Brawling in the dugout?

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Brawling in the dugout?

Post by catdad3 »

I'm curious if anybody else heard about the fight in the dugout at rock hill between the two coaches that sent a kid to the hospital? If it's true who was the kid?

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by salemcat »

it was Nuke laloushe and Crash Davis

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by lostcause »

BOTH NEED TO BE BANNED FROM LITTLE LEAGUE SPORTS FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you kidding or what. if this happen this needs to be addressed to the police.
how is the kid did he suffer any serious injury. this should not be tolerated at a little league event!!!!!!!

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by Frank Reagan »

Something crazy happening at the Rock Hill Little League? I'd have never guessed it. :roll:

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by gamebreaker »

Maybe it was the guy that thinks he owns all the fields in the district, he seems to be showing up and starting all the trouble he can. He was at green this past Saturday and talked to one of the coaches like a piece of trash. Has anyone else had trouble with this guy. What a poor example in front of the kids, he needs to get a life.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by softball10 »

I know there was a fight but didn't hear about a kid involved. I'm sure both are suspended. I'm sure the district person that was at Green was Donnie Rawlins and he seems to be everywhere doing the same to all leagues. He is like everyone else, just trying to do his job all as a volunteer and like all others who complain, if you don't like it show up at the district meeting when they vote for the district administrator and cast a vote. Really, though, I'm not sure how that works. I'm hear to say problems are at all fields not just Rock Hill.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by bulkmove »

softball 10 is right, there are problems in every little league. Parents and coaches get to caught up in the game and get emotionally involved. Afterwards, I've heard many parents explain how embarrassed they were by their actions.

However, I think everyone would agree that fighting, PERIOD, should result in a complete ban of that parent/coach/volunteer. I can't think of one reason why a person would actually throw a punch in a little league game.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by Orange and Brown »

I am thankful that we don't have these kinds of problems here in Nelsonville.

I hope that these coaches do not ever get to coach again and some kind of legal action should be taken to. That will make your whole little league look bad even though it was just 2 coaches. What a shame.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by SENDEM »

I really dont know what went on at Rock Hill but I do know this that if this really did happen That these 2 coach will be dealt with from the district. An the comment about Donnie Rawlins at green, I have known him for many many year an he WILL NOT say anything to anyone UNLESS they are breaking the rules an if it happened I would say that person was doing something that WRONG. PLAIN AN SIMPLE!

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by softball10 »

I'm pretty sure both parties involved would agree that their actions were uncalled for and wish they had to do it over again. I for one have learned by watching peoples reactions and listening to people "run their mouths" from the sidelines. They embaress those around them, their families and especially their children. They might think that it is funny, but someone is getting hurt by their words and actions--whoever that may be. I think this escalated from such words and actions and everyone should learn from it. From what I've heard there were not punches thrown, more just shoving. I could be wrong, but the child I'm told is fine and loves his coach and that is the #1 priority. Whatever the suspension, I'm sure there will be one, should be made for the kids and what is best for them. I know this coach is a good guy and loves coaching and he is very good at it. I know the kids really like him and I'm sure that it would be worse on the kids to kick him off the hill for the whole season. It's a tough call. By the way, it was a coach and a parent, not two coaches.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by Orange and Brown »

softball10 wrote:I'm pretty sure both parties involved would agree that their actions were uncalled for and wish they had to do it over again. I for one have learned by watching peoples reactions and listening to people "run their mouths" from the sidelines. They embaress those around them, their families and especially their children. They might think that it is funny, but someone is getting hurt by their words and actions--whoever that may be. I think this escalated from such words and actions and everyone should learn from it. From what I've heard there were not punches thrown, more just shoving. I could be wrong, but the child I'm told is fine and loves his coach and that is the #1 priority. Whatever the suspension, I'm sure there will be one, should be made for the kids and what is best for them. I know this coach is a good guy and loves coaching and he is very good at it. I know the kids really like him and I'm sure that it would be worse on the kids to kick him off the hill for the whole season. It's a tough call. By the way, it was a coach and a parent, not two coaches.

I don't care who it was. It was uncalled for and its crazy that a coach would fight with any one in front of a bunch of kids!!!!!!
Now its one thing if he didn't throw any punches and was trying to fend this parent off, but from what I heard and I don't know if its true or not, they both were throwing punches.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by catdad3 »

i know both people involved it was a parent and a coach things started off fine between the two and it just escalated into a shoving match the parent should've never been in the dugout to begin with never the less it doesn't matter what kind of coach he is or who loves the guy he's a school teacher and he should've known better i think neither one should be allowed around sporting events where children are involved or at least not be allowed to coach any team ever again and forget about the little league board i hear there were several board members watching this as well so it would lead me to believe that the ones not wanting them both gone are the same ones who probablly have kids on this guys team and dont think they could win without him

