Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

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Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by Omega »

For the record: Troubling for the individuals, the program, and the school. No hint of the severity of incident(s) as to bordering on criminal or micro aggressions. What is clear is that male behavior that was tolerated or ignored several years is no longer acceptable. Title 9 has morphed from equal sports opportunity to protection of a specific class. I will let you decide if that is good or bad.

http://www.thedailygopher.com/2016/12/1 ... acy-claeys
Last edited by Omega on Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by Gopher »

I vote, good thing.

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by dazed&confused »

There is no excuse for boorish behavior of any kind.

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by Gopher »

Here is another example of Title IX stepping in.

http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ss ... s_son.html

Good thing Omega?

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by Omega »

Gopher wrote:Here is another example of Title IX stepping in.

http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ss ... s_son.html

Good thing Omega?
This situation would be a potentially good thing if the civil suit determined an actual coverup. However in reading the article, I find no mention that the victim did not report the incident herself to the police. Call me an old school curmudgeon, but the concept of personal responsibility for ones own well being seems to be a vanishing concept. Apologies if I offend.
Last edited by Omega on Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by Omega »

Omega wrote:
Gopher wrote:Here is another example of Title IX stepping in.

http://www.cleveland.com/metro/index.ss ... s_son.html

Good thing Omega?
This situation would be a potentially good thing if the civil suit determined an actual coverup. However in reading the article, I find no mention that the victim reported the incident to the police. Call me an old school curmudgeon, but the concept of personal responsibility for ones own well being seems to be a vanishing concept. Apologies if I offend.
Last edited by Omega on Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by Omega »


Minnesota football players have announced they will boycott their upcoming bowl game as a protest over the suspensions mentioned in the original post.

http://www.thedailygopher.com/2016/12/1 ... uspensions
Last edited by Omega on Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by farmer »

This also comes after a few years ago that the AD was fired after situation of his own. As well as some players in separate cases.
This is becoming a real mess. Reading some of what is out there but wanting to know the TRUE STORY not the media version. To boycott a Bowl Game. Where the Bowl, host City as well as many business have invested involved time and money for Minnesota. In making all kinds of things to sell with the two teams names on it to just the Minnesota name. Then the fans booking hotels, time off work and whatever else to go to the game.

As well as thinking Northern Iowa or another team being able to get players in practice. In shape without injuries in practice and game. As well as game plan on both sides. Then get the team and fans there. While changing other plans for families spending time around Christmas.

There are many things that effect their decision. To debate their right to boycott is one thing but this involves so many other people now. That have worked to put on this Bowl Game. They accepted the invite to back out now this close to game time is not right choice.

This needs to be worked out separate from the Bowl Game. Dealing with the true issues and finding the truth. As well as preparing a more specific Code of Conduct for the Players.

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Re: Minnesota Football: 10 Gopher football players suspended indefinitely

Post by cbolt »


Minnesota football players have announced they will boycott their upcoming bowl game as a protest over the suspensions mentioned in the original post.

http://www.thedailygopher.com/2016/12/1 ... uspensions
That didn't last long lol

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

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Are there any existing charges against the 10 suspended players?

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by cbolt »

Nope police declined to press charges.Sounded like a pretty wild night whatever happened.http://www.twincities.com/2016/12/16/go ... t-we-know/

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by Bleeding Red »

I'm a big fan of innocent until proven guilty. Seems she wanted to be a sloot and hook up with half the football team. She and the players reached an "agreement". I can't that I disagree with the boycott.

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by cbolt »

Yep she shouldn't have been in some apartment drinking and loose with players in the first place if she didn't want some action.Stupid decision on her part if she didn't want ganged banged.Not excusing the players actions, they probably deserve to be thrown in jail if this article is true but women need to be smarter with who they hang out with.

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by Bleeding Red »

Bolt, I just think that her not pressing charges says it all. She wanted to sleep with a few of them, things got out of control and she didn't want to look like a slut. She knows that she allowed the situation to happen and deep down doesn't feel right getting them in trouble for something she allowed.

Not saying what happened is a good thing, but I sort of agree with the boycott. The university did this on its own. No pressure from the girls family, no pressure from police. They wanted to be pollitically correct and the team was sticking together.

Part of me wishes they would have stood strong and continued the boycott. Let the University change their decision or lose the millions of dollars.

IMO, sloots like this do this stuff with players at big time colleges more than people know. No charges, no crime. No.punishment. and think of all the women out there just looking for money and fame for this behavior.

