Vinton County football 2009

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by viking4life »

Well all i can say Yates couldn't lead ducks to water in the desert. If they was dying a thirst. And im so tired ppl on his nuts all time. LOL i love Vinton County sports and I am proud..But hell call a spade a spade he sucks. What his record at VC 2-50 way go Yates. I guess we can use old Bengals saying MAYBE NEXT YEAR. :122248


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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Bringdanoise »

Viking4life you are really one of the main problems. I can tell by your post that you have never coached in your life. Hell you probably never played. Was you one of the kids that were picked on in school? Did you go to high school with coach Yates and maybe you are jealous that he was successful and you were not?? I can say this because anyone who has no clue about sports is always the first to point the finger at the coach. Maybe look at his team versus his compitition. His first year Coach Yates went 5-5 and all 5 of his loses were to playoff teams. But some one as simple minded as you would never get that.

With all of your hostitility maybe you need a new hobby try getting a girlfriend and not living on your computer all day. Maybe live your own life and stop worrying about coach yates and the football team. You are a cancer for a program and all you want to do is see people fail because you are a failure.

You understand all of this or did I use to many big words???

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by viking4life »

Well bringdanoise lol I have forgotten more about sports than you know. I can tell the way you talk no doubt. Did i go to high school with him no. And jealous lol hardly, What has he done. First of all he got lucky getting the job that VC administration let go of one of best coaches a few years back.(jack) And queen not even close to what he followed. OK IL give you that his first season he went 5-5 hell the sun shines on dogs ass every once in awhile. He really steamrolled after that. I think you better look at the post # compared to my post # now you tell me who sets on computer all day. And as your big words yea i got it I'm just glad you have spell check to help you, Heck you can even look your big words up so you use them in proper form :-D . And yea your right i haven't coached, but trust me there is a lot of people out there who has and has not coached who think same as i do trust me. So when you read this, and since you posted way more than me i will be ready to answer any of you questions.

YATES # 1 FAN, Kenny Bix.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Bringdanoise »

HAHAHAHA because I have 20 posts and you have 10? That really shows that I live on the computer. That probably just shows that you just now figured out how to use the internet and want to show your self by bashing a coach and a program that you have no clue about.

When you take the time to coach, and I do not mean coach from the stands and be a saturday morning coach talking about what you "should" have done; you realize there is a lot more involved then just the head coach.

Some years you are up and some years you are down. You have to deal with injuries, parents, stupid fans like yourself etc. There are times when you are just out matched and I don't care who you have on the side lines that does not change.

I coach for a program that has played in state title games and also had 5-5 seasons... Same head coach and staff. We have had years with D1 recruits and went 5-5 and we have had years with no D1 talent and made the playoffs with 8 and 9 win seasons.

The thing about high school football is you play with the kids you have and you do your best... You may have a good team on Friday night but your opponent may be better... You just never know. But when you look at the programs that are in the playoffs more and more conistantly you will see one glaring fact..... THEY HAVE HAD THE SAME HEAD COACH FOR YEARS, THE GOOD YEARS AND THE BAD. YOU NEED TIME TO BUILD YOUR PROGRAM.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by viking4life »

Now come on bringdanoise you need make up your mind do i set on my computer, Or did i just get the internet? . Your kinda letting me down here i figured you would have something better than that comeback :122247 . Wow you really hurt my feelings when you say I am stupid fan that's (CRUSHING). And as you coaching yea I am sure you have LOL. And also yea THEY HAVE HAD THE SAME HEAD COACH FOR YEARS, THE GOOD YEARS AND THE BAD. YOU NEED TIME TO BUILD YOUR PROGRAM. Problem with our old ball coach hasten had a good year since he started. Hell if you have coached fax me Ur resume and I will do a anonymous fax to main office, We together can pull this off with all Ur credentials. :!: .

Yates #1...Kenny Bix

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Bringdanoise »

Not that I have to prove myself to you, but yes I have coached high school football for the past 7 years. I have coached teams with a lot of talent and some with not much at all and we have won and lost games with both. I never said that I could change the state of this program. That will take time and that is what Coach Yates needs.

The problem with people like you is all you see is the win/loss numbers. There is much more than all of that. I could try to explain it but I truely believe you wouldn't get it.

So just be you... blame the coach for everything. Keep bringing down the program with your negativity. There is really no reason to even talk to you about football because it really seems that you are uneducated about the game.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by VCLoyLT »

OK I have read all the post on this thread and the ones on the thread from the BC vs VC game. I understand that a coach needs time to rebuild...He has went down since he took over not up. Yates won 5 games his first year and there after he has won fewer and fewer. God help us this year we will probably go 0-10. The team he had his first year was actually a good team. I know that some of you on here wants to blame the lil vikes program...well I say to that I'm sorry you are just mad because they can win games. The lil vikes program is a great program for kids that want to play football. My son has played for 3 years and has loved every minute of it. I am glad that they have started a flag football program and I hope that the boys LEARN something from this program.

