Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

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Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by socman »

Game in on the turf at Marietta College's Don Drumm Stadium.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by toast »

Big win for the Waverly Tigers!

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by TigerFan87 »

Waverly wins 2-1! Great job Tigers! Keep it up!

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by soccerfix »

Now that Waverly has won I can complain again this year. Does the OHSAA think that soccer, baseball and volleyball are second tier sports? In football, track and basketball the sectionals are never played on home courts, yet in the "lesser sports" all the seeded teams get home field advantage. Waverly soccer had to take a 2 1/2 hour bus ride to play Marietta. In volleyball Marietta takes a 2 1/2 hour trip to Waverly. How hard would it be to play on a neutral site? Three of the last four times Waverly has gone to Marietta they have come home losers in soccer. Is it that Marietta is always that much better or the long bus trip that Waverly had to endure? In 2010 the Hillsboro girls had over a three hour drive for their soccer sectional final. Can you imagine one the prima dona basketball coaches having to travel three hours for a sectional game? The South East District covers a lot of real estate,approximately 1/4 of the state, from Brown County to the Ohio River. Please OHSAA let the second tier sports play at neutral sites like the big money sports. It's about the competition not the almighty dollar.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by onthepitch »

Great win by the Tigers from Waverly.....very physical game. Jacob Purpero and Kennedy Roseberry play the best games to date. Goalkeeping needs to improve but have no doubt it will. Marietta does a good job flopping and diving to try to get PKs thank goodness the officials did not fall for it. Also no class from Marietta students section cheering and trash talking hurt players on the field.

Good Luck Waverly keep improving.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by Mr.Smith »

I agree that a 2 1/2 hour bus ride is too long for high school athletes for just a sectional game. Waverly can look on the bright side now they only have a 20-25 minute bus ride for districts. They should split the brackets to where Each sectional is made up of 3-4 teams within less than an hour drive from each other. Example: Waverly, Chillicothe, Unioto plus one more (Would've been ZT but they went down a Div. this year,) or Jackson. I understand that some will make the argument that it would be fair competition wise to have your 1&2 seeds be in the same sectional. It's not about that these are high school kids. Let them enjoy high school sports and stay competitive.

Warren now has the longest trip of the final four in districts. Aprox. 2 hrs.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by soccernut »

I can't believe you guys still whine even after you win one. If you want to be the home team play better teams during the season and win. We had to travel to the regionals for about 2 hours to play Chillicothe(which is very close) a couple of times and came out winners both times.

The one Marietta player that went up for a header to score and was pushed down should have been a PK. But the ref on the near side has a reputation for not liking Marietta, so I knew we were in trouble.

Enjoy your win. You don't have to always whine and put down the other side. You have a very fast player up front. I haven't seen that kind of speed for a while.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by jazzfingers888 »

You can whine as long as you keep "Winning"
-Charlie Sheen

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by socvwatcher#1 »

Not a popular quote I am sure.

Location, location, location; I am sure this is a factor in the travel distance for both sides. This is the price people pay for being in a rural community.

Who is the speed up front? Is this person someone to watch?

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by TigerFan87 »

soccernut wrote:I can't believe you guys still whine even after you win one. If you want to be the home team play better teams during the season and win. We had to travel to the regionals for about 2 hours to play Chillicothe(which is very close) a couple of times and came out winners both times.

The one Marietta player that went up for a header to score and was pushed down should have been a PK. But the ref on the near side has a reputation for not liking Marietta, so I knew we were in trouble.

Enjoy your win. You don't have to always whine and put down the other side. You have a very fast player up front. I haven't seen that kind of speed for a while.
funny cause you were the only one that saw him get pushed. All Marietta could do was flop and hope to get a foul called.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by pressboxchamp »

Marietta deserved to win that game as much as any other team ever has. They played their butts off but made a few costly mistakes along with poor just absolutely poor refereeing. Marietta's student section had more class to refrain from yelling back at the waverly parents that were yelling at them. And talk about flops many waverly players stayed on the field "injured" for 5-10 minutes only to come back into the game mintues later. One Waverly player near the end of the game even took his jolly old time putting his shoe back on to waste the clock away. Poor keeping will kill waverly in the next round. It's a shame this great senior class for marietta had to lose like that.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by soccerfix »

Now who is whining?

