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Post by coop »

So I have noticed recently that sportsmanship seems to be at an all time low, as far as SEOPS goes. It seems like in almost every thread, posters are running down KIDS, being disrespectful toward one another, and so on. I know that MOST of us are adults, and there are a few young kids here, but what gives?

I mean this is HIGH SCHOOL sports, I think we should all be a little more courteous toward one another....I mean what kind of example does this set for the kids that actually DO get on here and read this stuff? I'm all about poking a lil fun at each other, or a very good heated debate, but to take it to the level it has been on here is a little embarassing to be honest.

Take my poll thread for example, things tend to get out of hand in a hurry, so I'll be avoiding that from now on.

Hopefully some "ADULTS" read this and kinda stop and think.

Good Luck to all teams this weekend.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by coop »

Right, I agree....but like I said I'm all for rivalries and debates, but its got a little much of late.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by yabbadabbadoo »

Haven't really seen alot of post running down kids as that is a big no-no on here, but have to agree with you. You buddy pmow and myself had this very same discussion and few years ago. He is someone that I know personally and is a great guy. We would get into some hot and heavy debates, especially concerning the Burg-Valley game and we both came to the conclusion that all of the Southeastern Ohio football schools need to back each, especially come palyoff time as we all know we sure as hades don't getting any respect from the schools up North. Like we said it is going to take a team or two from down here to win a championship now and then to earn that respect, but that is hard to do, especially when there is so much hate towards a school that must of the other schools fans, if they do go and watch the game, they are rooting for the other team. Trust me that happens, I've seen it first hand. It is hard to get that respect if things like that are going on.

The sportsmanship amongst the players has really seemed to have gotten better over the years. You don't see alot of cheap shots anymore and you see alot of players helping the opposing players up. I have seen it on more that one occassion where after the Burg beat a team that one of there players took a cheap shot at a Burg player while they were shaking hands. I can guarantee you this, you would never see a Burg player do that and if he did you could bet your paycheck that would be his last game in a Pirate uniform.

Good luck to all teams this Friday or Saturday night. Play hard, but play with respect for your opponent

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by eagles73Taylor »

I do not hide behind my screen name, most know who I am! This fact keeps me from acting like an idiot! lol

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by know all »

FIDO wrote:It's easy to hide behind a computer screen. Ordinary people tend to lose their minds, me included. I'd like to know how many of the troublemakers actually wore a uniform and experienced two-a-days.
bull in the ring baby-the good ole days sweat and blood,maybe even tears.haha

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by A-Town Big Dog »

Yabba, I agree that I haven't seen too many posts running down kids either, at least on the ones I tend to read but I guess it could be happening on some threads. I think there is a difference between running down a kid and making a critical comment about the play of a certain player. I will agree 100% with coop that some posters go out of their way to be mean and throw unnecessary comments out there about each other or the respected teams they root for. I know I try to give honest opinions and respect each team in doing so (I've even had my loyalty as a fan questioned over this point this year) but I call 'em like I see 'em. Have I been in heated discussions? YES. Have I at times lost my cool and posted something in the heat of the moment? YES, but that is part of what makes this site so great!

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by know all »

A-Town Big Dog wrote:Yabba, I agree that I haven't seen too many posts running down kids either, at least on the ones I tend to read but I guess it could be happening on some threads. I think there is a difference between running down a kid and making a critical comment about the play of a certain player. I will agree 100% with coop that some posters go out of their way to be mean and throw unnecessary comments out there about each other or the respected teams they root for. I know I try to give honest opinions and respect each team in doing so (I've even had my loyalty as a fan questioned over this point this year) but I call 'em like I see 'em. Have I been in heated discussions? YES. Have I at times lost my cool and posted something in the heat of the moment? YES, but that is part of what makes this site so great!
im guilty ,ill try to be better but these past couple years has been hard.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by pappy1 »

Football is such a high emotion sport. Weight lifting and running pretty much the year around. Two a days and all the hitting. No young man, or team that goes through the preparation to play the game should ever be put down.

The biggest thing I think about when some of the BS about players or teams fly is why don't they put that much thought and effort into the really big things. Think about the following. During your time on this forum how many times has there been prayer requests for sickness or tragedies? Those are the REALLY BIG issues and we should stop and think about them before we get carried away with our posts.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by bengalfan76 »

eagles73 wrote:I do not hide behind my screen name, most know who I am! This fact keeps me from acting like an idiot! lol

I beg to differ. :122245

I also dont hide who I am if you research my name, cell and email is on here.

