Ironton Senior League 2009

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Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by journeyman »

With only the loss of Pancake and Reeves

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by journeyman »

this could be a regional team

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by pleasanttiger »

Has the chance to be a VERY solid baseball team. It will be interesting to see who all signs up. Last i heard there was only 3, which is not abnormal since most of these kids are playing high school ball right now and haven't thought much about anything else. I know i had a very good time watching these young men in the state last year and am looking forward to following them again.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

brisco darlin wrote:Who will be this years coach? I am curious to see if they are willing to play teams outside their own league this season.

Last year's manager was Chuck Price and I'd think that if he wanted to manage again he'd be approved to do so.

I'm not sure about the comment about playing outside their own league. Ironton was in the District 11 interleague like they are every year playing teams like RH, SP, Green and whoever else in the district that has a team.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

Who did the KY state champs call about playing Ironton in a game? I know the manager personally and I am the league president and no one contacted either of us. If you have any interest in playing Ironton be sure to let someone know and we'll see what can be worked out. That would be a more productive way of handling the situation than to come on here and act like Ironton was/is afraid to play someone.

Also, Ironton advanced to the Ohio State tourney and finished 2nd to a team that advanced to the Senior League World Series. I'd say they showed well of themselves outside of District 11.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by pleasanttiger »

You might want to check your facts.I'm relatively sure that there was no call made to the Ironton coach. That was a very good team and we would have played anyone they were given a chance to.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by RiverRatRay »

BlindWhiteHat wrote:
brisco darlin wrote:Who will be this years coach? I am curious to see if they are willing to play teams outside their own league this season.

Last year's manager was Chuck Price and I'd think that if he wanted to manage again he'd be approved to do so.

I'm not sure about the comment about playing outside their own league. Ironton was in the District 11 interleague like they are every year playing teams like RH, SP, Green and whoever else in the district that has a team.

Wouldn't games out of district, even scrimmage games, have to be approved by the district administrators? That's the way it used to be but maybe things have changed. Another question. Why would Ironton or any team in District 11 want to go elsewhere for scrimmage games when the teams in their own district are as competitive as they come.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by RiverRatRay »

brisco darlin wrote:You may want to check your facts,I am realitively sure Coach Taylor called and was told something could be worked out then several calls were made after to confirm a date and none of his calls were returned. Fourtunetly another team who was not allowed to play in District 11 agreed to played them.

Actually if a inter-league waiver is signed they would not be considered scrimage games.

I don't have any facts to check. Don't know Coach Taylor but I presume you are meaning Russell again. Why don't they just ask to join District 11 to inter-league instead of all of this he said she said stuff. Call Donnie Rawlins the District 11 Administrator or Jimmy Mahlmeister the Ironton League President. Those would be the proper people to call. I'm sure both of them would answer their phones. I also have never known either not to be very direct and answer my questions about anything pertaining to Little League Baseball.

I'm sure they can work something out since our 7-8 year old girls are in an inter-league with Russell and Ashland this year in softball. These folks must have done something right in order to get this all started.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by RiverRatRay »

First of all, I'm trying to help you get this done. Why are you making all of these smart remarks. If you don't want my help that's fine. I'm beginning to see why Coach Price didn't want to talk with you guys.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by RiverRatRay »

Why don't you get with District 11 Administrator Donnie Rawlins down at West Portsmouth Little League and see if he can't help you out. He is a great guy and I'm sure he would try to come up with something. I don't have his phone number but your District Administrator probably does.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by Riverrat Tiger »

Here are some facts.......
I'm pretty sure I can tell you a few things about the Ironton Senior League. I talked to Chuck Price this morning.......
He can't remember talking to anyone from Lewis Co. He said a guy from either Greenup or Russell talked to him about maybe a scrimmage in the last week of the season but never could get a time when both were free. Ironton finished runner-up in the Ohio State Championship, only losing to Indian Valley 10-9 and 5-4. Indian Valley then went on to the Central States Regional (where, by the way, KY would be playing) and won that to go to the World Series. Russell is supposed to be in our inter-league this year anyway.

Furthermore, if you need a game, send me an instant message. I can get you numbers for Donnie Rawlins and Chuck Price. Being completely out of Region, this would have to be approved by the District Admin. of both leagues.

Brisco.....Your exact quote was..."" I know last year they didn't want any part of the KY State champs." They never ran from anyone last year and will not run from anyone this year. Tell Coach Taylor to make that call.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

I think RRR and RRT tried to clear a few things up and I will try and do the same. If any Junior League or Senior League teams would like to play scrimmage games or regular season games with us, please contact me by p/m. I am the Ironton League president and will make sure that our manager is aware of it. I will also contact our District Administrator to make sure approval is gained so any possible games can be played.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by littlefoot »

:122249 I know for a fact numerous calls were made to the coach. Also it there are plenty of smart elleck comments made by others not just Brisco.At least they had enough gumption to apologize for their comments.I don't know if anyone was dodging anyone or not but it was funny after the initial conversation the comunications abrubtly stopped.So I myself wonder if some avoidence wasn't in play .After seeing the way some Ironton fans act I'm thankful as can be we didn't travel up there to play. So some won't have to worry about a call from Lewis we have more class and self respect to be involved with the attitude portrayed by some of the users above.
:-D :idea:

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by sinker »

brisco darlin, would coach taylor be walt taylor? he coached a team from lewis county about 4-5 years ago in 12u fallball in south shore, ky.,had a couple of pitchers that could throw the heat!

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by BlindWhiteHat »

littlefoot wrote::122249 I know for a fact numerous calls were made to the coach. Also it there are plenty of smart elleck comments made by others not just Brisco.At least they had enough gumption to apologize for their comments.I don't know if anyone was dodging anyone or not but it was funny after the initial conversation the comunications abrubtly stopped.So I myself wonder if some avoidence wasn't in play .After seeing the way some Ironton fans act I'm thankful as can be we didn't travel up there to play. So some won't have to worry about a call from Lewis we have more class and self respect to be involved with the attitude portrayed by some of the users above.
:-D :idea:

A fact???? I seriously doubt it. Our manager mentioned 2 leagues from KY that called to play possible scrimmage games but neither of those leagues were from Lewis County. I would tend to believe him before someone posting online whose identity I don't know.

Good to know there won't be any calls made to our league this year. That way we won't have to pretend not to get them and avoid the KY state champs again this summer. :lol:

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by biggdowgg »

RiverRatRay wrote:Why don't you get with District 11 Administrator Donnie Rawlins down at West Portsmouth Little League and see if he can't help you out. He is a great guy and I'm sure he would try to come up with something. I don't have his phone number but your District Administrator probably does.


I bet big "D" dont hear that often :lol: :lol: .

just kidding,,,I know Donnie well, he is ....well, he is Donnie

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by littlefoot »

Say what ever that makes you feel better. I know the calls were made last spring.Maybe the mercey rule game from a few years back in middle school ball has something to with it.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by journeyman »

Can we talk about the actual baseball team a little bit and what is expected of them? At least something other than "this coach didnt call that coach because this coach is scared of that coach and there was a call made". The topic is Ironton senior league 2009, not coaches' phone calls.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by pleasanttiger »

Well they have had a few practices and i think they open up on Monday at home against rockhill. This should be a very solid team. I'm looking forward to watching them again this year. Should have a very deep pitching staff with 4 or 5 kids having significant varsity innings thrown this year.

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Re: Ironton Senior League 2009

Post by tigermama »

I believe the game for Monday was canceled due to one of the teams dropping out of the league. I think they play on Tuesday but I am not sure when or where.

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