I just don't understand how it can be anyones fault but the coach when you have kids that have played football for years and have won TVC titles in Jr. high and then get to high school and can't win one or two games??? Please tell me whos fault it is??? Yates has had 5 years to "turn" the program around and he has failed miserably.

To the person who suggested that we have a open forum night for yates and everybody to talk and suggest that will never happen...Have you ever even been around Yates??? He walks around this town like he owns the place...personally I would be embarrassed to be seen in public. I know very little about football and I can predict what plays he is running!

As for supporting the Vinton COunty Vikings...I will forever!!! I love this area..I went to school here and my kids will graduate from here too. But it breaks my heart to go to games and watch us lose the way we have been losing. It is really ridiculous and I personally think it should stop soon!!!

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Steel Reserve »

Mybe the answer is to start soccer at Vinton County and to phase out football. It would probably be much cheaper for the school and it may help the basketball team.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by hawkeyepierce »

VCLoyLT wrote:OK I have read all the post on this thread and the ones on the thread from the BC vs VC game. I understand that a coach needs time to rebuild...He has went down since he took over not up. Yates won 5 games his first year and there after he has won fewer and fewer. God help us this year we will probably go 0-10. The team he had his first year was actually a good team. I know that some of you on here wants to blame the lil vikes program...well I say to that I'm sorry you are just mad because they can win games. The lil vikes program is a great program for kids that want to play football. My son has played for 3 years and has loved every minute of it. I am glad that they have started a flag football program and I hope that the boys LEARN something from this program.

I just don't understand how it can be anyones fault but the coach when you have kids that have played football for years and have won TVC titles in Jr. high and then get to high school and can't win one or two games??? Please tell me whos fault it is??? Yates has had 5 years to "turn" the program around and he has failed miserably.

To the person who suggested that we have a open forum night for yates and everybody to talk and suggest that will never happen...Have you ever even been around Yates??? He walks around this town like he owns the place...personally I would be embarrassed to be seen in public. I know very little about football and I can predict what plays he is running!

As for supporting the Vinton COunty Vikings...I will forever!!! I love this area..I went to school here and my kids will graduate from here too. But it breaks my heart to go to games and watch us lose the way we have been losing. It is really ridiculous and I personally think it should stop soon!!!

You are so wrong on so many accounts.

First, taking your post, statement by statement, I will show you.

Yes, as it with all good programs a coach needs time to rebuild, Dave Boston Sr. and Bob Lutz were coaching 15 years plus before they won a state championship. However, he has not went down, the kids have. I will be the first NOT to blame kids, per se, but rather there are able body kids, talented and athletic kids that DON'T play football. Is that Coach Yates's fault? No. It is a reflection of the times, some kids, especially those that are athletic look to specialized (one sport) and as a consequence the three-sport athlete is rare, and that it hurts a school of our size. Furthermore, it DOES NOT mean anything anymore to represent your school on Friday nights. And that may be a generational expression, a generation that expect instant gratification or satisfaction because they are in tune with instant messaging, the internet where the news is instant, and every other electronic gizmo that provides instant music, instant gaming, and so on.

If the Vikings go 0-10, it will not be a lack of Coach Yates and his staff NOT working their butts off to ensure that will NOT happen. I prefer to be optimistic and remain positive, I suggest you do also, it is healthier.

As for the Lil' Vikes program, as I told the Director, there is a perception and sometimes some people reality is their misguided perception. And unfortunately the perception is that the Lil' Vikes program is ONLY CONCERN with winning. Thus, limiting their numbers to ONE team, instead of developing all who is interesting playing. Then that equates to limited numbers that enter Jr. High and then eventually a limited number that enters high school as freshmen. We have 200 to 300 kids playing basketball at the elementary levels, and when they enter Jr. High there are 50 to 70 kids trying out for 7th grade girls and boys basetball. I am extremely glad that your son had played and enjoyed it, I hope that he will be a beacon of light for others to follow, because we will not only need him we will need his buddies also.

Now, I am not sure about this, I don't think that they have a TVC Jr. High Football Banners. If they do, it is a travesty. At the Jr. High level and below it should be about developing, coming together as a team, and fun. It should always be fun. In high school at the freshman level, lets develop talent and competition for starting spots, maintaining team cohesiveness and pride, and team goals, and of course, wins.

Coach Yates is in his fourth season. And he works his tail off, practices, games, film studies, getting films, game planning, and media requests, and he does all of that because he is happy with the status quo? No. He played on some of those great teams of the 90's, and he knows what it means to be a Viking and a winner, so do you think that he is happy and he is not working to change it? Don't be foolish in your answer.

