Doug Hale remains head coach, now hired as principal of OHHS

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Doug Hale remains head coach, now hired as principal of OHHS

Post by bball fan123 »

Heard from an inside source this will be decided Wednesday evening. Stay tuned, this could be interesting
Last edited by bball fan123 on Fri May 29, 2009 12:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by Black Panther »

Is it his choice or will someone make it for him? If it's his, I would have to think he would remain the coach and give up the other job.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach


I would say the other jobs pays a lot more :mrgreen:

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by Birdman »

This could be a hugh mistake by the School Board if they adopt the No Admin. can coach. Coach Hale has built a great program and deserves to reap the benefits..

He is also a great person

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by southernohiofan »

isnt the boys coach(persin) the athletic director. would this rule also effect him also

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by bball fan123 »

that's exactly what I was thinking. why wouldn't oak hill want the girls program to have the same quality coach the boys do? it makes no sense to me but i'm not sure of all the details :? :? :aaaaa46 seems like something fishy is going on in Oak Hill :aaaaa46 :aaaaa46

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by Leaving Minford »

This is pretty ridiculous that this is even coming up. Anyone that knows Doug knows that he could do the work of 3 or 4 jobs in a workday. Having two would probably be pretty easy to him. How many times or situations would there be a conflict?

Heard the meeting has been moved to the high school in anticipation of the crowd.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by qualified101 »

it wouldnt be a matter of being able to do both jobs which we all know he could do. the conflict is he would be his own boss. again anbody that knows doug, knows this wouldnt be a problem but it will depend on who and what the board members agenda is? do all the board members like coach hale? have any of the board members had a player who played for coach hale? if so, could there be some sour grapes? there are alot of what if's. if the oak hill community shows up to support coach hale like i think they will, this will be a no brainer. the community has the power. if a board member decides to go on a witch hunt, then remember their name come re-election time.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by Black Panther »

qualified101 wrote:it wouldnt be a matter of being able to do both jobs which we all know he could do. the conflict is he would be his own boss. again anbody that knows doug, knows this wouldnt be a problem but it will depend on who and what the board members agenda is? do all the board members like coach hale? have any of the board members had a player who played for coach hale? if so, could there be some sour grapes? there are alot of what if's. if the oak hill community shows up to support coach hale like i think they will, this will be a no brainer. the community has the power. if a board member decides to go on a witch hunt, then remember their name come re-election time.
It dosen't have anything to do with that.I think what the deal is,Oak Hill now has the administrators cant coach rule.Has nothing to do with being his own boss or a board witch hunt or sour grapes.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by qualified101 »

sorry bp, that is exactly why schools go to admins cant coach. because they would be their own boss. im sure somewhere in ohio someone complained and then one school did it and the rest are following suit. i dont think its necessary personally.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by know your role »

It is a tough situation for sure. But here is the thing, being an administrator is TOUGH work. If it is done properly it consumes ALL of your time and that is the truth. Administrators are known to put 60 plus hours in a week, how can you have time for family and coach a sport. I know there is no way an administrator could pull off both and be effective. Besides it is showing that sports in more important than academics in my mind if you want to be an administrator your focus should be on your staff or school not a specific sports team. It will be interesting to see how this works itself out. Good luck to all parties involved and may a decision be made that is best for the school district, not just one sport.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by Black Panther »

know your role wrote:It is a tough situation for sure. But here is the thing, being an administrator is TOUGH work. If it is done properly it consumes ALL of your time and that is the truth. Administrators are known to put 60 plus hours in a week, how can you have time for family and coach a sport. I know there is no way an administrator could pull off both and be effective. Besides it is showing that sports in more important than academics in my mind if you want to be an administrator your focus should be on your staff or school not a specific sports team. It will be interesting to see how this works itself out. Good luck to all parties involved and may a decision be made that is best for the school district, not just one sport.
I agree,coaching at the high school level is pretty much a full time job itself now.So putting in those hours as a administrator would make it almost impossible to devote your full attention to coaching.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by whythehale? »

