Pay to park-JacksonHS

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by Pavilion »

Information regarding the $ 2 parking was reviewed the day of the tournament drawing. It is not the fault of the Jackson people that the word did not get back to your fans.

As for what happens to the money from gate receipts during the season - it costs over $ 500 to have a home girls basketball game for expenses of officials, security, clock keepers, score keepers, etc. They are lucky to break even on a girls game and a boys game cost even more because they are usually triple headers and have 2 security officers on duty. Basically football is the only sport that nets a positive balance.

I remember reading in the paper at the beginning of the year that last year Jackson athletic dept lost $ 50 K last year. They cut all of the budgets by 25% and implemented the parking to try to keep from going to pay to play. The travel expense also has to be astronomical.

The paper said that OHSAA pays $300 per night for use of the facility for basketball games. That won't even pay for the lights or to flush the camodes!
The only money the thletic dept makes is from parking. All concessions go to the support groups running them and not the ath dept.

I can almost guarantee you that next year there will be many more schools doing the same thing with parking for regular season events and tourneys.

Personally, I would rather have a bunch of people pay $ 2 to park instead of charging our athletes to play because there would be kids who couldn't afford to do it.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by ocho stinko »

Amen Pavilion,
You stated what I was wanting too, however, sometimes I lack a little tact. 8)

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by CharlieHustle »

ocho stinko wrote:You can charge for parking during tourney if you have done it all year. My little child knows that. Go ahead and be little cry babies and call OHSAA, they will tell you babies the same thing. Plus, Jackson does not set the ticket prices nor do they get the money. If two dollars break you up then maybe you need to get a better job. Most district games that I have gone to especially the convo charges for parking. Why can't Jackson charge for parking while holding a district game? At least the money goes to high school athletes. I think the Scioto County people need to crawl back in their holes. I bet more schools do the same next year and it will be more than 2 dollars. Signs of the times, I am not crazy about it but 2 dollars come on folks you really are cry babies.

We Scioto County people would crawl back to our holes, which we love and adore, but you Greedymen,OOPS! I meant Ironmen.....would probably charge us $3.00 just to head back down 139 for your "bathroom tissue enhancement fund." If you can't afford to let people park their cars at a high school basketball game for FREE after they are already paying $6.00 to watch the game, you have some moral issues. Next year, people either need to pay with pennies or park of the bottom of the hill. Since that parking lot is too valuable to be driven on free.

*But that's just the way we Scioto County farmin' folk feel.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by sportsfan43 »

I went to play off games at , Valley,Waverly,Northwest.

NONE, of them, 0 , CHARGED TO PARK :122246 :122246

like 85inside said, if you dont make any money, and you cant afford to hold the event, why bother?

you think OSHAA would do anything, if THEY was not making a $ :?:

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by Pol pot »

Glad I can make somes day! How do you know schools are not told they are charging to park? I am willing to bet that when Bob Kight had his Manager meeting with the coaches that was covered however since the schools and JCS did not take out a full page Flier in the Scioto Voice (it's a free paper) or the USAToday it is their fault you didn't know.

Simple thing here go with a friend and it is only a buck! A car load would be $.50 a person.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by ocho stinko »

Dont be so hard on yourself scarlet. Next year your teams probably won't make it there anyways. Plus you are forgetting we do not set the ticket price for tourney games. Since you are a farmer I want to complain about the price of milk and beef, now that is simply outrageous!!! :lol: :lol:

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by theassassin »

hammerdown wrote:
Pavilion wrote:Information regarding the $ 2 parking was reviewed the day of the tournament drawing. It is not the fault of the Jackson people that the word did not get back to your fans.

As for what happens to the money from gate receipts during the season - it costs over $ 500 to have a home girls basketball game for expenses of officials, security, clock keepers, score keepers, etc. They are lucky to break even on a girls game and a boys game cost even more because they are usually triple headers and have 2 security officers on duty. Basically football is the only sport that nets a positive balance.

I remember reading in the paper at the beginning of the year that last year Jackson athletic dept lost $ 50 K last year. They cut all of the budgets by 25% and implemented the parking to try to keep from going to pay to play. The travel expense also has to be astronomical.

not trying to be a smart booty in anyway but how much are they paying for officials and clock keepers ? most teams provide their own score/book keepers as for the security most county sheriff departments will provide that for free. doesn't the gate to get in the game cover most of this? who keeps the money from the concessions?

far as i know all teams have their own book keepers but... the host site has the "official" book for tourney games. ohsaa pays for officials.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by theassassin »

just one question here hopefully someone can answer for me... why so much complaining bout jaxon charging to park yet noone says anyting bout ou doing the same?