I know Coach Yates very well and he is not afraid of an open forum, however, he devotes a lot of time to the team and this season, while trying to maintain a family balance, with two kids that play in the Lil' Vikes program. But, if you were to call, write, or catch him on the street when he "walks around this town like he owns the place" he will speak to you and try his best to answer your concerns.

If you wish to continue to support Vinton County, the Vikings, and the children at play, then be positive. Don't use this forum to voice your concerns, as I said they can be directly address by any number of people.

It is time for everyone to get on the same page.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Bringdanoise »

Well said Hawkeye.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Orange and Brown »

This is my opinion.........

If V.C. wants to turn there program around then all of the community needs to get behind it. I am sure that coach Yates is a fine coach and if people give him a chance he can turn things around, but it is hard for a coach to do his job and stand in front of his players and be a leader and an example when those kids listen to the community bad mouth him.

Last year when NY played V.C. Week 10 I was shocked that there where less than 200 people in the stands on senior night!!!!!!

It's hard to take pride in the team you play for when no one in your community does!

Good luck the rest of the year!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by hawkeyepierce »

Orange and Brown wrote:
Last year when NY played V.C. Week 10 I was shocked that there where less than 200 people in the stands on senior night!!!!!!

It's hard to take pride in the team you play for when no one in your community does!

Good luck the rest of the year!!!!!!!!!

In fairness, it was raining. I know I was a senior parent.


Thank you for your support.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by NY BUCKS »

WOW the first thing vinton co as a whole needs to do.STEP BACK TAKE A DEEP BREATH.REMEMBER THESE ARE KIDS!!!!!.OK VINTON KNOWS HOW TO LOSE.What Vinton needs to figure out is HOW TO WIN.START OVER GO BACK TO THE BASICS ( IT CANT HURT) The outcome may only get worse if VINTON FANS KEEP FIGHTING among yourselfs.Find a common thread that Vinton can RALLY AROUND. FIRST THE KIDS HAVE TO BELIVE IN THIER SELFS.Dave Boston Sr always told us right before our GAMES.I DONT CARE IF OHIO STATE IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BALL KNOCK THEM ON THIER ASSES. :122247 :122247 :122247

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by ohiostatebaby »

the vikings will struggle again, why? the adminstration wont get yates good assistant coaches. the little vikes program sucks, it does more to discourage kids from playing so it can win a super bowl. the kids themselves it means nothing anymore to represent your school on friday night. we have a winning basketball program so every boy in school thinks he is a basketball player. all of the best players transfers because they are selfish or their parents have a misguided grip of reality. everybody can blame yates but it aint his fault if they fire him they will have these same problems next year.

Ok kenny bix is an ignorant moron, I can guarantee he is referring to Thompson leaving last year cause his parents found a house for a good price that was closer to their other kids in columbus and his mom's business. Besides I do believe he had 160+ tackles and got to start for Logan Elm getting All-District and All-State Honorable Mention as a Sophomore. I'm sorry but the TVC is a joke compared to other Division 3 leagues. Luke worked his butt off to get where he's at. The credit goes to Coach Games for training and believing in him, you can't blame the coaches, Luke couldn't have done it without him.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Dundas »

NY BUCKS wrote:WOW the first thing vinton co as a whole needs to do.STEP BACK TAKE A DEEP BREATH.REMEMBER THESE ARE KIDS!!!!!.OK VINTON KNOWS HOW TO LOSE.What Vinton needs to figure out is HOW TO WIN.START OVER GO BACK TO THE BASICS ( IT CANT HURT) The outcome may only get worse if VINTON FANS KEEP FIGHTING among yourselfs.Find a common thread that Vinton can RALLY AROUND. FIRST THE KIDS HAVE TO BELIVE IN THIER SELFS.Dave Boston Sr always told us right before our GAMES.I DONT CARE IF OHIO STATE IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE BALL KNOCK THEM ON THIER ASSES. :122247 :122247 :122247

As sore as Nelsonville York fans get about being called 'Nelsonville' ...without the York.... Vinton is a town in Gallia County.... Its Vinton County.

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by kenwellsied »

hi guys i'm Ken Wells From IED and i'm new here..I'm loooking forward to share my expertise here and learn also from you guys.. i'll see u guys around..

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Rutterkickballer »

VC Pride wrote:hi Kenny....can you coach? We want as many guys named Kenny on our staff next year as we can get.....

How about Ken Anderson?

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by ironman93 »

Is Shane Wolford going to Be the coach

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Orange and Brown »

kenwellsied wrote:hi guys i'm Ken Wells From IED and i'm new here..I'm loooking forward to share my expertise here and learn also from you guys.. i'll see u guys around..

Its a spammer!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Vinton County football 2009

Post by Ron Burgandy »

Who's gonna be callin the shots for vc? Word on the street yates resigned.

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