This has been discussed for quite awhile now. I even saw a petition being passed around at a ball game for the board to keep him. I was disappointed at how many people signed it without trying to find out more information. Was it a rule BEFORE now? Are they trying to make it a rule? If it was a rule before than I do not think it should be changed for one person. Same would apply to Norm. However, Norm may be his own boss but Doug would be higher than him so there would still be another person. If it was not already a rule, then he should be allowed. Maybe the board could agree that any decisions Doug would have to make involving basketball would have to be discussed with the board as well, to give him someone to be held accountable to. Not that I believe Doug would do anything to favor one group of students over another. I think he would make his girls work harder for things to prove the opposite.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by ocho stinko »

I know sometimes I give oak hill fans a hard time, but here is my opinion and I hope it comes across as respectful. Doug is a GREAT COACH. I agree with that 100% only a fool would argue that. He is obviously a good administrator. That being said I do not think a Superintendent in any school district should be allowed to coach period. Comparing an AD with a Superintendent job is foolish. Super is control of the whole district, ,all students, all staff, all money etc.... Super is a full time job and I can see a conflict of interest. Academics must come first. If he coaches for a year and test scores would go down then I think he would have a lot of explaining to do to the community. Toughh decision by board. I dont see politics being played. Only they can know if they made a decision that is best for ALL STUDENTS. Best of luck to oak fans. I know this will cause some debate either way no matter what the decision. Glad I am not a board memeber.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by whythehale? »

I agree with not wanting to be a board member on this one! But I do think it will come down to politics. Who knows who, who has done what for who. It always comes back to that.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by MightyOaksFan »

still in executive session

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by whythehale? »

Two things.
1. Is there already a rule in Oak Hill about being coach and super?
2. Hearing adults talk about how the board has voted so far is hilarious. You know you are adults right? This is not about how much you like/dislike Doug. This is about what is in the best interest of the school district. And throwing a fit and quitting because your not allowed to vote? LMFAO

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by Keyser_sozeThrice »

The story for today's (Thursday May 21) Times-Journal

BTW....I am no relation to Regina Boggs of the Oak Hill Union Local School Board. I was asked that at the meeting.

I would not want to be her or Mr. French right now.

No decision made on Hale holding two jobs

Sports Editor

OAK HILL — Oak Hill Union Local Schools Superintendent Doug Hale, who is also the Oak Hill High School girls varsity basketball coach, still holds both positions as of this morning.

The question remains this morning, though, as it did before Wednesday night’s regular monthly meeting of the Oak Hill Union Local Board of Education, of whether or not Hale should keep both jobs.

Much to the disapproval of the overwhelming pro-Hale crowd inside the Oak Hill High School cafetorium, a divided Oak Hill BOE did not make a decision on Hale continuing as both girls basketball coach and the district’s top administrator.

It was originally believed that a resolution to the matter could be reached on Wednesday, but instead a special meeting has been announced for next Thursday, May 28.

“Nothing has changed from today,” said Hale. “I really can’t get too in-depth about the situation, other than I don’t know where they’re (Board) at (on the issue). Something involving this situation could come up, but I’m not apprised of that right now.”

All of that after Wednesday’s much-anticipated meeting, which was attended by an estimated 70 people and included an approximate two-and-a-half hour executive session.

In addition, Hale’s brother — Board member Jeff Hale — said he was resigning from the Board and was beginning that process today.

Due to the family relationship, Jeff Hale cannot ethically vote on any hiring matter involving his brother, and instead abstains.

He addressed that by resigning, “five voting members can make that vote.”

“There has not been a decision to make that vote,” said Jeff Hale. “I made the suggestion that when there are five voting members which can make that vote, that would probably be most fair. To both the district and the community. If they (Board) so choose, they could make the motion anytime they wanted to, and if there was a second they could vote.”

The key number being five, as the Board — excluding Jeff Hale — is believed to be deadlocked at 2-2 on the issue.

None of the other four Board members publicly stated their position Wednesday, but Board members Regina Boggs and Mike French both acknowledged their opposition to Doug Hale continuing in both capacities.

Both believed that by Hale holding both titles, as opposed to only one, it is simply too demanding and/or time-consuming.

Hale, who was named the district’s interim superintendent in January, guided the Lady Oaks to the Division III state championship game on March 21.

But as the offseason began, so did the speculation on whether or not the BOE wanted Hale to continue to wear both hats.

