RiverRatRay wrote:Bleeding Red started a thread that says,"Congrats to Ironton St Joe!!!" stay on topic!
It never fails that some people like Regulator and FrGlockner are know all end alls that cant just say a simple "congrats". Truth be told, they probably never swung a bat of wore a glove a day in their lives and just cant stand the thought of a local team doing well, if it is not their team (which I believe the one of them has very close ties to St. Joe

Good job Flyers. All you can do is play the schedule in front of you and win, which you have done and hopefully will continue to do.
And for the scheduling naysayers, it is hard to schedule many local teams when they are all responsible for getting in conference games. Many times they are scheduled, but do to rain makeups, they have to cancel their non conference games to get in conference games. So I completely understand why the AD doesnt go after more local teams on the schedule. It would leave many games on their schedule in limbo, after they had already allocated those times to fill their schedule, and are responsible for the limited number of umpires in our area to work those games. I also know first hand that the AD has approached a couple schools, one with a very solid track record in the baseball program for added games this year, but due to conference requirements on their part, it couldnt happen.
So before you bite off more than you can chew, you should know the people and the effort behind leading ANY team to a 12-0 start to the year and a early season #1 state ranking in ANY division.
I am not even from Lawrence Co and I get it. Start getting behind the local teams. It is quite and accomplishment and I can assure you that Coach Bryant and team are looking at bigger things this year than a 12-0 start.
Good work to the boys and coaches. Keep it up.