West travels to Valley for round 2

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by swbaseballfan »

i'll be sure to sit up on my pedastol with every other school in the SOC except for west...i would invite west to sit with me but they would probobly want to push everyone else off because they are "superior" at everything they do.....and i dont remember that time at band camp...i didnt play the skin flute like some people

and i dont need a fake name, i put in my time at the vasity level, and i put in my time missing throws at 1st durring warm ups just to let the ball fly in the west dugout :122246

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by WestFan27 »

SWbaseballFan wrote:i'll be sure to sit up on my pedastol with every other school in the SOC except for west...i would invite west to sit with me but they would probobly want to push everyone else off because they are "superior" at everything they do.....and i dont remember that time at band camp...i didnt play the skin flute like some people

and i dont need a fake name, i put in my time at the vasity level, and i put in my time missing throws at 1st durring warm ups just to let the ball fly in the west dugout :122246

So basically you just told everyone you are a hypocrit. You missed balls to let them go into the west dugout ( good sportsmanship). Your coach should have disciplined you or that is what say should be done to our kids. If that was us we are unsportsmanlike. I am so glad you posted that, that is what we are talking about when we do it it is wrong, when everyone else does it is alright. West just has a target on their back and all you people think you are better than us.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by Burg#1 »

There is good and not so good in every school not just the west side- quit bashing and look from within- ;-)

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by swbaseballfan »

yeah, i wasnt sportsman like when i was provoked....everyone is that way in life, you can only be pushed so far before you must retaliate. when i played if we had a player from any team giving us trouble, or an entire team if it went that far we did do things to get payback. i will admit that. never be the one to throw the first punch...but always make sure you land the last...not literaly, but when on the field you gotta do what you gotta do

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by West Senator »

TB Sports wrote:I will have to say the lack of sportsmanship from West was an embarrasment to game of baseball. Busch league to the worst.

I spoke to Alfie and Ethan after the game they said that parents form Valley was calling Alfie a "cry baby"... and ppl say we have lack of sportsmanship... now dont get me wrong West has a bad rep. for running their mouths but thats the players now when the parents start the name calling thats ridiculous.... mom and dad let your little ones play with out you embarrassing...its only a game.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by TB Sports »

West senator The umpire made a so so call on a strike will Alfie was batting, Alfie turned and stared at the ump and shook his head. Alfie also showed action on the mound when the ump made so so calls. So I would say that is where the comment came from (if there was any). I personnally seen the Morgan kid run his middle finger around the bill of his batting helmet while on deck and facing Valley's fans. Now we can do this for ever but I don't wont to. Like I said before West has good athletes and they like to compete but that aspect of the game is not good.

THINK OF THIS what would have happen if the game was at West and Valley would have pulled those stunts. Not being judgemental, just reversing rolls. If Valley would have put up ten runs and was showing the home team, and not getting on the bus and going home.

And yea as West aboarded the bus they even were talking smack to the girls softball players who were helping clean the bleachers. After Valley's girls beat West girls.


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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by TB Sports »

surprised Kenton has replied.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by m_martin »

many will talk smack but only a few will rise above it and let their playing do the talking........personally i take things said and gestures and build on it to create just another reason to beat them

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by WestFan27 »

TB Sports what I can gather out of your posts you are a sore loser. A lot of people talk trash and question calls you are just nit picking. If you don't like being embaressed at home don't lose 10-0. Truth be known you are one of the parents that started talking to our players. Let it go and quit being a WEST SIDE hater
Last edited by WestFan27 on Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by TB Sports »

Yeah, your right. I played the game for a long time and even made money playing at the minor league level.. I hate seeing the game disrespected, my gripe period.. It just happen to be West. And now I am not a sore loser, I win with respect and lose with respect the way the game was made to be played. Sorry it just happened to be you west siders. I know alot of them personnally and have many friends over there, but play the game with respect. That is all I've said in every post. RESPECT THE GAME AND OPPONENTS. Even if the parents from Valley (or any where esle for that matter) aren't kids taugh not to have rabbit ears and listen to their coaches. That is how I was taught and thats how I played.