Hale — in his dozen seasons as the girls coach at Oak Hill — has 239 victories, part of 354 for his entire coaching career.

Two of those have occurred in the Division III state semifinals — this past season and five years ago.

Moreover, with the exception of two graduated seniors, the entire Lady Oaks’ roster from this past season is returning for next year, including all eight players which played in the state championship tilt.

The Lady Oaks were on hand for the meeting, and were quite emotional during both the speeches in support of their coach as well the announcement that no decision had been made.

Hale’s immediate family, which are all part of the Lady Oaks’ basketball program, were in attendance as well.

His wife and assistant coach, Linda, was one of 11 individuals which publicly addressed the Board in support of Hale.

Hale said in a media interview after the meeting that he would like to continue as both coach and superintendent.

“I’m ready to accept the challenge of doing both if given the opportunity,” he said. “With that statement too, I don’t want to offend anybody which feels I can’t. I’ll come early and stay late, and I’ll always have the best interest of all kids and all employees in heart as I work through the day.”

He cited the precedent of Mr. Tom Davis, who is both superintendent of — and head girls basketball coach in — the East Canton school district.

Hale was also asked if he was disappointed that no decision was made.

“I understand the situation, and it is a different, unique situation,” he said.

Hale’s contract as interim superintendent is through March 2010.

All of Oak Hill’s supplemental coaching contracts are one-year contracts.

“I love this district and appreciate them allowing me to build my professional career here, to raise my children here and to be employed here,” said Hale, a 1978 graduate of Oak Hill and former star athlete in four sports at the school.

He also appreciated the enormous outpouring of support from current and past players, as well as community members.

“To notice the work ethic and the things that we’ve done, that’s greatly appreciated,” said Hale. “I want to thank those folks.”

All 11 individuals spoke in support of Hale being able to perform both duties.

Not a single individual spoke against him.

“You won’t find a better person who can handle both jobs,” said community member Chuck Miller.

“Doug Hale can do both jobs, and do both jobs well,” added Dale Rawlins. “He graduated with a 3.94 GPA in high school and was all-state in football, basketball and baseball. The guy can multi-task. When it comes time for him to be superintendent, he will be superintendent. And we already know how good of a coach he is.”

Among the other speakers were current Lady Oak Taylor Butler, former Lady Oaks Kaylin Marshall and Ashley Malone, and community members Danny Butler, Amy Kiser and Wallace “Wally” Hatfield.

Hatfield is the father of the late Janie Hatfield, who passed away in September after her lengthy battle with cancer.

Hatfield would have been a freshman for the Lady Oaks this season.

All of the speeches drew loud applause from the audience.

Butler’s was the most emotional, and Kiser’s remarks to the Board were brief but blunt.

“Your position (Oak Hill BOE) is an elected position. With all of the support here tonight for Doug, it’s common sense,” she said.

But a vote to hire Hale — or anybody else — as girls basketball coach for next season was not taken.

As a result, some of the audience members openly voiced their disapproval with the Board prior to adjournment.

Citing the Board meeting agenda, all of the supplemental positions to be hired — which were subsequently hired on Wednesday — included a name to accompany them except the following:

• varsity girls basketball coach

• assistant varsity girls basketball coach

• junior varsity girls basketball coach

• junior high girls basketball coach (2 positions)

• varsity volleyball coach

• assistant junior high football coach

Regularly, the superintendent recommends coaching candidates to the Board for hire, but Hale can not recommend himself.

Board President Aaron Michael said “that we have all well-intentioned people working on this, including Mr. (Doug) Hale. It’s definitely been a difficult issue.”

And remains an issue after Wednesday night.

[email protected]

* * *

Jackson County Times-Journal staff writer David Coyan contributed to this story.

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Re: Doug Hale's Reign as Head Coach

Post by G&B from huddle »

I am not going to comment on whether or not the No Admin can coach rule is good or not. I'll let the school board go at it.
But I have met a lot of coaches and you will not find a better person the Coach Hale. He is an outstanding coach and even a better person. Look at his record!! Stats don't lie. And he will not take credit for it he will give the credit to his girls, but come on there has to be some coaching going on there.

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