Eaglesnest wrote:balltime wrote:Lets not judge people when you dont know the circumstances!Just let it play out.Remember these are kids and should be treated as kids!Hopefully all works out and Tory can help the team.I will say this there are some great people in Portsmouth who really do care about kids,and put kids first its very refreshing to see that people do still care in these times!Tory is not cleared as of yet has paper work to be sent in and then state rules.
Not judging anyone. I hope Horne helps the Trojans....but I hope he also proves me wrong... and stays put in Porsmouth. If he leaves again, he will make a laughing stock out of the OHSAA for allowing him to play and Portsmouth for playing someone that is in and out of their District over their own kids that have been there for open gyms, conditioning, and practices since November?[/quote]
is that as bad,as letting kids come into your program,and playing over kids that have been practicing,going to summer camps,playing biddy ball all their lives

and still not live in the district they play in

because it happens everywhere