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by Omega »

My original thoughts that the University was possibly on a witch hunt against the football players, However the school has released its EOAA report on the incident and it is damning against the players. Warning, the link is a 18mg PDF file and contains language and description of events not suitable for persons under age 18. There are also reports that the team will end its boycott and start preparations for the bowl game. Please note the University findings are based on violations of the Student Code of Conduct and not criminality, as students give up the right to due process by signing the Code of Conduct. Simply put this type of behavior cannot be tolerated in a civil society.

http://kstp.com/kstpImages/repository/c ... acted5.pdf

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by noreply66 »

People do a lot of wrong things. The girl should have known better but at the same time young men should know better too. Why didn't they just say no. A girl that gets in that situation shouldn't have a group of young men taking advantage of her. It makes them as wrong as she was.

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by cbolt »

Bleeding Red wrote:Bolt, I just think that her not pressing charges says it all. She wanted to sleep with a few of them, things got out of control and she didn't want to look like a slut. She knows that she allowed the situation to happen and deep down doesn't feel right getting them in trouble for something she allowed.

Not saying what happened is a good thing, but I sort of agree with the boycott. The university did this on its own. No pressure from the girls family, no pressure from police. They wanted to be pollitically correct and the team was sticking together.

Part of me wishes they would have stood strong and continued the boycott. Let the University change their decision or lose the millions of dollars.

IMO, sloots like this do this stuff with players at big time colleges more than people know. No charges, no crime. No.punishment. and think of all the women out there just looking for money and fame for this behavior.
She reported it to the police the next day and they didn't think there was enough evidence to prosecute.She also went to the hospital to have a rape exam performed,usually women won't go to that much bother and humiliation if something didn't happen imo.So I tend to believe something did happen,but once again she put herself in that position and should have known better.Never good if your female to drink and put yourself around a bunch of hormone raging athletes you don't know with no help around in an apartment.Noreply I agree,if she was drunk and they were still taking adavantage of her I think its considered rape,so they are pretty lucky the police dropped it.Lucky for them it doesn't sound like there was anyone around that would back her story up.One thing I am curious about after reading some of that PDF, an awful lot seems to have happen in only an hour and 5 minutes.That sounded more like an all night thing.

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by The Inspector »

Coach C should suspend Mitch for being...well....Mitch...How can you play a guy in the most important position in all of Sport who throws 7 TDs and 12 Picks on the year? :lol: :lol: 115 QBR?...Any they won 8 games :lol: ...Of course that was against OSU(decent win),Indy ST :lol: ,Colorado St,and in a typical big 14 Gauntlet creme de le creme,knocked off Mary,Rut,Illin,Purdie,and NW in a period of 6 weeks or so :lol: ....These 5 Little 10 powerhouses won like 20 games between them just because they have EACH OTHER!!...Lovely Christmas sentiment I do say....

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by noreply66 »

cbolt wrote:
Bleeding Red wrote:Bolt, I just think that her not pressing charges says it all. She wanted to sleep with a few of them, things got out of control and she didn't want to look like a slut. She knows that she allowed the situation to happen and deep down doesn't feel right getting them in trouble for something she allowed.

Not saying what happened is a good thing, but I sort of agree with the boycott. The university did this on its own. No pressure from the girls family, no pressure from police. They wanted to be pollitically correct and the team was sticking together.

Part of me wishes they would have stood strong and continued the boycott. Let the University change their decision or lose the millions of dollars.

IMO, sloots like this do this stuff with players at big time colleges more than people know. No charges, no crime. No.punishment. and think of all the women out there just looking for money and fame for this behavior.
She reported it to the police the next day and they didn't think there was enough evidence to prosecute.She also went to the hospital to have a rape exam performed,usually women won't go to that much bother and humiliation if something didn't happen imo.So I tend to believe something did happen,but once again she put herself in that position and should have known better.Never good if your female to drink and put yourself around a bunch of hormone raging athletes you don't know with no help around in an apartment.Noreply I agree,if she was drunk and they were still taking adavantage of her I think its considered rape,so they are pretty lucky the police dropped it.Lucky for them it doesn't sound like there was anyone around that would back her story up.One thing I am curious about after reading some of that PDF, an awful lot seems to have happen in only an hour and 5 minutes.That sounded more like an all night thing.
I was wondering about the all night thing too

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Re: Minnesota Football: Now Team Boycott Over 10 Player Suspensions

Post by Raiderball »

That's some F****** up shiite

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