Not an ideal situation for River Valley to travel 15 miles? for games. I believe they will actually practice this year at the proposed site of new stadium. Not sure what will happen after that, especially once construction of new stadium begins.
I feel for the players and coaches at RV on this situation. Would it be possible to move the bleachers on the visitors side back to the old North Gallia field and use that field for awhile until the new field and stadium could be built?
The same reason is why the idea of one stadium for the county will not be a good situation for the whole county. Several schools would have to travel to play home games like what RV is going to face for the next few years.
This is in response to a previous message about a possible enrollment increase at Oak Hill or Gallipolis. I for one feel like the school board needs to draw a line and the kids that live on one side go to South Gallia and the ones on the other go to River Valley. There should be no busing to both schools. Southwestern Elementry is an elementry school for South Gallia. If parents want their kid to go to the other school then simply drive them. Thats what other parents have been doing all along and that's what open enrollment if for. If you don't make this issue black and white then it will be debated every year. After the original consolidation of the four schools, the Crown City residents complained about the distance to River Valley and the school board said sorry but this is they way its going to be. Based on that information, do what you have to do. That ended the debate and the residents made a decision and I for one have not heard a word about it in around 10-12 years. However we have been hearing the Southwestern debate for the past 10 years. Just my opinion.
Rebelcat, Why is Southwestern Elementary an elementary school for South Gallia? Did the people in Southwestern area ask for that? I'll answer that for you.... NO, they didn't. SW along with NG and KC accepted the original consolidation whether they agreed with it or not. SWE was pushed in with SG to try and increase the enrollment just to try and justify the reopening.
SW should be considered part of the RV attendance area. The debate should be whether or not they have the option to attend SG.
Here's an idea... put it to vote in the SW area and see what happens.
If you draw the line or take away the choice both lose. The cost of the buses is nothing compared to the money that will leave the district with the students. I know I will catch it from both sides on this but here goes. If you take away the choice the only winners are Oak Hill and Gallia Academy.
If you draw a line it would be south of Southwestern with the move of River Valley to Bidwell. I would rather see the people have a choice and go to either of the two Gallia County High Schools as compared to leave the district and the state money goes with them. Which cost more-the buses or the state money leaving the district?
gobigblacks wrote:There is no "I" in team. Give me 70 kids to bleed Red and Black and give 110% every Friday night over 70 kids who do that and one kid who doesn't.
Raiderball wrote:Rebelcat, Why is Southwestern Elementary an elementary school for South Gallia? Did the people in Southwestern area ask for that? I'll answer that for you.... NO, they didn't. SW along with NG and KC accepted the original consolidation whether they agreed with it or not. SWE was pushed in with SG to try and increase the enrollment just to try and justify the reopening.
SW should be considered part of the RV attendance area. The debate should be whether or not they have the option to attend SG.
Here's an idea... put it to vote in the SW area and see what happens.
ok so are you saying that RV should have 3 of the 4 county schools then? well they might as well bus the hannan trace kids there too shouldnt they we already lose some of our hannan trace kids to GA and RV and I dont understand that after my 8th grade year at hannan trace. we went undefeated and onloy got scored on twice in football but we still lost 5 kids off that starting line up to GA...
I did not mean to get you so upset by posting my opinion, however I do stand by it. One has to ask how has this situation been handled in other school districts? It's rare to see a de-consolidation in a rural county. However, this situation happens on a yearly basis in the suburban Columbus area. Hilliard, Dublin, Westerville, Grove City, Pickerington, Worthington, Olentangy have all opened new high schools over the past 5 years. In those situations the school board drew new boundries based on geography and balancing the enrollment to determine who attended what high school. Once the lines were drawn there was no debate. The only exceptions were for the current Juniors and Seniors. They are allowed to attend their current high school if they choose and graduate. Sophmores on down are assigned to a school based on where they live. Its not voted on by specific neighborhoods. If they want to go to the other they have to apply for admission and then transport themselves. If you ask me the Gallia County school board has gone above and beyond to try to please everyone. I doubt any of the other school districts mentioned would be so accomodating. Also, if kids transfer to Gallipolis and Oak Hill are they going to provide busing? No.
I just feel that if parents want their child to go to another school they should not make it the schools responsibilty to transport them. What makes this situation different than all the others?
You are comparing apples to oranges Rebelcat. All those suburban districts you mention are growing in population. The reason for the opening of new schools there is due to overcrowding of the current buildings. Not the situation here. SG was reopened due to travel time and distance for some students to the RV building. I understand all about travel time and distance. Like the Crown City area I am 8 miles to Oak Hill and 25 to RV.
You are correct in saying the school board has went above and beyond trying to please everyone. That was proven when SG was opened and those from Mercerville had the school back in their community. That planted the seed for accommodating the people.
Gallia County will not provide transportation to other schools... GA or OH..... but, Gallia County does stand to lose thousands of dollars if students/parents decide to leave. Can the district afford to lose that?
Here is an interesting thought. If Raccoon township and Centerville (any other area that would have same result) would vote to leave the GCLS the district would then be split into two seperate areas. I have been told if that were to happen the district would then have to split to 2 seperate districts. I don't know if this is true or not but it does make sense.
It's not really so different. All involve one school district opening a second high school and having to determine which elementary schools and what areas will attend which high school. The fact that one area has a growing population and the other does not is irrelevant. There is no easy answer that's for sure. I want to make sure that I am clear on something. Are they planning on stopping the busing? I don't attend board meetings or read the Tribune much but I was under the impression that busing would continue. If that's true then everyone should be happy. So what is the issue?
As for the line being drawn I don’t have an exact line. However I think one should be drawn and enforced otherwise it will be debated from now till eternity. In response to the opening of South Gallia geography was a factor. However, so many of the kids from Hannan Trace and Southwestern areas were transferring to Oak Hill, Symmes Valley, Gallipolis and Fairland that financially it made sense to open a second high school. I think Fairland actually sends GLSD a check now instead of the other way around.
As for splitting the district I thought that only Centerville had to exit to make that happen? Crown City is Guyan Precinct and was the only one that departed while Guyan Township remained. As was the case with the departure of Crown City, it will be a county wide voting issue and not just a vote for Walnut TWP and Centerville. I would completely understand Centerville being released being only 8 miles from Oak Hill. When Crown City pulled out residents attended Fairland school board meetings because they needed a commitment that Fairland would accept Crown City as a part of its district. Also, there was no school building involved. Had the township (location of HTE) tried to pull out all bets would have been off. Fairland had no interest in adding the expense of a building to its budget. One thing to add a bus route. Another to add a building and all associated cost.
Centerville is Raccoon township not Walnut. SWE is in Perry township. I think Walnut is further south and includes Mudsoc maybe Patriot and or Cadmus. Raccoon township would have to be included for GCLSD to be split.
I still dont see how you can say the suburban areas of Dublin, Hilliard, Pickerington and etc... compare to Gallia County and opening new buildings. You have your opinion and I have mine.
Look at it like this. We all love you guys so much that both RV and SG want you. It could be worse and no one want you. I am only kidding. Have a great Sunday Raiderball!
A couple people I've talked to say the fundraising isn't going very well at this time. What I understand is that we are looking for $5M to build the two stadiums. A couple ideas I heard would be only a drop in the bucket toward this total.
Is the Holzer pledge still there for this project or will that money be used elsewhere?