Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Congrats to the Pirates and Tigers on being the SOC2 Co-Champs. Good luck to Waverly on Thu in the regional semis
Well... All I can say is the umpires were horrible. On Both sides. Many missed plays and inconsistent strike zone. I thought both teams handle themselves well thru the frustrations. I usually don't complain much about the umpires but this was ridiculous.
Several players on each side with single hit games.
Well... All I can say is the umpires were horrible. On Both sides. Many missed plays and inconsistent strike zone. I thought both teams handle themselves well thru the frustrations. I usually don't complain much about the umpires but this was ridiculous.
Several players on each side with single hit games.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 61
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
BULDOG wrote:Congrats to the Pirates and Tigers on being the SOC2 Co-Champs. Good luck to Waverly on Thu in the regional semis
Well... All I can say is the umpires were horrible. On Both sides. Many missed plays and inconsistent strike zone. I thought both teams handle themselves well thru the frustrations. I usually don't complain much about the umpires but this was ridiculous.
Several players on each side with single hit games.
I have to agree with you on that Buldog. I thought it was very inconsistent. I don't normally like to complain about the umps either, but I thought it was horrible. I thought Burg played a great game. That was a great performance by your starting pitcher. I felt Waverly shot their self in the foot behind the plate. However, I think both teams played their heart out. I hate to say this being a Waverly fan, but Waverly better shore up their defense or it will be a long game Thursday.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
to tiger fan thats my son behind the plate . He has a bad game so the lose the title?? I see alot of kids make errors on this team but nothing will be said to them.So you need to keep you mouth shut or you could call me and we could talk about it face to face.. he played all year (his heart out).Iwatched all year long other players have errors and they were told its alright.But his name isnt robo or teeters or roback. Hope i can find you tiger fan at the game. But i bet you money you will not show your face>> He takes Enough crap from the so called coaches .Now he hes getting crap from you.You go and catch with a brused thumb.
- Waterboy
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Wow! I took it that the previous post was that Waverly needed to be better @ batting, not take a shot @ the catcher. Maybe I'm wrong.
To Wavery, Congrats on sharing the title and good luck with the tournament.
Wow! I took it that the previous post was that Waverly needed to be better @ batting, not take a shot @ the catcher. Maybe I'm wrong.
To Wavery, Congrats on sharing the title and good luck with the tournament.
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 61
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
If he is injured he has no business being out there, I don't care who it is. That is why there are capable players on the bench. By the way I will be at the game, come and see me and I will explain my reasons. Four pitches were lost by the catcher not fielding the ball correctly and 2 runs were given up. Also, you have no business bringing Robo, Teeters, and Roback into this conversation. By far the whole team has played great but you can not give away runs like that.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Ok I have let it be known who I am ! Now lets see if you can find it in yourself to let it be known who you are. This team has done a wonderful job ! Yes there are players on the bench to replace others. To have good pitchers you have to have a good cather !! So I want to see if you can or will talk to me off this site. How many blocked balls and wild pitches has he saved all year long without any mention being made of them. You singled Chancey Woods out so why can't I mention names. You need to stop and think THE PLAYERS read this .... How do you think YOU made MY SON FEEL ???? 

- Waterboy
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Hats off to the Waverly TIGERS !! I am a long time fan of Waverly win or lose. I have played many games of baseball myself. I have not missed but one game this season. To Tigerfan 31 you should have never ever gotten on here and singled out the catcher Chauncey Woods. He is a wonderful boy both on and off the field. I don't blame his father for coming out at you like he did. He is right the kids read this !! Sounds as if you may have a son sitting the bench ? !! I have seen these boys play they all have and will continue to make mistakes. I too have noticed that certain players can miss balls and strikeout and they stay right in the game. Lastnight I noticed it happen and the only one pulled for mistakes was the WOODS boy. Not sure what is going on in this school system but I sure noticed it lastnight. Names ... Politics which is it ?? Who eats with who ?? LAst but not least ... YOU BOYS go to Zanesville play your hardest I will be there supporting Chauncey on or off the bench !!! You go WAVERLY !! Lets bring home the wins. P.S> To the Woods family let it go in one ear and out the other, with fans like tiger31 Waverly don't need you as a fan !!!
- Riding the Bench
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Ok, I did not say anything about the rest of the year. I think in large Chancey has done great throughout the year. He is the starting catcher, so there is proof that he has done good job behind the plate. I don't know how I made your son feel but I hope it made him want to play the best game of his life. I want to see the Chancey at the beginning of the year. If you must know I am related to Robo and that is all you need to know. I am passionate about Waverly baseball as I am sure you are. There were lots things that could have went the other way last night. Some pitches that are thrown are wild but some are thrown that way to deceive the batter. I am also one of those that did congratulate your son after the game with Circleville at the VA. I want to see the Chancey at the beginning of the year. I still go back to my point, if he is hurt then why chance hurting him more. From what I have heard he is going to Marietta College next year, which is great. I want to see all 9 players on the field play the best defense they can possible play because it is going to take that and some key hitting to beat Cambridge. Go Tigers.. 

Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
jtc, when I read the post I too thought it was a bad way to word things on this site as well. If that was my son, I probably would have reacted the same way. That being said, let your son know that I caught in H.S., College, and beyond trying to make it as far as I could for as long as I could. Catching is not easy at all, in fact it is the most difficult and draining position on the field. Catchers often get as much credit as offensive linemen do in football. When you call a good game, block balls in the dirt, etc. not much gets said. However, when you throw a ball into centerfield, have a passed ball, or don't field a bunt correctly, people who have never been behind the plate are all over you.
At the H.S. level, passed balls are going to happen from time to time just like a fly ball will be dropped or a ground ball booted. You can't blame something like that for losing a game no matter the situation, there are 7 innings to play to make other things happen and make up for errors. Furthermore, I am a coach and believe he does a good job back there. Robertson curve ball is pretty nasty at times and he handles it just fine.
Last night, Wheelersburg won the game and was the better team as Waverly was the better team the 1st time around. This is why both teams are SOC Champions and very well earned on both sides.
At the H.S. level, passed balls are going to happen from time to time just like a fly ball will be dropped or a ground ball booted. You can't blame something like that for losing a game no matter the situation, there are 7 innings to play to make other things happen and make up for errors. Furthermore, I am a coach and believe he does a good job back there. Robertson curve ball is pretty nasty at times and he handles it just fine.
Last night, Wheelersburg won the game and was the better team as Waverly was the better team the 1st time around. This is why both teams are SOC Champions and very well earned on both sides.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Thanks catch24 for kind words. He will appreciate it. Thank you
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
I am Chancey's mother .. Thank you catch24 !! I want whoever it was that said what they said about my son to just make sure you pull CHANCEY aside let him hear it from you " your sorry ". I really don't care who you are I think I know. now that you said what you did. I think coach Noble and the OTHER coach or coaches !! Should be so proud of these boys !! I do want you to know Tiger31 .. I had to stop MY SON !!! from picking up the phone and calling coach Noble and telling him he QUITS ... I didn't raise a quiter .. He is a wonderful Catcher from others I have seen,but I didnt get on here and slam anyother players like you did my SON !! We as a family are having a hard time now as to weather or not to even let him play. NO glory for any catchers out there it's a hard hard job. Just think they as catchers throw just as many BALLS as a PITCHER DOES !!! and NO GLORY COMES THEIR WAY !!! So hats off to all the hard working CATCHERS OUT THERE !!!
- Riding the Bench
- Posts: 61
- Joined: Thu May 07, 2009 5:38 pm
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
jtc--My reactions could have been better. I state again I am very passionate about Waverly. I played baseball in H.S. and have caught before at that level. Before you ask, I was horrible. I could only dream to have been as talented as Chancey is both on the field and off the field. Catch24 is right it is tough to catch. Believe me, I want Chancey to come out and throw out runners and hit some homeruns. He is a senior and a great athlete and needs to be on the field with his leadership and talented athletic abilities . Also, you are right, the catcher is just as important as the pitcher maybe sometimes more. It is not right that he receive all the blame. The team lost the game not Chancey. That is what makes baseball so great, it is a team sport win as a team lose as a team. This team needs Chancey as well as every other player on the team. I am sorry for my words. I should have worded things a lot different. I am hoping he comes out and plays great. I will be there cheering for him as I do every member of the team.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Okay, like I said, I would let the regulars comment before I chimed in. I was correct in thinking it would be interesting. I cannot believe Tiger fans are getting on here going at each other. We get that enough from other schools. Pull it together and quit blaming individual players for the loss. You win and lose as a team.
If you're going to blame the catcher for 2 runs given up on passed balls or wild pitches he didn't stop then why not blame the pathetic umps who blew two calls at the plate (2 Burg runs which were outs), or the two blown pick-off attempts at 1st base which would have stifled Burg rallies, or the TERRIBLE 3rd out call to end the Waverly rally in the bottom of the 4th. You call out kids and blame them when this was the most pathetic display of umpiring I have ever seen in a High School game. Where in the world was the strike zone? I don't think anyone knew.
Wheelersburg hit the ball much better than Waverly last night and that was the difference.
Both are in the Regionals so I'd say they are both pretty good ball teams!
Here's hoping both represent the SOC and southern Ohio well.
If you're going to blame the catcher for 2 runs given up on passed balls or wild pitches he didn't stop then why not blame the pathetic umps who blew two calls at the plate (2 Burg runs which were outs), or the two blown pick-off attempts at 1st base which would have stifled Burg rallies, or the TERRIBLE 3rd out call to end the Waverly rally in the bottom of the 4th. You call out kids and blame them when this was the most pathetic display of umpiring I have ever seen in a High School game. Where in the world was the strike zone? I don't think anyone knew.
