Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Let's focus on the regionals. Don't cause any turmoil on a successful team. As Barney Fyffe would say "nip it, nip it in the bud." The boys need to concentrate on Cambridge not the fans and what they think. The boys are winners, they're 24-5, district champs and league champs. The most important thing is that our kids play with class and when this season is over they will still be nice young men. I tip my hat to Coach Noble and his staff.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
jtc wrote:He takes Enough crap from the so called coaches .
Who are the "so called" coaches?
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Its a shame that Waverly is having such a good year and folks still complain about coaching. 24-5 (Best record in school history) SOCII Champs, Sectional Champs, District Champs. Sounds like that coaches are terrible and shouldnt even be out there.
This is exactly why schools are losing good people
This is exactly why schools are losing good people
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
There used to be a time when a coach could get on a kid and not have to worry about his parents stepping in. That was part of playing the game. Those days are gone.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Trooper ... It was a coach that singled my son out > !!! Pointed him out as losing the game. SO with this being said I can defend my son as I feel. I will say no more about this even happening, Tiger31 knows he has said SORRY !! So enough is enough !! It takes a whole team to WIN a game and it takes a WHOLE TEAM to lose one too !! It's now my son's choice if he wants to go play with the team or stay home. I can only support him in what ever choice he makes.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
i hope everthing works out.
i am a big piketon fan, but i still always root on waverly.
i am a big piketon fan, but i still always root on waverly.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
jtc wrote:Trooper ... It was a coach that singled my son out > !!! Pointed him out as losing the game. SO with this being said I can defend my son as I feel. I will say no more about this even happening, Tiger31 knows he has said SORRY !! So enough is enough !! It takes a whole team to WIN a game and it takes a WHOLE TEAM to lose one too !! It's now my son's choice if he wants to go play with the team or stay home. I can only support him in what ever choice he makes.
Amen to the team thing. Many things go into winning a game or losing a game and it is never on one single player. Sometimes it even becomes critcial coaching decisions that make or break a tight game.
jtc... hopefully your son will look past these issues and continue to play this great game of baseball if solely due to that he loves the game. Tell him to do his job and enjoy the ride as it will soon be over. Waverly has had a great season with more baseball to be played. To get further it takes a unique chemistry and bond between parents, players and coaches or the road will end.
To the Waverly fans... Get behind this team and help push them onward. They are a solid ball club and should be proud of their accomplishments.
Good Luck Tigers... Stay focused on one game at a time. An old saying goes... "Let's play until they make us quit!"
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Trooper wrote:There used to be a time when a coach could get on a kid and not have to worry about his parents stepping in. That was part of playing the game. Those days are gone.
Trooper, you are correct that some coaches do worry about what parents or players think, but I can guarantee that Nobby is not one of those coaches.
jtc, if the coach did say it to your son, then he needs to apologize and move on, I am sure there was a lot of emotion going on after the game. Quitting is not an option in my opinion and that is what you should be telling your son. This is not the last time that a coach is going to say something to your son that is not appropriate, but you just go out and play your game with heart, you don't quit. Obviously he is on the field for a reason, coaches usually win with their best players on the field. My oldest son had a college coach that told him and us he could not hit, throw, catch, etc. was the worst player he had ever seen at the college level, after he told him he was the best catcher he had ever seen, and spent a year under that coaches guidance, everyone has their own stories about coaches. Now, my son gets to face that coach atleast 4 times per season and he usually hits a home run or two and laughs to himself all the way around the bases. My point being, coaches and even some parents say and do things that we may not agree with all the time, and believe me, it is hurtful to the entire family, but if a player just shuts up and plays his game, then his actions will speak for himself, but if he quits then he has no opportunity to prove himself and was not a player anyway.
Tigers and Pirates just need to play the game and leave it on the field and in the dugout. Good Luck in the upcoming games!
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Crazy Legs wrote:High school athletes shouldn't be reading a web site that is strictly based on opinons of parents/ "grown ups". Worry only about the opinons that matter your parents and coaches. Remember this is still high school these kids are not getting paid or receiving scholarships!!
Crazy Legs, well said, and I would say that most school atheletes do not read this stuff until their parents tell them what was being said on here. I know that my two do not read it nor do they have the time to get on here, nor do they really care what anyone thinks on here because it is not going to impact their lives and the way they play any game.
Now, let's move on and play some ball and get these teams to State!!
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Only in Waverly does this stuff happen. Unbelievable!!!!!!
Good Luck Coach Noble and ALL of the Waverly Tigers! Let the so called Adults fight this nonsense out, You guys just go play ball like you have all year.

