Green Bobcats
Re: Green Bobcats
[quote]Interested In All wrote:
Due to all the circumstances there are concerning Green right now with their basketball program,schools and facitities I think that Joe Fraley is the best answer for the basketball program right now.He doesn't need a job, he lives within walking distance of the school. He is young,eager, energetic knows the game and will work at getting himself more knowledgable and making the basketball team better.He will play the ones that should play and will have discipline.Until there are jobs to offer coaches and the facilities improve and the coaches are left alone to do their job there will be no one apply that will do a better job. Its up to the board to do what is best and hire who is the best and let him coach and bring his team along.JMHO,If I am wrong you can also give your opinion of who should be hired and why.[/quote]
[quote]For the first time in my life I have to agree with I.I.A. The 3 Stooges have completely killed the program that was on life support to begin with. It won't get any better until the board members son graduates. I like Bobby but his next step should have been as a JV coach, not Varsity. Fraley was our best choice after Hughes was ignored. The Cat's will now be everyones Homecoming game.[/quote]
u guys havent played under any of these two guys "fraley and scotty blankenship." i unfortunately have!! and i wouldnt want either of these guys coaching again. im glad blanton got the job
Due to all the circumstances there are concerning Green right now with their basketball program,schools and facitities I think that Joe Fraley is the best answer for the basketball program right now.He doesn't need a job, he lives within walking distance of the school. He is young,eager, energetic knows the game and will work at getting himself more knowledgable and making the basketball team better.He will play the ones that should play and will have discipline.Until there are jobs to offer coaches and the facilities improve and the coaches are left alone to do their job there will be no one apply that will do a better job. Its up to the board to do what is best and hire who is the best and let him coach and bring his team along.JMHO,If I am wrong you can also give your opinion of who should be hired and why.[/quote]
[quote]For the first time in my life I have to agree with I.I.A. The 3 Stooges have completely killed the program that was on life support to begin with. It won't get any better until the board members son graduates. I like Bobby but his next step should have been as a JV coach, not Varsity. Fraley was our best choice after Hughes was ignored. The Cat's will now be everyones Homecoming game.[/quote]
u guys havent played under any of these two guys "fraley and scotty blankenship." i unfortunately have!! and i wouldnt want either of these guys coaching again. im glad blanton got the job
Re: Green Bobcats
okay here's something to chew on wit blankenship.
there was a kid 2 years ago that averaged 2-5 5sec turnovers and more turnovers while time was running. and blankenship would not sit him down, but if anyother player done something wrong he would sit them. and in one game the kid had about 6 or 7 5sec turnovers. and there'd always be atleast 2 ppl open
there was a kid 2 years ago that averaged 2-5 5sec turnovers and more turnovers while time was running. and blankenship would not sit him down, but if anyother player done something wrong he would sit them. and in one game the kid had about 6 or 7 5sec turnovers. and there'd always be atleast 2 ppl open
Re: Green Bobcats
and fraley told a junoir(senoir next year) out of 3 thatd he would have to work for his spot. then he followed that name wit some freshmen and underclassmen but didnt say the other two junoirs(senoirs) names. and the kid got the short end of the stick last season, playing j.v. wit kitchen and playin 2 quarters of j.v. wit fraley and supposedly playing 3 but only playing one min one quarter and less then a min the next.
that's just my opinion, and i hope i didnt offend anyone by those remarks and if so i appologize.

that's just my opinion, and i hope i didnt offend anyone by those remarks and if so i appologize.
Re: Green Bobcats
Congrats to the new coach. Work the kids hard, do the best you can, study film, continue to learn, and if you do read this, DON'T EVER GET BACK ON HERE AGAIN. There is no reason for any coach (good, bad, lazy, enthusiastic) to get on this site and read the statements that some community members make about the coach.
Again, good luck to you! All you can do is do your best.
Again, good luck to you! All you can do is do your best.
Re: Green Bobcats
Bobcat32, I know coach Blankenship,and you need to refer to him as coach,that is really disrespectful. I think that you would have cut down on your turnovers if you would have showed up for his practices,oh i forgot, you said that they were to hard and you didn't like all of the running you had to do.
Re: Green Bobcats
Hoops wrote:Bobcat32, I know coach Blankenship,and you need to refer to him as coach,that is really disrespectful. I think that you would have cut down on your turnovers if you would have showed up for his practices,oh i forgot, you said that they were to hard and you didn't like all of the running you had to do.
ok i said 5 sec turnovers(taking it out at half court) and the only person that did that was sumone other than me. and for me on the other hand i like to run and thats wat we did..
and and when did i say they were hard??
and how do u know i said that??
yea they were hard compared to hopper's practice's
- theassassin
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Re: Green Bobcats
hey 32, i liked playing for coach Blankenship. His practices were very intense and he demanded 110%. He done anything but made us a better basketball team. He went 500 his first year as coach with his best JV players moving to varsity and only having them 1 quarter on JV. I would have liked to seen the results if he would have had the same players on JV that beat a very good Fairland team at the start of season. I would like to see him back with Coach Blanton, he knows the system at green.
Re: Green Bobcats
i have been told that coach blankinship is a possible candidate for jv under coach blanton i was told they have been talking
Re: Green Bobcats
frank-n-beans wrote:The undefeateated season was not coached by Bobby, it was by Kliaber, who controlled the tempo 4 years ago, not letting them run wild. I will support Bobby Dale, but Hughes should have been hired first in order to make Bobby and/or Fraley better prepared as a head Varsity coach. Bobby or Joe should have served as a JV coach for a couple of years under Mike to learn how to run a program. I no longer have to attend home games, my money now will go towards the 'Burgs coffers or some other team who will be competitive. IMO, Fraley got hosed. I only know one starter for next years team, and it's the B.M.'s kid. Vote 'em all out come Nov.!!!!!