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by socman »

Two top class programs battled in a highly physical match. The refs decided to let the kids play and decide it on the field. Waverly played their most physical match probably ever and their midfield trio left Marietta without an answer. Both teams played with a lot of heart and played till the end. Shots were Waverly 20 Marietta 13. Hopefully fans and parents from both schools can discuss the game with the class that both teams played the game. Two very good programs and one of them had to lose. Waverly was just the better team on this given night.

Also it is a testament to Waverly's overall team defense to be able to beat Marietta on a subpar goalkeeping night. I'm sure Moore will respond with a much better game next round. He has played outstanding this season.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by pressboxchamp »

Not whining just stating my opinions like the rest of us on here

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by Mr.Smith »

I was just giving a logical solution to the long travel. Not whining. Just a happier solution.

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by distance40 »

Marietta student section should be applauded for not responding back to the immature parents and fans from the Waverly bunch. Kids will be kids, yes they may say dumb things, and are they right in saying it, no.. but it could just as easily happened if Marietta played at Waverly, but when the supposed "role models" being the parents yell at 15, 16 etc year old kids, thats a true display of NO CLASS!

Waverly needs to understand that until they play a better quality schedule, which from my understanding this years was slightly better than the past, they are not going to get that home advantage, and just because they're record is good, doesnt automatically mean they should..they can argue a record til their blue in the face but in most cases the teams they beat Marietta, would handle easily, I do understand their location, league has alot to do with that but look at Marietta's non league games, they dont quite compare!

I didnt see a whole deal of flopping, more like a bunch from Waverly knowing they were going to upset and beat the much better Marietta team. Point in case, the epic shoe ordeal with the kid from Waverly, I've watched those tricks for years, they happen, and of course you must remember Waverly's miracle working bench that when the player seemed to be in no shape to return from his injury, they hit that bench, and they could go right back in...so I wouldnt say Marietta was upto a lot of tricks until you think about your own team.

Congrats Waverly though from a Tiger fan, big win against a QUALITY opponet.. and I hope you guys have figured out a good place to stop and eat during that 2 and half hour bus ride by now, maybe next year it'll be at your place :)

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by socman »

Thanks for the compliments Distance. The Waverly program is doing what they can to increase the difficulty of their schedule, season and preseason, to be better prepared for the tournament. This year it paid off.

2011 Preseason
Fairfield Union
Hilliard Davidson

2011 Season (Non conference) 8 games
Zane Trace (was dII until this season)
Jackson x2
South Webster x2 (usually a very strong opponent)

2012 Season (non conference)
Jackson @ Crew Stadium(in process)
South Webster DIII
Marietta @ Rio Grande
TBA - possibly Lancaster

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by MHS_Soccer_Dad »

socman wrote:Thanks for the compliments Distance. The Waverly program is doing what they can to increase the difficulty of their schedule, season and preseason, to be better prepared for the tournament. This year it paid off.

2011 Preseason
Fairfield Union
Hilliard Davidson

2011 Season (Non conference) 8 games
Zane Trace (was dII until this season)
Jackson x2
South Webster x2 (usually a very strong opponent)

2012 Season (non conference)
Jackson @ Crew Stadium(in process)
South Webster DIII
Marietta @ Rio Grande
TBA - possibly Lancaster
that's right...I was told we were playing you guys at Rio...that should be fun...heard it is an excellent facility. If you get the Crew game...it's a lot of fun too...our boys really enjoyed and look forward to maybe going back in a couple years.

Good Luck with the rest of the Tourney!!

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by distance40 »

That 2012 schedule looks like a much stronger one, should be pretty interesting to see how it goes.
And let me say I meant nothing bad towards the players and the program in that last post, I felt like some people were being very critical of the players and students and they needed defended, as well as some people on previous posts needed reminded of some facts about strength of schedule etc. Tough to build a quality schedule living in this area especially in soccer so I do hope for the best for you guys, this district needs more quality teams year in and year out.
Good luck

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Re: Waverly at Marietta 10\22 7:00pm

Post by Tigereyez »

I was at the game and never saw what people are being accused of. Maybe that is why when a team goes into tournament, they should play at a neutral site. Waverly played much better soccer than their opponent. They passed the ball very well. They were quicker to the ball than the bigger team. Their speed and desire won the game. I am glad after all the years of traveling to Marietta and pulling off the big win. Marietta has always been a great team to play against. Good job Waverly! :aaaaa75 :aaaaa26

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