Good Luck Coach Noble and ALL of the Waverly Tigers! Let the so called Adults fight this nonsense out, You guys just go play ball like you have all year.
- roundingthird
- JV Team
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Regardless of what happens Waverly needs to focus on the game tomorrow at Zanesville vs. Cambridge.
Waverly has a very capable backup in the sophomore Tyler Halterman. He looked good behind the plate last night, catching a difficult foul ball and throwing a runner out at 2nd.
Waverly has a very capable backup in the sophomore Tyler Halterman. He looked good behind the plate last night, catching a difficult foul ball and throwing a runner out at 2nd.
- Waterboy
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- Joined: Wed May 27, 2009 7:55 am
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
To all the Tiger Fans ... I believe we as fans, players, and parents ALL need to stop and support our players ( fielders, CATCHERS, pitchers, coaches). This all started over Tiger31 negitive remark toward Chauncey, They win as a team and lose as a TEAM !! as it was said before. I know Chauncey is not a quiter, he loves the game way to much to quit. But I can see why he would feel this way. This young fellow has had some rough things going on in his life that not even half of us has seen in a life time. But he has come back to play each time. No not meaning for no one to feel sorry for him but he out of all the players I have to say is there for the love of the game not just for him but for his FATHER and his MOTHER. I can see him sometimes wanting to give up but they (his parents) keep this boy going reguardless of their difficulties. So what i'm saying is everyone players , parents, fans and coaches need to stop and think we all have off days. So don't point fingers at ONE person, because remember you always have four other fingers pointing back at you . The only one finger that shoould be pointed is the NUMBER 1 finger meaning the Tigers are Number One as a Team.
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
I know first hand how making a statement on here can affect a youg man. I made the mistake of saying something a few years back about the Burg JV team having difficulty at the SS position and it was costing them some games. I didn't mention any names and I wasn't calling out any one player because the team had tried 3 or 4 kids at the position and they all had a difficulty at the spot, but it was taken as a personal attack on a certain player.
This boys father called me since we knew each other and pointed out that I had really hurt his sons feeling and that he was doing his best. I pointed out that it wasn't meant for just him, but after rereading my post I could see how it could be taken that way. I personally apologized to the player and his family since my intentions weren't to downgrade anyone, but it was taken that way. This young man has went on to become a very top notch ballplayer and will now be moving on to play college ball. I still to this day deeply regret what I said and know better now that to say things that may be misconstrued.
We have to realize that we are talking about 14 through 18 year old kids on here and that mistakes will be made and take them with a grain of salt. Even pro players making millions a year make mistakes since no one is perfect. We all just need to get behind these kids and suppost them 100% leave the negative aspects out of our posts.
This boys father called me since we knew each other and pointed out that I had really hurt his sons feeling and that he was doing his best. I pointed out that it wasn't meant for just him, but after rereading my post I could see how it could be taken that way. I personally apologized to the player and his family since my intentions weren't to downgrade anyone, but it was taken that way. This young man has went on to become a very top notch ballplayer and will now be moving on to play college ball. I still to this day deeply regret what I said and know better now that to say things that may be misconstrued.
We have to realize that we are talking about 14 through 18 year old kids on here and that mistakes will be made and take them with a grain of salt. Even pro players making millions a year make mistakes since no one is perfect. We all just need to get behind these kids and suppost them 100% leave the negative aspects out of our posts.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Being an ex coach i will say that the catcher is the hardest job out there.The catcher better have duck feathers to play that position.I agree with volsfan on that coaches will say and make mistakes but they are the so called boss.Not the parents or anyone else.If a coach makes a mistake then he will step up and apologize in time his way.Not one play can cost a game.Although it may look like that but like the earlier post said,ther is 7 innings of what could have happened in that baseball gAME.I was told when I played alot of things that were negative also but it was a mental challege that my coach was pointing out.Sports are for our kids to learn life skills and things being said are a part of life.I understand where the parents are coming from but to talk about quitting should'nt even been thought of.Sorry for your son if it happens.I played under a man that everyone in and out of this state knows and you think he didn't say things to that nature.If the coach said that then he(and I do Know nob's)will do the right thing.It should be handled in house and not for all to hear.Congrats to both schools and goodluck in tourn.
- SE
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Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
You adults should be ashamed of yourselves. This kind of Garbage will end a great season. It is a shame that people on both sides are dumb enough to open their mouths. Physical mistakes happen in a game, move on. If you continue this banter it will affect the team. THEY ARE READING THIS.
Good Luck Tigers
From the Piketon Baseball Family
represent Pike County well!
Good Luck Tigers
From the Piketon Baseball Family
represent Pike County well!
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
Wow, a great season on the brink of destruction.
Keep your heads up boys.
Keep your heads up boys.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game

Sorry about the incorrect exposure. The Waverly runner is called safe at first.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
drrabbit wrote:
Sorry about the incorrect exposure. The Waverly runner is called safe at first.
Home field advantage?

- Waterboy
- Posts: 31
- Joined: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:04 am
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
jtc- I don't know what the situation is like within the team climate but I fear you have only made things harder for your son by letting this topic escalate on here.
Both teams are very well coached and both rosters are made up of good kids that are focused on advancing in the tournament, not about the SOC game from Tuesday.
Both teams are very well coached and both rosters are made up of good kids that are focused on advancing in the tournament, not about the SOC game from Tuesday.
Re: Wheelersburg vs Waverly 5-26-09 SOC2 Title game
drrabbit wrote:
Sorry about the incorrect exposure. The Waverly runner is called safe at first.
Do you also have a picture of the Wheelersburg fan putting the ball back into the first baseman's glove after he crashed into the fence? It was about at the same spot where this picture was taken. That was a heck of an effort by Wheelersburg's first baseman on that play, but it was an even better acting job by the fans. Or do you have a picture of the first pickoff play where the Wheelersburg player was called safe at first?
This was one of the worst umpired games I've ever seen, but at least it was consistently bad for BOTH teams.