Like I said b4 West has to many good athletes to let this cloud hang over their head..Just play and let their ability speak for them, whether win or lose. And if you weren't there then you need not to post anymore about it.PERIOD

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by Ace »

Trash talking and poor sportsmanship happens with every team at every school. However, West takes it to a different level. I haven't seen kids from other SOC schools be as disrespectful as those from West. As a parent, I wouldn't let my child act like that. If I saw my son rubbing his middle across the bill of his hat at the other team's fans, he wouldn't be on the field any longer. As a coach, if my players were talking trash to softball players from another school as we boarded the bus, they would face punishment to make sure it doesn’t happen again. You don't act like that. You are representing your school and community. I think most people remember West for showing poor sportsmanship is because of the frequency and severity that it occurs.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by WestFan27 »

Like I said early I agree with you guys on some stuff. It just seems like when West does something everyone makes it a bigger deal than what it is. No one seems to be blamming the Valley crowd for any of this. I beleive they started it talking trash to our players calling our kids crybabies. Of course a high school kid is going to say something back. Never should a fan ever say anything to a player (talk about unsportsmanlike). I think it is a whole lot worse to have grown adults provoking and instigating high school kids than a high school kid rubbing his middle finger on his hat. Before you bash us you need to look in the mirror. That is alright just keep hating us and we will just keep beating you. GOOD LUCK to VALLEY and WEST the rest of the season

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by WestSportsFan »

What I would like to know is how everyone seems to have seen the rubbing of the finger across the hat with the middle finger, the stares and shaking of the head to the umpires and any other misconduct that supposedly happened except for the umpires.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by Ace »

I wasn't at the game, so I don't know if the previous incidents actually happened or if Valley fans are exaggerating. I was just going on what they said. Parents get heated during games watching their children play, but that's no excuse for provoking a high school kid. Fans should cheer for their team, not talk trash to the other team. If children see that, then they will probably think that it's acceptable behavior.

West fans have also been known to provoke players from other teams. I personally watched a middle-aged man jump the fence and get in the face of an opposing football player on the sidelines. I also watched fans come out of the stands and onto the feild when a fight broke out in a separate football game. Both of these incidents happened several years ago when West played at their old field.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by Regulator »

I think we are missing the point here!! The point is when these incidents happen, 99% of the time there is discipline from the coach or administration. However, in West it seems to go unnoticed and undisciplined. And when a coach does try and lay down discipline the parents go on an outrage and the administration buckles and gets rid of the coach. What message does this send? Coach Schuler would never tolerate players disrespecting the game or other players and when they do they will pay the consequence. He would probably even talk to the parents about their behavior and it would stop. At West, I don't see this happening.
Our society today sucks!! Too many parents crying around about their child not getting playing time, not getting a fair chance, and being disciplined when they mess up. Too much blame is being placed on others instead of looking in the mirror. And to top that off, school officials are buckeling to the pressure and forcing good coaches out!!!

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by Ace »

You hit the nail on the head. Great post.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by clevelandbrowns#1 »

Great post regulator!!!
Westfan27----Let me say this, I'm not from West or Valley but West will NEVER be successful in basketball or baseball until discipline is brought into those programs. Discipline on the other hand, starts at home,PERIOD!!! If you do not have discipline at HOME then you won't have it at school or in the sports programs!!! West has always had talent, most of the time more talent than any other school in the SOC. Do they win in basketball??? NO!! Do they win in baseball??? NO!! You tell us why those programs are suffering????
Yes, it is also a SUPERINTENDENT problem--Why does she still run that show????

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by West Side Pride »

Excuse me, but West is winning some baseball games. Oh, and Cleveland isnt #1.

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by swbaseballfan »

imagine that...someone from west portsmouth pointing out that cleveland isnt number 1 just because they had nothing else to say....remember that freckle faced kid in grade school who would call you names and try to stab you in the leg with a pencil or whatever he could do just to try and get under your skin....they all grew up and moved to west portsmouth...and they all have the same last name

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Re: West travels to Valley for round 2

Post by morrissette#18 »

O'Doyles rule! O'Doyles rule!

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