Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

who wins?

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by crazee-oakaholic »

less than 24 hours away GO OAKS!

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by oak_a_holic »


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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by JJ Hale »

Do I get a free T-shirt? :lol:

I'll quit picking on your Dad!

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by oak_a_holic »

If you're rootin for THE Oaks then I'll buy you one!!

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by JJ Hale »

You guys know I am! :-D

I hate for you to buy it. I like getting into the boss man's pocket! :lol:

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by oak_a_holic »

Yeah thats always a good deal huh?

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by Kenny Bixx »

1974Viking wrote:
Kenny Bixx wrote:They might RENT in OH but they dont live in OH. If selling your soul for a state championship is worth it, good for you. When South Webster, Chillicothe, and Alexander Volleyball won their state titles, there were more whispers of shame than there were shouts of praise. Good Luck.

I may be an idiot, but I have my integrity.

Kenny Bixx. After reading some of your trash you are posting on here, how can you say you have integrity? You make the rest of us from Vinton County feel ashamed. Please stop using kids names when you post on here. You are breaking the rules. That is probably why you are under a new user name. This is a Oak Hill & Waterford blog. Please stay on subject.

I do have integrity because I am loyal. Your username is a joke! Maybe you started out in Vinton County, but as i look over your posts you seem to be double-faced.

Having your cake and eating it too is a no no..quit your county job and relocated!(your whole family) its the right thing to do.....sucking money from taxpayers but sending your kid to another school is just wrong. That's what I'm saying.

I apoligize about the kids names. I won't do that anymore.

I think the Oaks Boys win because Persin is a good coach and they have talent. So far as the girls, who knows....depends on the jet lag from HOME.....in Vinton County.

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by oak_a_holic »

Talk about two-faced.
Early you were completly trashing us, now you're picking us to win.
Make up your mind.

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by ampage »

This game is going to be the biggest game Waterford has had this year. I believe that it is going to be close through out the whole game. I cant wait for the game tomorrow. Im pulling for Waterford in this one. They have been playing very well lately. I hope they can pull it through. Good luck Wildcats!!!!

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by blondebomb »

GO OAKS !!!!!! Good luck & cage those wildcats !!!! :aaaaa10 BYE KITTY !!!

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by crazee-oakaholic »

JJ i will give you free tshirts for life if you get me a job...dads kinda got the fire under my butt to get one..i dont think he wants me workin over there at the school with him!!

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by gh123 »

91blue14 wrote:gh123 who has shown interest in bringing DJ to their program.

gotta love it when kids make it to college :mrgreen:

Rivals.com has some MAC schools listed as interested. Bowling Green, Central Michigan, Eastern Michigan, Kent State, Miami-Oh, and Ohio University.

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by 1974Viking »

Kenny Bixx wrote:
1974Viking wrote:
Kenny Bixx wrote:They might RENT in OH but they dont live in OH. If selling your soul for a state championship is worth it, good for you. When South Webster, Chillicothe, and Alexander Volleyball won their state titles, there were more whispers of shame than there were shouts of praise. Good Luck.

I may be an idiot, but I have my integrity.

Kenny Bixx. After reading some of your trash you are posting on here, how can you say you have integrity? You make the rest of us from Vinton County feel ashamed. Please stop using kids names when you post on here. You are breaking the rules. That is probably why you are under a new user name. This is a Oak Hill & Waterford blog. Please stay on subject.

I do have integrity because I am loyal. Your username is a joke! Maybe you started out in Vinton County, but as i look over your posts you seem to be double-faced.

Having your cake and eating it too is a no no..quit your county job and relocated!(your whole family) its the right thing to do.....sucking money from taxpayers but sending your kid to another school is just wrong. That's what I'm saying.

I apoligize about the kids names. I won't do that anymore.

I think the Oaks Boys win because Persin is a good coach and they have talent. So far as the girls, who knows....depends on the jet lag from HOME.....in Vinton County.

Kenny Bixx Again like every post you have made you are 1000% WRONG. I do not or have not worked for the County or the State. Me and my family pay a lot of taxes in Vinton County. You do not know who you are pissing off, so I can tell you for you own good, you do not want to go there. I am not who you think I am, so please just drop it. I do not have any children in the school system, but support the Vinton County schools and Wellston's, Jackson's , Oak Hills, Wheelersburg, Ironton, Logan to name a few. They all have good programs. I just cannot stand it when someone is upset over things that they think they know as the truth or believe it is the truth because they heard rumors that someone thinks is better than the truth. Kenny if you have someone close to you, a son or daughter or someone close to you, I would think you would react in a not so kind way. The name calling I do owe you an apology, that I can assure you is not me. Just upset. One last thing, I do not live in Vinton County anymore, but it will always be my home. I will not be posting on the subject of transfers anymore. It just not worth getting pissed off about. Kenny I do want to wish the girls & boys from VC luck now and in the future, they all are good kids. To The Oaks & Wildcats, I am sorry to have messed up your message board with this trivial stuff. This is about those two teams and no one else. 1974 Viking :-D :-D

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by Steely Dan »

With all of the ridiculous garbage posted about this game (I cannot believe that this thread is now six pages, BTW), I am going to come over and watch it tomorrow.

I have zero skin in the game, so I will be a completely unbiased observer. While I've listened to a few H2OFord games on the radio, I've never seen Cunningham play a varsity game (long story, by choice, come see me if you want the scoop), so this will be a first.

Good luck to both teams, hope that this a clean played game with no injuries. Would like to see the best team win and move onto the Regional semi-final at full strength.

Should be a great game, and atmosphere tomorrow. I'm sticking around for game two as well, as the Eastern/Southern game should be another fun game to watch.

Oh, and one other thing, for the benefit of the Oak Hill fanatics who have helped this thread grow exponentially with their rants, name-calling, swearing, etc. One - You've not made yourselves look very good. Just an honest assessment, with no malice intended. Two - These folks that you've been directing your ire at have nothing to do with Waterford, they are not from Waterford, have nothing to do with the program, and are frankly "getting your goat", and you are letting them.

You really are alot better off ignoring the inflammatory comments that have been thrown at you and take the high road. In the long run, you will look alot better and feel alot better about how you handled some of the idiotic posts that have been thrown your way, instead of spouting off and stooping to their level.

SD just sharing a little sage wisdom, as I'm very familiar with the H2Oford posters, and the other TVC Hocking posters......

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by cripple93 »

LETS GO OAKS!!! Come out and show us all the Oaks we know you are!! :aaaaa59

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by Kenny Bixx »

I had apologized for the names, I was wrong. But, I am right about the situation and I know what I am talking about. Those that left Vinton County did so for selfish reasons and maybe they did it the right way, but for the wrong reasons. What gets me is that people get on here talk about how great they are and ignore the ones who were hurt when they left. For years, they have asked for donations from local business to support the Hamden Hoopsters and those businesses gave, generously. Only to see those local girls that they knew and care about leave because they didnt like the coach, or a better chance at whatever and they didnt get there way. The ones who got hurt were the ones they left behind. Jeremy Ward was a good coach and he cared, but no one else did, they had personal agendas. The citizens of Oak Hill want to deflect with name calling, "ignorant" "jealous" "stupid" whatever when in reality they can not justify the actions of others.

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Good Luck to my friends, JD Hale, Ryan Borden and Westin Hale.

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by avalanche »

I am rooting for my ol'coach Persin.

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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by crazee-oakaholic »


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Re: Oak Hill Vs. Waterford

Post by classof86 »

Lets go Waterford, Lets Go!

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