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by Orange and Brown »

sounds like a mess

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by SENDEM »

This event has been brought to the attention of the District 11 administration an it will be dealt with by them an possibly Central Region in Indianapolis not the local board. Cause if there was local board members that was around an didnt stop it from happening then they have no buisness being a board member. An on another note the umpire " NO MATTER WHO IT WAS " should've never let a person on the field that didnt belong there in the 1st place. JMO

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by sports23432 »

So what is a coach to do when they are attacked by a parent of the other team?? I blame the PARENT for being such an idiot and he should be banned from ANY sports related activities. The coach should be punished also but maybe a suspension for the rest of the season or something.
I for one dont have a child in baseball, thank goodness, but I do know the people involved. I hope this can be settled soon for everyone involved.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by Peanut »

I think the conclusion has been said many times----how everyone wishes it didn't happen. It is unfortunate but I'm sure other people have had fights in their leagues also. I don't think blame should be had on anyone but the two involved. The parent came in the dugout to get out of the rain and no one at the time knew he was there. From what I'm told, they were joking around and then it when too far but too say people did nothing is wrong. From what I"m told, also, many went to separate them. I just don't want to see blame put on the umpire or board members. The board should handle it, that is their job.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by SENDEM »

I have been involved with Little League for quite sometime from coaching to Umpiring locally to the Regional tournaments. An the 1st thing that is told to an umpire once that both teams have hit the field an the gates are shut, " THERE IS TO BE NO ONE ON THE FIELD THAT DOES NOT BELONG THERE AN THAT INCLUDES PARENTS EVEN IN THE EVENT THAT A CHILD IS HURT UNTIL THE UMPIRE'S AN COACHS CHECKS OUT THE SITUTATION". So for this to have happened there had to have been some HEATED WORD between the 2 parties before the parent came on the field an in the dugout after the coach an it should have been dealt with then by a board member or the umpire on the field PERIOD. Now both will have to pay the price an it will be COSTLY.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by slider00 »

SENDEM wrote:I have been involved with Little League for quite sometime from coaching to Umpiring locally to the Regional tournaments. An the 1st thing that is told to an umpire once that both teams have hit the field an the gates are shut, " THERE IS TO BE NO ONE ON THE FIELD THAT DOES NOT BELONG THERE AN THAT INCLUDES PARENTS EVEN IN THE EVENT THAT A CHILD IS HURT UNTIL THE UMPIRE'S AN COACHS CHECKS OUT THE SITUTATION". So for this to have happened there had to have been some HEATED WORD between the 2 parties before the parent came on the field an in the dugout after the coach an it should have been dealt with then by a board member or the umpire on the field PERIOD. Now both will have to pay the price an it will be COSTLY.

There were no heated words before the parent came on the field, the parent was talking and joking with the coach several minutes before it escalated, both parties were in the wrong. It was during a rain delay and nobody was actually on the field of play. Not making excuses for anybody involved, just an ufortunate incident which has been dealt with by the board.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by Sports fan »

catdad3 wrote:i know both people involved it was a parent and a coach things started off fine between the two and it just escalated into a shoving match the parent should've never been in the dugout to begin with never the less it doesn't matter what kind of coach he is or who loves the guy he's a school teacher and he should've known better i think neither one should be allowed around sporting events where children are involved or at least not be allowed to coach any team ever again and forget about the little league board i hear there were several board members watching this as well so it would lead me to believe that the ones not wanting them both gone are the same ones who probablly have kids on this guys team and dont think they could win without him
You started this post asking questions,and now you tell the story as if you were in the dugout and wittnessed everything that happened. I could tell one person the story and by the time it gets to the 10th person,the child could be in a coma and both adults could be in intensive care. I think most of us have high standards for ourselves (or aleast i hope we do)and a reputation to keep.So maybe we should think before we say anything, Because we could easily find ourselves in a situation that we never dreamed would happen and ruin our reputation with the help from others that have no idea what really happened. So let's all try to be kind with our words and not use a bad situation,because maybe you don't like the people involved. Life is hard enough, we don't need people stirring the pot. Just remember it could be any one of us,and i would hope someone would say something nice or say nothing at all if you weren't there to witness what happened. I Was there and it didn't happen the way you told it. I know many of you who are posting and i know you were not there.

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Re: Brawling in the dugout?

Post by softball10 »

to SENDEM: i would just like to say that most umpires who umpire little league games are just parents who volunteer their time. No they haven't had all the training you seem to have had or did regional tournaments or are some great umpires from above---they just volunteer their time, please people get off their cases. We wonder why we cannot find people to help at these fields and this is why. We all just give our time, and yes we make mistakes, but at least we volunteer.
I will also say to SPORTs FAN: that was well said. It was during a rain delay and these two guys talk to each other all the time. One guy just went a little too far with his jokes and the other took offense. I was not there, but like you said, i have heard about 10 different versions.

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