However Coop I agree it is unthinkable to mouth kids.
I dont understand the thoughts behind running a team or individual kids down.

Its HS sports not life or death..... Talent runs in cycles.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckfan84 »

I wasn't going to post on this topic but here are my two cents.

This is a sports forum and I get that but there are also other threads provided on here and I think that's great (band, cheer leading ,etc.) for many years there has been a poster going on there and posting some really mean things about band and all that not being a sport. Look I agree but some of the crap that has been allowed on there is unbelievable and most people just stopped posting on there.

So here's my point. It used to be I really looked forward to seops and reading what people had to say but it all seemed to get carried away so rather than get "upset" by what I read I just stopped coming to the site as have a lot of posters. So the majority of the posters you have left aren't the average joe or Jane sports fan it's these fanatics and people who can hide behind their screen name types of people.

But, on that topic, having worked in the service industry for almost my entire life I can tell you it's not just on here. I've had the unfortunate luck of seeing our public having a sense of decorum to going to the jerry springer way of life. It used to be if there were an issue it could politely be resolved in private. Now we like to yell and scream and act like idiots so we can get out 15 minutes.

Sorry if it seems like ranting but just had to put this out here especially when a person that posted on this thread is very guilty of trolling band threads and writing hurtful things for our kids to see.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by crazymidgets »

I want to see a thread with,"is band a sport" hahaha thats good stuff there hmm they do call it performing arts hence performing might be indicative of sports but i cant put music as a sport oh man buckfan this is gonna be a brutal debate and it could get nasty I will throw down over this one isnt anything gonna be polite either. lol j/k trying to have some fun not trying to be disrespectfull.
back to the subject on a high school forum, issues come up statments are made parents have kids playing they want to speak openly about them but repercussions (trust me coaches read these forums they might not admit to it but most have rabbit ears) could and do occur so they cannot just say their names.
I get testy with some of the posts I read and have probably been considered a douche by some when I respond to them, some posters are not good losers or winners and just cant say good game and move on and I struggle with that and it seems to come mostly from just a couple of fans from a few schools and for the most part its not rampant and most people act like adults and have some humility even though acting like an adult in my mind is WAYYYYY overated. BUT this is an open forum and people do have rights and i respect that, freedom of speech doesnt segragate(sp) between good and bad and we know that opinions are like a#$$@ everyone has them but they do HAVE the right to them, not saying its good or bad sometimes we just have to say is wow some peoples kids. now in closing lets get that band thread up and running or as will ferrell proudly says were STREAKING whos with me:)

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckfan84 »

I'd just say remember they are all kids regardless of what activity it is. And just to clarify I agree that band isn't a sport. I think it's an important part of sporting events to add to atmosphere but not a sport.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckfan84 »

And I am all for freedom of speech and I may disagree with someones ideas but would hate it if we weren't allowed to express them. I just wish we could do it in a manner that was not tearing someone else down to build yourself up.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by crazymidgets »

lol darn it I agree. well forget the if you think band is a sports thread no debate there lmao thanks for being a good sport thats what this thread is about though isnt it.....

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckfan84 »

No problem. After reading my first post I said I agreed it wasn't a sport but probably could have been a little clearer about it.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckeyeguy »

Most of the time its folks arguing over opionions and whining about comments or opionions about there team.. every one has an opionion thats what these threads are for...
Last edited by buckeyeguy on Sun Oct 16, 2011 4:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckfan84 »

Who's whining?

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by crazymidgets »

buckeye guy its an adult discussion over sportsmanship and yes comments are going to be made take yours for example a group of people having a civil adult conversation and out of the blue a derogatory comment is made and it solidifies our whole discussion thanks for being there for us lol

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckeyeguy »

there is alot of folks that jump right on bashing anothers comments like they cant have their own opionions

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Re: Sportsmanship?

Post by buckfan84 »

Look I think nelsonville York rocks. I think it's the best thing since sliced bread but I don't need to slam someone else's team to say that. I just don't like posters that get on here and "tell it like it is." it's not warranted or necessary.

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