eaglefan1 its true you do not have a vote for who is hired as the next coach but you and the residents of Belpre DO have a vote for who is elected to the school board. I suggest you use your vote wisely the next election.
We dont have much of a choice because no one runs...its just the same people every year, no one wants to run because the system is so corrupt, no one wants to be a part of it, the ol' super has ruined Belpre Schools, just like he almost did Marietta.
not hiding Mister B, just voicing my opinion just as most others do on here. Also, its my right to post on here without revealing my identity. I am pretty sure you dont have a vote on that.
Now that i think about it, it is a good thing you are not on the SEO Ohio Preps Board. It would probably get shut down just like half of the Belpre school district has under your tenure. Maybe you should hide your identity come to think of it!
Popcorn phil, you do have the right to hide your ID. But, when you do, you don't give any validation to your posts. I try to post the facts about Belpre so there won't be as many rumors. I also support the coaches and the kids. I make my opinions known along with who I am. Like one parent told me the other day when they called me..."when I ask you a question, you give me an honest answer, I may not like it, but at least you tell it to me straight." That was from a boys varsity basketball parent.
Some people on here are here for a reason. That reason is to bash their kid's coach or the refs. School districts struggle to fill coaching jobs every year. For the life of me, I don't really understand why someone in this day and age would want to coach at the high school level. They must really love the game and care for the kids. Isn't that what you want? Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. High school athletics have changed. It used to be about playing sport to build character that you can take with you the rest of your life. Now it is about some folks living vicariously through their own children and not letting them build their own memories.
Even if you don't like the coach, let him coach. Let the kids play and make up their own minds as to if they like the coach or not. If the kid doesn't like the coach, then they are faced with an adult decision, play for him or her, or not. That is what I tell my kids. That is what a school is for, to prepare the kids to make life decisions.
As for closing school buildings in Belpre, that is true. People didn't like it and neither did I, but it needed done. When your enrollment drops from over 2,300 kids to just over 1,100 kids that is what you do. You can't keep spending money that you don't have to keep buildings open that do not have proper HVAC for the kids to learn in.
I am sorry for Belpre not having the year some thought they would, but it wasn't for lack of effort on the part of the coaches and players.
Phil, at least I try to improve things for the kids instead of just sitting back and complaining.
Last edited by mister b on Mon Apr 27, 2009 3:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
eaglefan1 wrote:If i was qualified, yes i would apply for the job, someday i will apply for the job, but right now, i am not qualified, wait a couple years...and i will be applying, and i could sure as h@!* do a lot better than Plummer, Palmer and Williams.
Thats what everybody says. Go get quailified. This may be your only chance.
eaglefan1 wrote:I just cant get qualified whenever i want, or i would...im kinda workin against time here...
Sure, you can. Get someone from the Red Cross or the fire department to teach you CPR. The ODE and OHSAA are giving classes right now for certification.
Mr. B just what is the Belpre BOE and superintendent doing to stop this drop in student enrollment? Maybe you need to stop posting on here so much and research some solutions to getting a proud school district back on its feet....Also, you should be Very proud of the fact that you told a boys varsity players parent the "facts and did not beat around the bush"...
It is too bad this tactic was not done in the past with former coaches and maybe these trying times for Belpre basketball would not be occurring right now.
Like one parent told me the other day when they called me..."when I ask you a question, you give me an honest answer
This may be one of the problems, and it is a problem at other schools. Parents calling board members to ask questions about coaches, etc... If I were a coach, I would simply want the board member to say, "talk to the coach first, then the AD, ... If that gets you no where, get on the agenda and come to a board meeting to discuss your issue." Have the parent set up a meeting with the coach instead of calling board members. That is micromanageing, and it rarely works IMO.
Like one parent told me the other day when they called me..."when I ask you a question, you give me an honest answer
This may be one of the problems, and it is a problem at other schools. Parents calling board members to ask questions about coaches, etc... If I were a coach, I would simply want the board member to say, "talk to the coach first, then the AD, ... If that gets you no where, get on the agenda and come to a board meeting to discuss your issue." Have the parent set up a meeting with the coach instead of calling board members. That is micromanageing, and it rarely works IMO.
i thought that the way it worked too motivator... times have changed though. when board members listen that just open door for more crying and moaning.... aka - biotching
Haven't been on here in a couple of weeks. I thought I was going to read about the TVC Ohio and returning players for 2009-2010 and all I see is a few people gossiping about their opinions and political views. Can we get back to the subject or open another post for your immature and senseless antics