You are right coach kliaber was the coach and bobby coached with him. As for the burg comment go You don't have to be there for Green to Win People like you are what is killing green. And I know coach Hughes and he said he wasn't even interested in coaching he didn't even apply A board member we all know who was pushing for him and he didn't even apply
Re: Green Bobcats
baller7,I think that would be a good choice for coach Blanton to make,espicially after the way the board snubbed him,not even a interview. They need to look at his record. He learned the game under coach Lewis. He started out with the peewee's went to jr high, then to jv. He was a winner at every level and I haven't heard anything bad about him other than rumors that start in the furnace. Look at what he has done from the sidelines,loved playing for him.
Re: Green Bobcats
Re: Green Bobcats
Hoops wrote:hey 32, i liked playing for coach Blankenship. His practices were very intense and he demanded 110%. He done anything but made us a better basketball team. He went 500 his first year as coach with his best JV players moving to varsity and only having them 1 quarter on JV. I would have liked to seen the results if he would have had the same players on JV that beat a very good Fairland team at the start of season. I would like to see him back with Coach Blanton, he knows the system at green.
alrite if u played for blankenship u would have been wit me. and u should have known i gave it 110% no matter wat. and yea they were damanding and intense i never said that. but the past three years i really wasn't givin a shot to show wat i could do and im just saying hopefully this year i will.
and if u played wit me the past three years u may know who i am.
and everyone knows im a defensive player not a offensive player but i know wat i have to do if i need to
Re: Green Bobcats
theassassin wrote:great thread... makes for interesting read.
hey 32, gotta go to practice bud
assassin i have always made practices for basketball and if i did miss(verry rarely) i was do to illness or road conditions
Re: Green Bobcats
Hoops wrote:Bobcat32, I know coach Blankenship,and you need to refer to him as coach,that is really disrespectful. I think that you would have cut down on your turnovers if you would have showed up for his practices,oh i forgot, you said that they were to hard and you didn't like all of the running you had to do.
ok hoops when did i miss practice????? when did i say they were hard??????and if u didnt watch last year all i did was run,and i still like to run, and if you dont like me thats fine i make it a habbit making people hate me, alot of people hate me, its nothing new to me.
at the time they were hard, and i may have said it, but i said practice's this year were hard to. and i would have rather had practices like the one's he held to a point because we were in shape then but he had things he "needed to do" like some coaches in the past.
- 3ptspecialist
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Re: Green Bobcats
bobcat32 wrote:Hoops wrote:Bobcat32, I know coach Blankenship,and you need to refer to him as coach,that is really disrespectful. I think that you would have cut down on your turnovers if you would have showed up for his practices,oh i forgot, you said that they were to hard and you didn't like all of the running you had to do.
ok hoops when did i miss practice????? when did i say they were hard??????and if u didnt watch last year all i did was run,and i still like to run, and if you dont like me thats fine i make it a habbit making people hate me, alot of people hate me, its nothing new to the time they were hard, and i may have said it, but i said practice's this year were hard to. and i would have rather had practices like the one's he held to a point because we were in shape then but he had things he "needed to do" like some coaches in the past.
bobcat32, that seems to be a pretty bad habit to have. Hows that working out for ya?
Re: Green Bobcats
alright i said the wrong things i get that. and when i say my opinion people get mad or they dont care and thats fine. so before i say anything else that i probably shouldnt i will get off here and just shut my mouth.
and i appoligize for everything i said to affend anyone
and i appoligize for everything i said to affend anyone
- blackbeard
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Re: Green Bobcats
hey bobcat32,
dont worry about what 3pt has to say, he tries to put people down to make himslef feel better.
anyways...even though hiring blanton may have not been the best move for green, i completely stand by it.
you can say that its just board members just hiring the good ole boy but it may help them in the long run if they stay commited with blanton as the coach and dont replace him in 2 or 3 years also it would be good if he had someone like blankenship as the JV coach to help him focus on being a good coach. some people argued that blankenship should have had a shot at being head coach, well he did, but the thing is he didnt want it, he doesnt want to be the main guy. as hoppers assistant he always thought hopper was coaching the team wrong and not utilizing the players in their corect way. but the problem was instead of saying something to hopper to help him he would make comments about dumb their practices were to the players. i never understood this, so if he becomes the assitant then blanton better hope that blankenship will give his constructive criticism to him, to help his coaching, and not the players. this just creates doubt within a team.
dont worry about what 3pt has to say, he tries to put people down to make himslef feel better.
anyways...even though hiring blanton may have not been the best move for green, i completely stand by it.
you can say that its just board members just hiring the good ole boy but it may help them in the long run if they stay commited with blanton as the coach and dont replace him in 2 or 3 years also it would be good if he had someone like blankenship as the JV coach to help him focus on being a good coach. some people argued that blankenship should have had a shot at being head coach, well he did, but the thing is he didnt want it, he doesnt want to be the main guy. as hoppers assistant he always thought hopper was coaching the team wrong and not utilizing the players in their corect way. but the problem was instead of saying something to hopper to help him he would make comments about dumb their practices were to the players. i never understood this, so if he becomes the assitant then blanton better hope that blankenship will give his constructive criticism to him, to help his coaching, and not the players. this just creates doubt within a team.
- Riding the Bench
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