I was simply stating that Western WILL have talent next year in Flint, Bakenhaster and Cooper. As stated in my previous post, we DO lose the experience of Shanks and Smithson but I believe these boys will step up and be outstanding players in their own right. I remember when the '08 team graduated several seniors and all the naysayers said Western's winning streak was over and look what happened under the leadership of TRENT HARROP!!!! Western went the next two years with winning records.

As for all of you who keep referring to Mrs. Harrop as the "hot stat" keeper, PLEASE STOP. It is being very disrespectful of an extremely nice LADY and to coach Harrop.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by WIFAN-22 »

I do not have a kid that played for Harrop this year, but went to all ballgames but one this year, and I do know what basketball should look like, and it was not too hard to tell that the kids got by this year by their own individual talent. Now anyone who thinks that we could not have done better this year then you haven't been totoo many games. If you have had conversations with as many players as I have this year, and listened to the comments that were made during practice, and games, then you would feel the same way I did. And, as for knowing his dad, all you have to do is look into his accomplishments on the net (Ohio Coaching Hall of Fame). Plus he was at 3-4 practices, and he practically ran them. I for one want stability in our basketball coach, but I don't believe that we always have to take the first available person working in the school either. Western is notorious for this accross the boards in all sports. I want our kids to have the best if the best is available, and we don't look for that. Claytor coaching the Junior High program is a perfect example of the board not caring who we put in a position. He has won maybe a handful of games in the past 5 years. I am sick and tired of everyone complaining that the parents always push someone out. My solution to that is then stop placing individuals in the positions that are not qualified. I once again want to say that personally I like Trent, but that doesn't qualify him to be a coach. Wake up people! Most just want what is best for the kids.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by WC-MACY »


Why don't you apply for the job ? You have all the credentials....
I'm assuming you are qualified for the position since you know so much about coaching or maybe just another person voicing your opinion when you have absolutely no idea what it takes to coach

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by indianfan33 »


I don't know who you have been talking to BUT I have had 2 sons play for Trent Harrop and they both have nothing but good things to say about him as a coach and as a person. As a graduate from the Western School District, I know first hand how brutal the fans can be. I sit in the stands game after game and listen to people gripe about every thing. I agree with WC-Macy, we as spectators have no idea how hard it is to coach. Not only do coaches have to teach and coach players, they have to put up with parents and fans who think they know it all.

I would like to wish Harrop the best of luck in the future.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by WC-MACY »

indianfan33, I couldn't agree with you more...Nice post

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by Lightle04 »

I have 2 boys one that will be a freshman one in 8th. My wife has coached girls ball out here a couple of times. And played at Shawnee for 4 years she says coaching is a hard job. Look i wish COACH HARROP all the best he is a very good man and had a great 2 years as coach won 2 sectional titles in to years not bad no matter how much talent you have you still have to win the games by preparing your team and Trent did this as well as anyone.

But let me very clear i am a fan of the game and a parent of 3 kids in the school. GUYS BOBBY KNIGHT,COACH K,DEAN SMITH, none of these coaches are coming down the super highway that is ST.RT.124 to coach our kids.

Im afraid if we dont take the opportunity of trying to get DAVID KIGHT to stick around here we will be missing the boat Ive seen his practices and the way he handles our children on and off the floor teaching them more than basketball but holding them accountable for ther actions off the floor and in the community as well a very disciplined person and a hard nosed coach who make young men tough,responseable,and teaches them life lessons he is very knowledgable of the game and how to play and prepare for it. The only draw back to him is he is a SHAQ fan. But i do hope that the board and parents make a decision before summer gets here and the kids suffer from not getting much time to get to know there new coach. I would hate to take a chance and wait till the last minute and hire a coach look what happened ay jackson when they waited to long to hire a coach 2 of there better players left for oak hill because of the stability at the coaching position. Lets start from here and build upon the foundation that has been laid for us by the kids over the last few years to continue the tradition of WESTERN basketball.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by WIFAN-22 »


I guess everyone who doesn't agree with you obviously has no idea what real basketball should look like. I have no coaching credentials, so I guess that means that I should not post my opinions. Nothing should ever be said unless they agree with you. ALERT! EVERYONE STOP WATCHING ESPN, BECAUSE THOSE GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT COACHING ERRORS AGAIN, AND OH DID I FORGET TO MENTION, NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER COACHED BEFORE! I do not need to coach to see a confused offensive team, or no adjustments in the second half.

You sound like your more for Harrop than for the kids in the school. He is a great person, but we can do better by the children in the school.

If coach Kight is selected I am sure that he will have the respect from his players, as well as the fans. I still believe that we should give it 30 days to see if there is another opportunity out there. And, as for Western fans being difficult, just look up some of the other post on southern ohio preps, you will find quite a few coaching vancancies. So, don't believe for a minute that we are so much different than most competitive fan bases in southern Ohio.

I too wish Trent good luck in all his future endeavors.....

jimmy chipwood
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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by jimmy chipwood »

I seriously hope that Western fans and community will have patience with Kight because it is going to take a few years to rebuild. If they are expecting anywhere close to 15 wins next year they are going to be heartbroken by the holiday tournament. Next year, the goal should be to play solid defense and compete for 32 minutes every game and not put so much importance on the record. How hard the kids play and listen will be the true measure for next season.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by hbk2016 »

Brett Coreno would be a good fit for the Indians.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by sparky »

where is coreno now? he got the shaft at piketon.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by Five Point »

Coreno is the girls coach at Piketon.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by hbk2016 »

I would think he would like to jump back into a boys program

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by hbk2016 »

Get someone with head coaching experience this time.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by dmills »

I heard that Gabby Smith was getting the job.

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by sparky »

so coreno got fired as boys coach and ended coaching the girls? if he wasn't qualified to coach the boys how is he qualified enough to coach the girls?

Interested In All
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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by Interested In All »

What does it really matter Piketon has Lisath and he is in the State Tounament. Gabby Smith was a really good coach. I'm sure he hasn't forgotten how to do it

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Re: Western Indians Coach

Post by Ironman92 »

It's just strange the the board members/admin didn't let him keep coaching the boys....but allowed him to coach the girls.

Lisath has nothing to do with any of that thought.

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