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by ocho stinko »

because it is jackson, anybody else could get by with it. Great hatred for Jackson in southern ohio.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by theassassin »

i think you the one stirring them scioto countians up with some of your posts there oucho... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by ocho stinko »

me stir? :lol: Never :122246

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by Pavilion »


I was answering the question of what do schools do with the money they make from sporting events during the season. I know the OHSAA pays all of the expenses for the tourney. I was referring to how much it costs to run an athletic department during the season with the cost of officials, scorekeepers, clock keepers, security, etc., for home events, and then the astronomical cost of travel to an away contest. Not to mention equipment and uniforms. Plus, some sports are completely non revenue - golf and cross country for example make no money but have to have uniforms and pay entry fees to participate in events.

Most schools hope to break even on girls basketball and volleyball - throw in all of the non revenue sports ( I doubt that soccer breaks even) and you better be making money off of boys basketball and football or else kids will be paying to play. I heard a Jackson official say they had generated about $16K from parking for the athletic department before the tournament began. That might be the difference between our kids paying to play or not.

While I am sure I could probably afford for my kids to pay to play, some people could not, or at the minimum would have to limit their kids to one or two sports per year. That would be a shame in my opinion if a kid could not play because of the pay to play fee. There are some districts in central Ohio where kids have to pay up to $ 250 per sport. That would really hurt if you had two or three kids that like to play two or three sports.

I for one, applaud Jackson for trying to keep us from paying for our kids to participate in athletics, so any kid who wants to play will be able to do so.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by lady_oaks_fan3362 »

ocho stinko wrote:assassin
because it is jackson, anybody else could get by with it. Great hatred for Jackson in southern ohio.

just wanted to warn you and others complaining about parking fees..... get your pennies ready because the Convo is reportedly charging $5.00.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by CharlieHustle »

ocho stinko wrote:Dont be so hard on yourself scarlet. Next year your teams probably won't make it there anyways. Plus you are forgetting we do not set the ticket price for tourney games. Since you are a farmer I want to complain about the price of milk and beef, now that is simply outrageous!!! :lol: :lol:

Milk and beef could be cheaper but we have to spend our money to park our cars on a high school parking lot.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by bushmaster24 »

do teachers, admin pay to park to the games?

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by madpolecat »

You had to pay $2 to park at a basketball game?


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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by rbwfan »

I have to admit, on Saturday I was pretty ticked off about having to pay to park at Jackson HS. And yes I am from Scioto County. $2 is not much and is not going to break our family. We as a family made changes this year, quit going to alot of the away games, cut out the meals out afterward at home games, brought our own bottled water or did without. Just about everyone has had to tighten up. We knew (hoped!) our girls team would make it far in the tournament and planned for those expenses later. Pulling up to the HS in Jackson and seeing we had to pay to park seemed a little arbitrary at the time. I didn't realize the fees involved. I can agree with some points on both sides. We've got enough to worry about and I feel many of the people on here are in the same situation: it just seemed like one more knife prick in a deflating local economy. $2 is not a lot to most but to some it may be when you are not expecting it. That said, I'm "new" around Southern Ohio, (leave it at that) and wasn't aware of the apparent animosity between Jackson and Scioto County and don't really care what that is all about. But I think several statements were made that pretty inflamatory and really uncalled for. Jackson has a nice facility and I appreciate I don't have to go far for the girls District tournament.

That said, those schools that pay to play, what does that fee cover? Is it strictly for officials, utilities and transportation? Does it cover uniforms, shoes, warmups, etc that might be needed for the new year?

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by g w mclintock »

I really have no dislike for Jackson or Scioto counties and I really didn't mind paying the $2 but I think the following is true (please correct me if I am wrong):

OHSAA pays $300 plus expenses to the host school. Security and custodial costs are included in the reimbursed expenses. I have been told by tourney managers in the past that they even get reimbursed for paying the ticket takers, administrators and any other necessary workers. Sometimes these workers "donate" the money back to the school. Program sales (including advertising), concessions and parking proceeds stay in the district.

I think Jackson does a fine job hosting the tourney and they are not getting rich from it, but let's at least get the facts straight...

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by Pol pot »

I know many on here will jump at me and pull out federal currency law, but business and entities have the ability to dictate how they take payments and in what form. Federal Court has upheld that pennies as payment can be denied by the establishment in several different cases. I would find it funny if I read on here next week that you were turned away for trying to pay in pennies.

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Re: Pay to park-JacksonHS

Post by lady_oaks_fan3362 »

Pol Pot wrote:I know many on here will jump at me and pull out federal currency law, but business and entities have the ability to dictate how they take payments and in what form. Federal Court has upheld that pennies as payment can be denied by the establishment in several different cases. I would find it funny if I read on here next week that you were turned away for trying to pay in pennies.

Unlike some people, I am sure anyone in Jackson County would be happy to take pennies. Not sure about other banks but the ones in Jackson county still accept pennies in deposits. LOL LOL LOL

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