Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
- PerfectionInPurple
- Riding the Bench
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Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
Give your thoughts, theories on how this epic battle between two almost state champions would play out.
Re: Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
Wasn't the 82 team more "almost" than 80? If so, I vote for them. 

Re: Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
I really thought you Southern guys had given this "Glory Days" theme up? Koondogger leaving Trimble to go to Southern? Why? Didn't you beat them both times last season? Just asking.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
Binary wrote:I really thought you Southern guys had given this "Glory Days" theme up? Koondogger leaving Trimble to go to Southern? Why? Didn't you beat them both times last season? Just asking.
Anybody from Souuthern knows it would be hard for the 1982 and 1980 teams to play each other. If you were actually from Southern you would know they had the same starting point guard. The only people who don't want to give up the glory day theme is people like you Binary. You get on here and post under all kind of different names and try to act like you are from Southern. If you want to remember those great teams.Binary instead of posting under one of your many names acting like you are from Southern. Than answering yourself under your name Binary. Just keep buying your ticket to get into the state tournament like you have done all your life and buy you a program and look in the back at past years teams and you will see Racine Southern. Look at the state records and you might even see one of Southern's former players name.
1980 Tornadoes 63 1980 Trimble 46
1982 Tornadoes 77 1982 Trimble 52
I see why if you are from Trimble you would want to talk smack.I think koondogger might have been on that 82 Trimble team.
Re: Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
George Jones wrote:Binary wrote:I really thought you Southern guys had given this "Glory Days" theme up? Koondogger leaving Trimble to go to Southern? Why? Didn't you beat them both times last season? Just asking.
Anybody from Souuthern knows it would be hard for the 1982 and 1980 teams to play each other. If you were actually from Southern you would know they had the same starting point guard. The only people who don't want to give up the glory day theme is people like you Binary. You get on here and post under all kind of different names and try to act like you are from Southern. If you want to remember those great teams.Binary instead of posting under one of your many names acting like you are from Southern. Than answering yourself under your name Binary. Just keep buying your ticket to get into the state tournament like you have done all your life and buy you a program and look in the back at past years teams and you will see Racine Southern. Look at the state records and you might even see one of Southern's former players name.
1980 Tornadoes 63 1980 Trimble 46
1982 Tornadoes 77 1982 Trimble 52
I see why if you are from Trimble you would want to talk smack.I think koondogger might have been on that 82 Trimble team.
George first let me say that if you are correct you will soon know so because you will lose your site privilages. You see you are not allowed by rule on here to give away someones identity. But even though you are wrong, you may lose your user name anyway, because the rule also states you are not allowed to even hint at a posters identity. We will see how your insistance on first, blaming me for multiple user names and second of being from Trimble is interperated by the moderators of this site. But go ahead and continue to post as long as it lasts, cause I am sitting back laughing at how far off you are about me, and how you cling to those 30 year old memoirs. Some of us have moved past our high school days. Enjoy this beautiful weather and relax. It is 2009 you know.

So again to my question, koondogger why would you leave Trimble, to go to a team you have beaten the last few times you have played them?
- JV Team
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Re: Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
Binary, I don't know about George but I bet 99% of the people on here don't give a crap who you are. I have grown tired of you. At one time it was nice to get on here and get some news on the local teams. Now all you read is a bunch of bull. Do us all a favor and grow up.
- sneake-pete
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- PerfectionInPurple
- Riding the Bench
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- Joined: Wed Jan 07, 2009 2:53 pm
Re: Who Would win the Racine Showdown?
I would love to see someone build these teams on XBox and have them play out a simulated game. As someone mentioned, you couldnt actually play the game because some boys played on both teams but that doesnt mean you couldnt play a simulated game like the y do when they have the 72 Dolphins play the 76 Steelers on NFL Network. The only difference would be those NFL teams actually won something. It would be fun to get Rick Ash and Mick Childs to do the play by play on the radio so all in meigs county could listen.
- Purple Gold
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