Wheelersburg hit the ball much better than Waverly last night and that was the difference.
Both are in the Regionals so I'd say they are both pretty good ball teams!
Here's hoping both represent the SOC and southern Ohio well.
- roundingthird
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Coach Noble and others have done a fine job this season, there is no room at all for ANYONE to come on here and bash them for any reason. Nob has been around baseball his whole life, and will manage this team to the best of his capabilities.
jtc, you have no reason to involve other players in this discussion. Robertson, Teeters, and Roback have all had a great season.
jtc, you have no reason to involve other players in this discussion. Robertson, Teeters, and Roback have all had a great season.
Last edited by roundingthird on Wed May 27, 2009 9:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
- SE
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Congratualtions to the Burg and Tiger players and coaches on sharing the SOC title. Coach Estep and Coach Noble have done a very good job leading their respective programs. It is a joy to watch good baseball teams play the game.
On a personal note, my son graduated last year from Wheelersburg and played catcher for the Pirates. I know first hand, along with Vols fan the bumps, bruises and pounding that a catcher takes during the course of a game and season. It is a tough, demanding job that many cannot understand because they have never played that particular position. Sometimes, under the best circumstances, our emotions as parents and fans get the best of us and we say things we wish we had never said. I admire mom and dad for sticking up for their son but I also respect the other man who apologized for making a bad decision with his post. Hopefully, all of us can learn from this mistake and move on with the season.
Best of luck to both teams as you move on in tournament play, represent the SOC and southern Ohio.
On a personal note, my son graduated last year from Wheelersburg and played catcher for the Pirates. I know first hand, along with Vols fan the bumps, bruises and pounding that a catcher takes during the course of a game and season. It is a tough, demanding job that many cannot understand because they have never played that particular position. Sometimes, under the best circumstances, our emotions as parents and fans get the best of us and we say things we wish we had never said. I admire mom and dad for sticking up for their son but I also respect the other man who apologized for making a bad decision with his post. Hopefully, all of us can learn from this mistake and move on with the season.
Best of luck to both teams as you move on in tournament play, represent the SOC and southern Ohio.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
I dont agree with much of anything anybody is saying on here Ive lived in waverly all my life and i know many of the players on the team. everybody makes mistakes and i think if someone makes mistakes they should know it and try there hardest to fix them. That being said i think everyone should layoff tiger31 he is just posting his oppinion on here i havent been to many games but what i know is that chancey is a great catcher and at times is one of the best in the SOC but when he is hurt hes not as his best and does make mistakes .all he can do about that is try his hardest to do his best next time if he cant then i believe waverly has better on the bench.but if he proves to himself and everyone else what he really can do waverly will have a good shot at a final four apperience. i think chancey needs someone telling him he is making mistakes to make him get a drive to do better sometimes the truth hurts but it always makes you better that being said i am a waverly graduate and played baseball in the past years and i know that Robertson and Teeters did not have a name and that over their 4 years have earned there self a name there is a big diff. than already having a name and earning a name ive played baseball with both and they have worked very hard to get where they are at.
- Freshman Team
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
High school athletes shouldn't be reading a web site that is strictly based on opinons of parents/ "grown ups". Worry only about the opinons that matter your parents and coaches. Remember this is still high school these kids are not getting paid or receiving scholarships!!
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Congratulations to both teams on their championships and good luck on Thursday.
- JV Team
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
I watch a lot of high school athletic events and IMO officiating has gone downhill in past few years. I get on basketball referees sometimes, but since I've been in a striped shirt a few times (not a referee now) I feel I can. Umpires I usually give a break, but those umps........WOW!!
How do you miss the catch at the fence? The runner interfernece happend 2 feet in front of the field ump and he made the plate ump call it. The pick off at first. I think Roberston slid into first he was out. The strike zone was all over the place.
And the double play to end was it the 4th, the second basemen wasn't close to the bag. Umm Waverly had an out at third. Yes he did come off the bag, but when he landed the runner hadn't reached base yet. I could go on.
It was a awful thing to have happen in a game between two good baseball games.
Go get Cambridge Thursday!!!!!!!!
How do you miss the catch at the fence? The runner interfernece happend 2 feet in front of the field ump and he made the plate ump call it. The pick off at first. I think Roberston slid into first he was out. The strike zone was all over the place.
And the double play to end was it the 4th, the second basemen wasn't close to the bag. Umm Waverly had an out at third. Yes he did come off the bag, but when he landed the runner hadn't reached base yet. I could go on.
It was a awful thing to have happen in a game between two good baseball games.
Go get Cambridge Thursday!!!!!!!!